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Posts posted by keikla

  1. Last year was better because, while Grand Rapids was kind of in the middle of nowhere, it wasn't that bad to fly into Chicago or Detroit and drive the rest of the way (though attendance there was HORRIBLE). But it's hard to do regionals last minute; you almost have to ask off the vacation and save the money in advance on the hopes they make it. At least with the Frozen Four you get two weeks to prepare (which still isn't enough for some jobs).

  2. Not necessarily. While they do still have the trapping tendencies they're still not as bad as they once were. Although if they do get up 2 goals chances are they'll be trapping.

    If UND gets passed Bucky, I fully expect they'll be in the Frozen Four. Bucky is no easy task though.

    That's my thought too. If UND beats Wisconsin, they'll get past Colgate (who I expect to beat Ferris). But the Sioux beating Wisconsin is highly dependant on which Sioux team shows up for that game.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I feel like Schmaltz could be our best player when he wants to be. But in my opinion, it's not very often that he wants to be.

    At this time of year, more players than not are battling injuries that we don't know about. Knight with a broken hand (which makes his face off dominance that much more impressive), Green with his shoulder, etc. I'm willing to give Schmaltz the benefit of the doubt on this one.

  4. The thing that irks me about the Caggiula penalty is that it wasn't called until the player couldn't get up right away and the rest of Miami freaked out. There was no initial indication that a penalty was being called. Which brings us right back to the situation we had with Denver...why is the outcome being used to determine whether or not a penalty is called?

    • Upvote 2
  5. Sorry the statement added to previous post got posted incorrectly. My part of statement said

    So Austria has a way to stop it or was there something in Mr. Earl's prior environment that caused the flopping around. Any ideas - maybe poor coordination that might have improved as he aged or different rules or coaching or skate sharpening procedure or or or... Any other ideas lol

    I would guess it's a combo of the refs being willing to call diving (which rarely happens here) and a team's intolerance of their players diving (which Wisconsin clearly doesn't have). I just thought it was a striking difference from his days at Wisconsin.

  6. Exactly. Remember Robbie Earl. Dude dove better than Greg Louganis.

    Players do it because, sadly, it works. I watched Robbie Earl (or Mr Robert Earl as they called him) play in Austria, and he never dove once. He actually played through a hold or a trip. Considering how much he flopped around in college, I think that has to be an officiating thing.

  7. The video quality was pretty poor, BUT it wasn't jumpy/stuttering. The UND Insider stream this year has been broadcast quality HD, BUT frequently jittery, often almost unwatchably so.

    I agree that free is good! That said we dropped cable tv this year that ran about $60/mo with the sports pack for FSN last year. The ten bucks or so per month for und insider is pretty decent. If they could provide the quality I know is possible I'd happily pay twice that.

    It certainly wasn't HD, but I didn't think the video quality was that poor. Watching the NCHC Goals of the Week videos, on the video for some teams, you could barely even tell where the puck was. While I wasn't in love with some of the camera work, this was nowhere near that bad.

  8. Any word on Robert Morris game?

    Canisius down 2-1 at the start of the 3rd.

    Ferris State also down 2-1, end of 2.

    Wisconsin down 2-1, end of 1.

    Union up 1-0, mid 2nd.

    Denver up 1-0, early 1st.

    Based on all those scores, Wisconsin has to win because the backup option isn't looking very likely.

  9. Most people wouldn't consider a team with fifteen draft picks on it eligible for a "rebuilding" year... I thought we just reload? Wonder how many times a team with this many draft picks have missed the tourney.

    Well, Michigan has 12, and they just missed their second year in a row.

  10. Apart from it dropping everyone at the same time, I thought the webcast was great. Considering the WCHA didn't provide any webcasts, and the NCHC provided not only this one but every single game of the best of three playoff series (for FREE!), I'm not about to complain about sound or a little buffering. That being said, I'm glad they synced it up with Tim after the first.

  11. Even if the other requirements don't fall into place (I'm not very confident about Wisconsin beating Ohio State), I want the Sioux to win so they can still go out on a win (though I'm sure that's little to no consolation for the boys) and because it means we kept Michigan from making it.

    I'm hoping that with the season on the line, the Sioux pull it out. Wouldn't mind a little payback for the Penrose, too. Hopefully, Western Michigan is too deflated to offer much of an effort, though I'm sure they'd love to end our season.

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