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Everything posted by Riverman

  1. Ok folks before you say checking and mini skirts. What can be done to bring fans to the games? These young women deserve better for trying to play in a sport that folks see as a MENS sport. I would like to see more attendance by UND fans for this great sport. IMHO, ticket prices could be cheaper. Why you ask? They have to turn the lights on so UND should really try to promote more and maybe cheap tickets would help. How about a few free tickets to a few of the local buisness places not just in Grand Forks but around the region.The Air base idea is great! I have met a few folks who have never been to any hockey games men or women's! I give a thumbs up to Shantel she has the girls out in public places like the Mission serving hot meals and helping out in other places in the community! Food for thought : UND avg attendance before todays games. UND 6,897 Opp 2,914 not bad but could be alot better. end rant
  2. I am with you on that one!! Sorry not a big Scotty Hennen fan. Hard to seperate him from the guy that used to live at the same apt. building I did so many years ago... I will leave the story there...
  3. Just my .02 The pc's win again.... I cannot believe people look down on their history and ancestry! (And soon as I find a great Highland Warrior for an AV I will be even happier!) If we are to ask today how many Sioux feel the use of their ancestry is portrayed it seems to me that many favor the logo and nickname as per Herald articles and the polls that ESPN did.I believe these are the people we should be listening to not a bunch of white good-nicks who tell everyone how they should feel! ps Thanks Fightonsioux for the Herald articles... psX2 Norseman,The Norse slaughtered many Celts in their domination of Europe. History is history, I forgive you and your ancestry...
  4. I don't know where in the he11 Bismark is.... But I know a few fans who drive from Bismarck, N.D. to watch Fighting Sioux hockey... Just a little F.Y.I.......
  5. #11 Jessica Kovacevich why she reminds me of Mike Prpich of the men's team I don't know...
  6. Help me to understand please. UND plays UM and UW in D1 sports. Watch the ESPN ticker some Friday or Sat night or when UND plays on CSTV. Isn't that (FREE) media exposure? Didn't REA build a new arena for BB and VB and for the real big games can play in the REA? And the AL isn't it a little newer than say, the Fargo Dome?? Just wondering if you have time maybe you could explain it to a poor ill informed UND supporter. Sure I sould like "Fox Mulder" but I bet The Big Sky would love to have both UND and NDSU if they worked together on a deal. But NDSU couldn't wait so why should UND run and follow and make errors in judgement it might be sorry for? Do I think UND will jump to D1aa and D1 in other sports? Yes I do.
  7. I agree with most of your statement. This team needs just one good puck handling D-man. aka Curtis Murphy! Go North Dakota EAST!(Bulldogs UM-Duluth)!
  8. God!
  9. Sneakers bar along the Sky Walk (Holiday Inn) it's sort of fun to take over a bar...
  10. Hennin flapping his yap does nothing for me. I don't care if State Farm is the sponsor of the out of town score board put it up on the Dam* facia ring that's what it's for isn't it? I have been to other rinks around the WCHA, OURS is the worst for yammering when the puck is in play about where to eat after the game. Canuck, You hit it right on the head!
  11. Random thoughts I have.. We have Wooger Wisdom (Former UM Gopher hockey coach) know we have Bohl-Shi*...(Current coach at NDSU) First we have Bohl:"All I can see is how much interest there was all the way from Wahpeton to Crosby,ND.,for the Bison Sioux football game",he said."I have a hard time understanding how you let that go."(well duh you went D1aa)! Also another quote: "I think every young man who has or will play football in this state looked forward to the game."(No kidding?really?) And last but not least the blame on UND quote: "It's disappointing that at this time UND has decided not to continue the rivalry."( Not even "Rocky" would say things so da*n stupid!) Even Gene Taylor understands! His Quote:"I understand why UND decided to discontinue it's rivalry with NDSU.When we will have 18 more scholarships than UND.So there is an uneven playing field."(now if he would just tell Coach Bohl that and a few of the NDSU fans!) The Hockey program didn't make money? Well somebody out bid me on ZP's game worn jersey by over a grand!(I wonder where that money goes?)
  12. UND DID NOT GO D1aa (D1)!!! WE DID NOT LEAVE D2!! Or the NCC!!NDSU left why put the blame on UND? Is there something in the water?All we hear from Fargo (cept Big Eddie) is crying about how we(UND) destroyed the rivalry. IMHO, UND left the door open for football with if your so good you play here (Alerus). That date is/was open for along time.I think NDSU declined IMHO they need our (UND fans) $$$. I heard on Big Eddies show the $2 student fee will help raise almost a million for sports.Seems a little small for D1 don't you think? I think the BSA could use a little work and the Fargo Dome needs lockers and ..... I guess know that I look at it, it is UND's fault for not helping out on paying for NDSU to be D1! Who watches Steve Hallstrom? And who cares what he has to say?
  13. Suuure Bluto. If Diggler was say another 200 lbs! Oh gawd Jim's gonna lock this subject matter down soon. Sounding like a cafe'. Quick somebody say something about hockey! Anything...
  14. IMHO (I am not a coach) And this should be taken with a grain of salt, but why use a short bench and tire them out when the other team had the horse power going? CC IMHO skated circles around the D-men! I will not blame the goalie on those two shots that went in and built CC's lead.But IMHO should have pulled JPar! To send the TEAM a message wake up out there! On another note I think we need a Goalie Coach! With all those condos being built maybe we could get J.Casey to move back for the hockey season. Watched the DU -Mavs(Direct TV) game they can put the puck in the net.Hope the D is ready this weekend!
  15. On the road and home sweeeep.
  16. My favorite player is #11 Jess K. she is the "Commie" of the women's team!
  17. Now if you could get Hennin to shut his yap while the puck is in play, I would be a happy man! As for the facia ring I thought that they were going to have the scores from the WCHA and the rest of the NCAA! What happened? Keep up the great work RW77!
  18. I think it's your fault Diggler you won't let him stand next to you at the men's hockey games.. But to be fair I did see Chuck believe it or not at the women's hockey game this last weekend. Slower paced probably could keep up with the play and the puck never leaves the ice so it's safe for him to watch! Now if we could just get a few more people from the board to go to the women's games....
  19. I say Uncle Phil should be the President he applied at Minot. I am guessing here he wants to be a pres. somewhere. Unless he is being groomed for UND..Hmmm.. Plus he likes the Logo! I would like them to publish these so called "letters". I think they are BS and IMHO these folks are spewing sour grapes! Please, IMHO they just want a few free game worn hockey jerseys and hockey tickets for all the hurt that was caused them. Ps everyone knows Toby ran the show.
  20. Errr.... Don, I was just kidding your the greatest! Next best thing to sliced bread and you really do a great job and......
  21. Really? I guess the arena record crowd on Friday night of 10,327 doesn't mean squat? Yes I did fall out of the ugly mood tree and yes I did hit every branch on the way down!!
  22. Ok, what if the puck was NOT played with a high stick? Goal correct? I can see where ZP was upset probably figured goal since it went off a Minny player. The burning question what is the % league 5 on 3 vs the Sioux. Who do we have to know to get a call? Glad to see daddy's little boy keep up the fine tradition that the WCHA Refs deserve! On the other he( derek sheep-herder) does take my mind off Don Adam!
  23. A view from Al's "Fun Bus" I would say the "some" fans the ones around the ages of 18-20 who were chanting and being a- hole in one's really had no clue. Over rated that we didn't pump 4 more goals on them on Sat. Night? I did meet a great fan who came up and told us (fans) we were class acts.I think he was himself a class act.I admire that type of person.Tip of the hat to that fan! The Blue Line Club lunch was awesome!!!! "Deano" where can I get my signed autographed fight tape!!!!! The long and short of the last comment: While Deano was the hockey coach at Minot he boxed in a tuff man "boxing" bout to raise money for the school.The victim was the local sheriff. Any way Deano the "Champ" won. And the tape we seen was a classic!!! Big Eddie your next!!!! As for the trip I loved it and will do it again! Three cheers for Leon and Al!
  24. Wow! If it were not for bad luck they would have no luck at all!
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