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Posts posted by keikla

  1. I love how when the team does poorly, it's all Hak's fault. But if the team does well (the regional), it's all on the players. I'm not saying Hak is infallible by any means, but you can't have it both ways.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Beg to differ on that. How did he do such a great job when what got them there was an overtime goal in a game UND was not in? If OSU had won that game no regionals for UND.

    He didn't have anything to do with whether Ohio State or Wisconsin scored that overtime goal. But it was in reference to getting to Philly and, once in the tourney, he did a decent job getting the team through the regional.

  3. Congrats to Dillon Simpson for signing a 3 yr deal with Edmonton...

    My guess is a max signing bonus ($300k), a max AHL deal ($70k), and an NHL salary of $625k or so...

    It's so sad that this is under the former players thread...

  4. Okay, here's a simple question: If it was between Ryan Miller and Johnny Gaudreau this year, who wins? I say it would be Gaudreau by a mile, with Miller a distant second and whomever else (doesn't really matter, does it?) third. And it's because Johnny Hockey plays on the East Coast in a major media market and Miller plays in the Midwest in a much smaller media market (East Lansing, MI). And because goaltenders generally get overlooked for these awards (only two goaltenders have ever won the Hobey), while forwards are usually favored too much. Unless of course you play in a place like North Dakota, in which case your resume is somehow just not up to par. :glare:

    That's why I'm glad they finally came up with the Mike Richter award. Even amazing goalies frequently don't make the Hobey hattrick. And post-Miller, the standard set for a goalie winning it is so ridiculously high, no one will.

  5. Yeah he'll play wing as he is so small. He was playing wing this year for developmental reason until Hak realized no one else was winning draws (and Rocco was out top faceoff man I believe).

    Center generally has a lot more responsibilities than the winger. If I remember correctly, they moved Rocco to center in order to move Johnson to wing, thus giving Johnson some time to develop before giving him additional responsibilities.

  6. A few thoughts from the Frozen Four in general:

    1) This was an amazing set of games. All three of them were exciting nail-biters. Even with the Sioux losing, I can't remember the last Frozen Four that was so entertaining as a whole. I'm glad there was a loud and full crowd for tonight's game.

    2) If the Sioux didn't win, thank God Union did. The thought of a Minn-BC final (or a championship for either team) made me want to yak. Major props to Union. For a team that is renowned for their defensive style, who would have thought they'd win two run-and-gun type games. And I just saw on the Twitters (per Schloss) that Union hadn't lost since January. Wow.

    3) What a tool move by Condon to ignore Bodie's handshake after the ceremonial puck drop.

    4) The college hockey season is over... :sad:

  7. Pat Steinberg@Fan960Steinberg 31m

    Here's the update: Can confirm Gaudreau and Arnold will sign with the #Flames, and will be available for Sunday in Vancouver.

    Some classy stuff from the Flames today. Brought personalized Flames jerseys, with their new numbers, to the families at the Hobey Baker ceremony. Then, both Gaudreau and Arnold rode in a limo with Flames personnel directly from the event to the Philly airport where the Flames private jet was waiting. Talk about an amazing experience for those two players and their families.

  8. Next on the agenda...a meandering backpacking trip around Europe in May. That will be immediately followed by a summer full of triathlons and other such races, backcountry camping trips in New England and eastern Canada, hiking the northern part of the Appalachian trail, and white water rafting on a Class V river.

    All in all, the off-season sounds pretty bleak for me... :D

  9. It was an honor to be able to watch these four gentlmen.

    Simpson took a lead-by-example approach to captaincy. It was evident on every shift as he completely sold himself out to block an extraordinary amount of shots, not to mention the ice time logged. There was no one else that I trusted as much in the defensive zone.

    Rodwell was a beast out there. I remember the first time he sniped from the left circle, and we all realized he was more than just a big body. With perseverence, he played a physical game that generated scoring chances and exhausted opposing teams.

    Saunders was a great late addition to the team. He stole several games for this team. And, probably more importantly, he really showed to be a great teammate and friend by supporting Zane after losing the starting position.

    Mitch got a lot of ribbing on this board. But the bottom line is that, when in the lineup this season, he added a scoring threat to that 4th line. I'm sure it wasn't easy to spend a good chunk of your senior season in the stands, but it was nice to see him state that transfering was still an amazing decision that he wouldn't trade.

    • Upvote 1
  10. The last second of this game left me utterly stunned. That being said, while I'm disappointed, I think this one actually hurts less than those of years past.

    1) In the past, when the Sioux got utterly spanked (repeatedly) by BC, it was hard to stomach even watching the game. The Sioux would look like absolute crap, and BC seemed to be skating circles around them. I remember being in Denver, and a ton of Sioux fans were already back at the pregame party bar by the end of the first...it just wasn't worth sticking around to watch the suffering.

    That wasn't the case this game. UND played it's gameplan perfectly for 59.59:59. We're not walking away from this feeling like the players didn't try or didn't give it their all. It was readily apparent that they did. There was a shift where Simpson blocked a shot, broke up a cross-ice pass (that looked a certain goal had it made it through), and then blocked another shot. Mattson had the play of his career getting the puck out of the crease with Zane sprawled out. There was a shift when Rocco put in an amazing effort just to hold the zone.

    2) I had low expectations for this group at the beginning of the year, and even lower by the end of November. I would have been crushed had they lost to CC on Sunday or Ohio State getting the OT goal. But somehow they made it in. Considering the regional had two Hobey finalist goaltenders, I didn't expect the Sioux to even make it to the Frozen Four. But somehow they made it in. So, maybe it's just the fact that I had significantly lowered expectations this year that made every opportunity to keep playing a bonus.

    The thing that makes me feel sick is thinking about how the players feel. You could tell Zane was absolutely crushed as teammates came up to him after the loss. Everyone just stood on the ice looking stunned. I think about how Simpson didn't want to take his gear off after the Frozen Faceoff because he didn't know if it would be the last time. My expectations may have been low, but they fully expected to win it all.

    • Upvote 2
  11. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on NCHC getting more teams in the tourney since the Big 10 was only an Ohio State OT goal away from switching those numbers.

    Hopefully, the Sioux put an end to the comparison on Thursday!

  12. I've always had a ton of respect for Owens, and will forever appreciate the regional spanking they gave BC. That being said, I'm a little surprised he didn't even attend the team's banquet dinner. Is there bad blood between him and the players after this season? I am not in any way trying to start rumors or imagine drama to be there that isn't...I just find it odd. I mean, he just as easily could have resigned tomorrow, after the dinner.

    I found an article in the COS Gazette that quoted a player saying that they all absolutely loved playing for Owens. Considering the season they just went through, that's a HUGE testament to him as a coach and person. It also noted that he skipped out on the banquet in order to keep the focus on the team, not him.

  13. I've always had a ton of respect for Owens, and will forever appreciate the regional spanking they gave BC. That being said, I'm a little surprised he didn't even attend the team's banquet dinner. Is there bad blood between him and the players after this season? I am not in any way trying to start rumors or imagine drama to be there that isn't...I just find it odd. I mean, he just as easily could have resigned tomorrow, after the dinner.

  14. I vaguely remember going to a few games as a kid because my parents were fans, and all three of us kids had played hockey at some point. But when I was in 8th grade, my oldest brother (who attended UND at the time) brought me to a UND game at the Old Ralph. I looked closer to nineteen than fourteen, so I easily used his friend's student ID so we could sit in the student section. We sat in the corner in the first or second row. I couldn't even tell you who UND played that game or what the score was, but I learned all the inappropriate cheers and the beer song, too. The crowd was rocking, and I just fell in love with the Sioux.

    After that game, my parents started taking us to more games before finally getting season tickets. I was sitting in the first row of a regional when Travis Roche checked someone into the glass and my seat shook violently. And I was totally enamored with Brian Canady during high school (don't judge me). I ended up going to a ton of Final Fives in high school and college (I opted for warmer weather over UND), several regionals, and two Frozen Fours. I have a tendency to move and travel frequently, but I always try to make it to a series or two every year.

  15. Just playing devil's advocate the only argument I could hear about it is lack of rest time. Whoever wins the Sunday night game could potentially have to turn around and play Thursday afternoon.

    This has been going on in conference tournaments for decades.

    It has been going on in conference tournaments for decades. But without an off week for rest in there somewhere, they'd potentially be doing it back to back (in the conference tournaments and then again in the national tourney). It's hard enough on the players to do it for the conference tourneys. I can't imagine it'd be worth the possible (probable) injuries.

  16. How about this....

    Since we all don't like the week off between the regionals and Frozen Four, eliminate that week, but take a week off between the conference tourneys and the regionals. This will give the arenas an extra week to sell out, eliminate the week off between regionals and F4 AND keep college hockey's grandest showcase on a different weekend that college basketball's! BOOM!

    I like that idea best. Going from conference playoff weekends to conference tourneys to regionals to Frozen Four without an extra off week in there somewhere would be brutal. Given most people not liking the two weeks off between regionals and F4 (I personally don't mind it much), this is the next best option.

  17. I actually like the one and done format. Yes, sometimes the overall better team doesn't advance. But all the higher levels of hockey that play best of series also have a significantly larger roster. Some of these college players can already barely walk by this point in the season; no need to add more games to it. Plus, I think it makes it more exciting. Not to mention I think crowds would suffer if you extend it that long...most people don't have that much vacation time and money.

    The neutral site regionals have got to go. Or at least pick better locations. Empty arenas favor small schools because that's what they're used to. So how can the NCAA say a home site is an unfair advantage when the current format gives an advantage? Plus, when a team plays at a location several times per year (see: Gophers and Xcel arena), it's not really that neutral.

  18. i really just feel that way about minn dont know if theres even a basis for it. B.c and denver not so much. I really respect the job jerry york has done at b c if you look back jerry york was the first to recognize that college hockey was moving to small speedy forwards and more mobile d for the ncaa tourney. The college game has moved from a whl style of game to more of a european style via the way games are called in the ncaa tourney imho

    I suppose mine is based on high amounts of interaction with both those fan bases...talk about arrogant!

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