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Everything posted by keikla

  1. I might have to leave half way through the game (I hope not). But if I do, I'll give you a heads up, cause there will be an open video feed. Let's Go Sioux!
  2. Yikes, that's just like my grandpa saying he used to play the kerosine guitar before electricity came. As for the final five, Mr. and Mrs. Siouxman, I hope I can trust you to purchase three tickets this year
  3. Over the weekend, Lamoureux made some absolutely great saves and looked solid. I think he's fully capable to carry this team, but next weekend, even with defense-minded Wisc. will be a better look as to what he can really do. Some of the times that he played the puck made me nervous, WCHA teams might not have such a hard time capitalizing on those. Overall, great win, go Sioux!
  4. It'd be great if Oshie could get a goal, but definately nothing wrong with three assists in a game.
  5. Gotta love when video broadcast is about 15 seconds ahead of the audio
  6. I didn't get here early enough to get the webcast, so how is Forney looking? I realize it's only his first game, but any thoughts on if he'll meet all the hype?
  7. My most humble apologies, hockey isn't actually on tv down here in Nebraska, so I was just going from the espn score sheet. Please post a link for the shot if you have one.
  8. Great job by Fabian keeping the puck tied up during that line change. Zajac hits the post, and a following great save by Lammy
  9. Good to know I wasn't just imagining that.
  10. Announcer said that Hak's keeping Oshie, Toews, and Duncan on the same line for tonight. Finley is officially out for the night, haven't heard about Jones.
  11. I hit the mute button five minutes ago....there's only so much one can take. Let's get this game started and make some new highlights. RWTD - I must be pretty tired; I read your post and initially thought it said 'after we met in prison.'
  12. ZPar scored another one in the second. Not bad for the season opener.
  13. It's too bad that I couldn't get my video feed working before then, I would have loved to see that.
  14. Shots were 37-20, with most of Manitoba's in the 2nd. Robbie Bina is the player of the game, welcome back!
  15. I definately agree with the announcers that this game is at Manitoba's pace. I'm used to NCAA hockey being so much quicker and up-tempo. UND needs to pick it up and put them away.
  16. I've only followed Sioux hockey closely for about six or seven years, but I really liked Tim Skarperud....seemed like he worked hard each game and was a leader for the team. I also liked Roche, but that's just because at my first Final Five, I was two rows from the ice, and I remember him checking someone so hard right in front of me that I could feel my seat moving. And there started the addiction.
  17. keikla


    Hey, I get it, and I'm under 25. That movie is timeless. No more rhyming and I mean it! Anybody want a peanut? Definately hope Sparky stays. He worked his butt off this year just to be snakebitten for most of it. He deserves a blowout year next year.
  18. Speaking of awards, when do they announce the winner of the Penrose?
  19. I was wondering where that came from...didn't quite seem like something you would post. And for the record, it wasn't me.....I'm the innocent one living in SC.
  20. IIRC, speculations regarding Spirko leaving weren't referring to him going to the NHL, but of his family needing him back in Slovakia for monetary reasons. Something like that anyway.
  21. This isn't directly related, but I just want to know what people think on this. For a long time Kessel was projected to be the #1 draft pick far and above everyone else, and it's now suggested that he might go as low as 4th. 4th is still awesome, but after having been accustomed to thinking 1st, it seems a little crappy. So if Johnson is taken first, instead of Kessel, and then suits up for the gophers, do you think there'd be any animosity between the two ( or from Kessel toward Johnson) given the highly competitive nature of the draft? Just curious....probably not as much so as if they were both forwards.
  22. I'll be working, but I'll be making sure the big screen tv in my section is turned to ESPN2. I'm a little nervous that I might be taking someone's order when the Sioux score or something though.... "You wanted the baby back ribs? Woohoo! That was beautiful...Oshie is such a stud! Bel-a-rus! Bel-a-rus! Uhh...I'm sorry, did you want anything on your baked potato?" But at least my restaurant has a tv on every wall (that has to be turned to sports).
  23. Someone PLEASE make that into a poster for Milwaukee!
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