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Everything posted by Riverman
Jim,mksioux, Ever meet one of these mom and pop motel owners?I would say you should meet the folks at the East Grand Inn,Ramada,Plaza Motel ect.... Protecting their turf? Dang you figured them out.I have never met anyone who opened a business just because they "didn't" want to turn a profit. I am not trying to start a fight. I feel for these "middle", "lower" and future "canabblized" motels,hotels.Sorry they have been paying "TAXES" all along.Call it crazy but if you look at some of the old hockey programs you see that these same folks were sponsors to events around UND and the GGF area. Now that ad money might be tied up paying to "upgrade". I am all for the advancement of Grand Forks however not at the cost of running the "local" small business man/woman out. 58% occupancy is not alot to work with.Even the Hilton Garden owner is NIMBY to this.And he's the new kid on the block.In the past I have been for the Water Park/Hotel next to the AL, however not if it cost's the locals who have been here before 97, and made the effort to stay after 97!I have to be loyal to the North Dakotan's and Minnesotan's first.Besides it's their turf too and they should have a say.Wouldn't you agree with that mksioux?Heck I bet they pay more taxes than you Jim and me combined.(well may not Jim) shootdogger, explain to me the DECC in Duluth.They seem to be doing ok and they have been around since the 60's.(before the Sky Walk) Also the AL was built also so that the many business owners be it motel,hotel,dining,retail could all make a little $$$.I doubt that anyone is in the "blame game".I think the folks at Alerus should pay for the sign they get way to many perks for the $$$ they "donated" for naming rights.(IMHO) Gosh this soap box is higher than I thought! _______________________________________________________ In a related topic UND plays CC this weekend.
I believe a small stream, and then the talk of how Penn St. should move up and the Big Ten Crapola starts. IMHO think this is bad.Dubya is not listening to reason he must want the soccer (hockey)mom's vote in a couple of years. I agree with Goon's philosphy. I don't believe all Religious Right Wing zealot's are bad. (Scotty and Rush lost twins?) ________________________________________________________ Riverman, Still a proud Cadillac driving Democrat!
As well you should Sic.
You are ignored.
Don't you just love the NC$$?? The NC$$ had the chance to come out of this smelling like a rose. But now they just plain stink.
In all this NO ONE was upset that the head coach wasn't there for the show.(Did anyone call big Eddie?) Did Tim rant, I missed the show.
I think it's because you didn't cheer loud enough.
Only being fair. Just how many articles did you read about Zack in the M/SP area last weekend?
You are kidding right?The mom and pop motels BUY a shuttle?How about better mgt of the bus and it's route?I believe they just raised the bed tax again in GF/EGF. Drive the smaller motels out and watch the large motels/hotels jack the price.IMHO I still am miffed over how the AL hosts Boosters and the local restaurants get the shaft.Sure feels good to stick it to the little guy. Not that I can see the Red Pepper hosting lunch. However I would like to see it spread out a little. End of rant.
Try NOT to sugar coat it ok Hammy. U2,Heck I didn't even know the Gophers had a board. I would bet happy posts alot doesn't he/she. I give JD credit here, I have had only one post taken off this board. However, I still think that (blank) and (blank) on K-fan are idiots.JMHO.
Or why Eddie didn't want to talk sports wil that gal who called in around 10. To many calls,e-mails,Eddie? I bet the Spotlight is a little hot for Big Eddie. I would rather listen to Eddie over the other Blow Hard in Fargo.(scotty Rush hennin)
I believe the bid went out and KNOX was second KCNN third. UND should remember in the next time the BID goes out and that KNOX/KCNN are local.(and linked at the hip now) Clear Channel is not! (As a Sioux fan I will help to remind UND) Case in point how many ads are run by Rydell's on 1440 vs 1310-1590? I remember the good old days of the 4th period show. (again local broadcast) As for the rant Eddie spewed about the listening folks. The Fighting Sioux Sports Network/Knox-Kcnn/UND maybe should sign a contract and sell region wide radio stations who would like to purchase the feed instead of being locked in with Clear Channel. Eddie keep running your mouth.Maybe 1440 will pick up Dbay and Payday from 9-12 after the Tim and Swig show. Eddie, JC and Blais do walk on water. Albeit Blaiser's walk is on the frozen stuff.
We know because the Fighting Sioux are on for 23 of those hours.
I am ok with the ranking.Last season was not that long ago. Just think how the Gophers must feel. They win it all last year and everyone would rather talk about the Fighting Sioux on all the other boards!(I am ok with this also)
Served Ballard right he slashed first in the other zone. The tape does not lie.
Nail this is Hammer. I think Blaiser will be on his show all the other coaches have been. I don't blame Blaiser he was on 1310 Knox w/Mac @ 9am then went and did the show w/ idiot and whatever the heck the other rubes name is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kfan the idiots of the air ways. Tsk Tsk Eddie
, what little I have heard many of the shows tend to rip the places outside of the cities given the chance. Not always but sometimes.
Oh Goon say it isn't so! Don't fall into the trap.No! Noooooo! I heard that one can lose brain cells and IQ points, so I don't take the chance any more.
Really? I guess I miss all that when I change the station to KNOX. It isn't to hard to do push the button and poof all rube's is it? Are gone. Now if just a few more folks tell that to Brian Lee Rivers.....
And seat belts save lives,don't drink and drive,don't run in the house with a sharp object,wash your hands after the bath room yadda, yadda! Thank you big brother! I don't know why I leave the house in the morning!It's so dangerous! ________________________________________________________
I do get my feed from the DSS and not cable so that might be a reason I see the Woogster the way I do. As for Mysocko he isn't even a M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A-N what's his deal? Rug to tight? Sorry PCM, It is a rug.