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Posts posted by keikla

  1. Well, my NCHC.tv subscription expired on the 19th, so I needed to renew before this game.  I tried renewing, but it still says my account expires on Oct 19th, 2014.  I have a $1 pending charge on my credit card from NeuLion, so I know they at least tried to do something.  I emailed them this morning at 8:30 but still haven't heard anything back.  I guess we'll see, at game time, if they actually renewed my account and let me watch the game.


    Good luck getting a response; I've been waiting 3 weeks now.  That being said, my feed works, so here's hoping that yours will too! 

  2. Friday vs BSU...I bought my first RP grinder at the Ralph prior to the game and the fellas stunk it up. I'm going w another pregame grinder one more time looking for a different result.


    3-2 UND. 


    You do realize that if the result is the same, you'll no longer be permitted to have a grinder at the game.  Since clearly that would be the only consistent factor between those two games, you'd have to take that sacrifice for the sake of the team winning.

  3. As a UNO fan, I'm sure you've really enjoyed being able to watch all of their games including next weekend when they're at Cornell.  Or are you going to that series?



    SiouxTupa probably knows.  He's the expert here.  But he's also a Providence fan so I don't know if you can trust him.


    Considering you once admitted to being a closet DU fan, I'm guessing you're the one who can't be trusted.

  4. Wow, what a huge series, in October!


    Normally, I dread even seeing a big series scheduled in October or November because I don't expect the boys to be ready to hold their own.  But this year I have a bit more hope going into this series.  After surviving the goaltending regional of death last year, this isn't a new challenge for most of these guys.

  5. Would love to see a sweep, but I haven't been impressed with our defense in early season play these last, oh...nine years or so.  Friday night v. BSU was indicative of early play last season, etc.  That said, Scotty Owens teams liked racehorse hockey and we always played well with that style rather than against a trap and transition team.  But...this is not a Scotty Owens coached team.  So, like I said...I would love to see a sweep.


    With the brooms in the hands of the Green jersey players, that is.  


    Win Friday, then look forward to Saturday night.




    That's so easy to forget.  We typically know exactly what to expect from a CC series: fast-paced, run and gun hockey that tends to be fairly evenly matched. Who knows if they'll still be up for that style of play.

  6. This should not be a question that should be asked after playing 3 years but I'm with you.  Hopefully he can put together a decent season.


    A lot of those questions are secondary to habitual injuries.  His performance at training camp this summer was quite promising.

  7. Toxic waste dump or not I have a lot of childhood memories at that stadium...like the Vikings game when I was twelve and the drunk man behind me started petting my hair.  Or the better memories like the World Series in '91. 

  8. Schlossman posted in the comments on his blog that there will be more info on TV options for fans.

    I'm curious if the conference was able to do some work on the exclusivity clause like I've been saying they would try to do. It will be interesting to see how everything plays out.

    Was gfhockey your source? Cause if not, I don't believe a word of it!

  9. Much better.

    Nic Dowd (22 goals, 18 assists) is obviously a big loss for SCSU. Four-year player for the Huskies. I honestly don't know too much else about their squad, but he was solid last year.

    AZ State's only real choice would be the NCHC. I'm sure Colorado College and Denver would both like that road trip.

    Everyone likes that road trip. Tempe in the winter? Yes, please.

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