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Everything posted by Riverman

  1. All I can say in Holy Cr.....
  2. Try again. I vote no. Now if you said Highlanders or Fighting Scots..... I might be able to have an open mind.
  3. Skins errrr Knights by 10 pts.
  4. aff, Are you saying that teams from far western states do not like to expand east or expand period? Yet, SDSU and NDSU are in a league that have two schools in California and everything is smiles and kittens??? East vs West
  5. A Sioux fan a "homer" on a Fighting Sioux board???
  6. I hope you know you have doomed yourself to all Bison and Jacks fans. UND is the evil empire ask any Bison or Jacks fan.
  7. Might want to watch the news at ten tonight on our Home team channel 8.
  8. I think you said that very well.
  9. He helped me out. Did a great job!!
  10. Here's another boring stagnate college town. Just a random college town And yet another. Another boring little town with a college
  11. Riverman

    Lennon & DI

    Bison pipeline Were on to you Iowa Bison....
  12. bincitysioux, I am with you in the hope that UND ends up in the BSC. I am sure some fan from the opposition will put me in my place. Isn't it interesting that a writer from another part of the country has an interest in UND and it's budget of 10 million Ok 9.9 Million. I would think USD would like to hitch the wagon and ride but with their current budget at 4.5 million might be a stretch for them IMHO. UNO on the other hand at 6.5 million would look pretty good to some people. (source GF Herald 7/9/06) UNO seems to be pushing fast for a decision before school starts. UNO as a travel partner is a stretch I admit but they seem to mirror UND pretty well IMHO. And they play that H-word in the CCHA. Look at the travel they do Alaska, Ohio, Michigan they must have a pretty good idea of how to run a budget. There are bus lines and in the old days of the NCC this wasn't a bad trip.... No I don't think that UND is a shoe in to the BSC. I REPEAT I DO NOT THINK UND IS A SHOE IN TO THE BSC!!!!!! But it doesn't hurt or cost any $$$ to dream either.
  13. Why? Ok since we all seem thinking that bb is the sport of kings. Why wouldn't a school like Montana not want to help another school with there schedule when revenue from said sporting date helps fill the leagues coffer in a trickle down way. This being done helps said school maintain a budget or even dare I say make money. Is hockey really that evill and vile of a sport? UND should drop said sport because the MidCon of the future doesn't offer hockey? And UND might miss out? I would not want to lose a date with Minnesota or Wisc in hockey for the revenue that it brings to UND and the Greater Grand Forks area. So INMHO an Oral-bob of the Midcon might float SU's boat but, if a conference can't help work around a possible UND schedule would they really want UND??And would UND want to give up a hockey gate and ties with the WCHA for over 50 plus years to join a conference that is unwilling to help it's members?? I am using Montana and Oral Bob as an example this does not mean or am I saying UND is a shoe in to the BSC or Mid Con. (end disclaimer)
  14. Thank you Jim!!
  15. Ummm did UND take over the REA???
  16. aff, What did I change the conversation to? I asked questions and gave my opinion where I thought latitude lines are. Did Jim change the board to I believe in all of what aff says is gospel board? Go kick a puppy if you don't like the way this baord and it's fans react towards your questions. I see links by other fans on this board to back up their stand on their view. But for some reason aff you never do this. Pretty easy to attack others isn't it.. Ok go ahead call me a name. Tell me how my opinion doesn't matter and yours does because I don't agree with you. In relation to the topic. IMHO believe UNO is making the right move. Complete the study and watch what others do and learn from others. There is no shame from learning. Travel (learning) is fatal to predjudice, bigotry and narrowmindedness. Mark Twain
  17. FYI, Boston Mass is below the state line of ND. Not sure but I think latitude around 46 and I believe the Boston area is around 42. Oh we do love the name calling aff. Mom or Dad mean to you when you were young? Just simple little questions we on this board are just trying to understand your point of view. You seem to be very "hostile and abusive" towards anything GF-UND- or the GREAT STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. Just for you aff we will continue to talk about the 7 yes 7 Division 1 titles. No need to thank us.
  18. Funny how a UND sports board can bring so many together. Wouldn't you agree iowa bison, d1 in fargo and aff? aff, You wouldn't want a D1 hockey program to play a school like Michigan or a Maine in your home state? d1 in fargo, I think your caps lock is broken. It really kills you that UND is doing well and so is the Greater Grand Forks area. C'mon...I won't tell anyone really I won't. i-bison, We shouldn't boast about the best hockey arena in college sports?
  19. Did this become the new ndsu/bison board?? Congrats to ndsu. I as well as the next guy like a great debate but d1 in fargo you need to calm down. MplsBison has an oppinion just like the rest of us and doesn't need to be "called out" just because you might not like what he has to say. Sorry Jim, I yield the captain's chair.
  20. Riverman

    Lennon & DI

    Thanks Cratter. nd1sufan, I never implied anything. IMHO, I think it would be stupid for NDSU and UND not to play each other. nuff said?
  21. Riverman

    Lennon & DI

    Might want to read the post again. Why would a D1 program want to play a Dac-10 school? Maybe you had "a few to many"
  22. IowaBison, Is that gas you are going to use to start that flame?
  23. Riverman

    Lennon & DI

    Before we turn this into a flame throwing contest. Maybe someone should tell coach Miles to turn off the charm and quit putting UND down every chance he gets. My grand-pappy used to say: "Be careful of the toes you step on today they maybe attached to the *ss you might have to kiss tommorow." Let's see NDSU needs to really fill a date, UND has a date that is open. A conversation that might happen may go like this: Gene: Tom, I hear you have an open date. Tom: I sure do however, "your" coach said we wouldn't be ready for three years. Gene: Oh that... Tim might have had a "few" on the golf course.... Tom: Well, I''ll let you know Montana called and offered $$$$. Can I get back to you?
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