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Everything posted by keikla

  1. Lee with 4 assists for the night
  2. Correction: Radke gets the goal
  3. I want Oshie to get a goal, but if he keeps making passes like that and on the power play in the first, I'll take all the assists I can.
  4. I'd tell them that if they don't start playing with some discipline, they won't be feeling their legs for the next couple weeks. 1 penalty = 20 Herbies But that's prob. one of many reasons I'm not coach
  5. Come on Grieco! If ever there was a time to prove you can handle the job, now is the time. Let's go Sioux!!!!!!! Nevermind. Kato scores
  6. I was wondering the exact same thing. Probably because UND was winning
  7. Morin took a cheap shot on Bina, and Jones snapped. To the sin bin
  8. Goal Kozek!!!!!!!!! And I was just going to ask HockeyMom for that beer
  9. the Sioux seemed to fade out a little towards the end. Let's get a goal right away in the second, regain all momentum, and get Duncan his hatty.
  10. I think the radio just said that shots are 12-8 or so. I didn't think the game sounded that even HockeyMom, you're my new best friend
  11. The feed came back up, and apparantly Todd Anderson got nailed in the forehead with a puck
  12. Maybe you should arrive late more often...it seems to be working.
  13. Off to a fabulous start, less than four minutes in! Maybe we can keep the intensity up for a full 60 minutes tonight!
  14. I typically work during games and come home to read the thread after. Personally, I find it that much more thrilling to see the word GOAL!!!! posted in all caps eighteen times. Makes reading everything after the fact more exciting.
  15. Yet another awesome reason to bleed green.
  16. Radio just said he has a bruise on his foot from the Maine series
  17. Nice to see Miller got rewarded for his game last night by being bumped up to the first line. UND's line chart Ryan Duncan-T.J. Oshie-Brad Miller Chay Genoway-Matt Watkins-Chris Porter Chris VandeVelde-Ryan Martens-Andrew Kozek Erik Fabian-Darcy Zajac-Michael Forney Joe Finley-Brian Lee Taylor Chorney-Kyle Radke Zach Jones-Robbie Bina Anthony Grieco These lines are according to Brad's blog
  18. What's the link to his blog again? I can never remember
  19. I swear, 5:30-7 pm on Saturdays has become the seemingly slowest time since the hockey season started. About 40 minutes to go.....let's go Sioux!
  20. For anyone that saw the games on television - did the sioux look like they had lost all possible discipline or were at least some of those penalty calls questionable?
  21. Is Phil injured, I hadn't heard anything about that. I understand Hak not starting Phil, but if he isn't injured Hak must have a lot of trust in his two less experienced goaltenders to not even bring him along. It also kind of sounded like Hak thought Phil hadn't taken advantage of the opportunities he'd been given. Any clarification on it all?
  22. I bet you'd have a great time; especially if you decided to fly me in for the Saturday night game. Hint, hint.
  23. Hate to see the loss, especially since it means we got swept at home. But overall, the Sioux played much better tonight than last night; so it's nice to see that they can rebound from a game like that. I wouldn't be surprised to see Maine ranked #1 on the polls this week. But like everyone's been saying, I'd rather be #1 at the end of the year than in the middle of October. Let's Go Sioux!
  24. Great pressure by the Sioux. They just gotta put one in....come on, Oshie!
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