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Posts posted by keikla

  1. Hardly...especially when one continually sees the obese diabetic with high blood pressure and cholesterol not taking any of their meds as recommended but still smokes 2 packs a day and thinks exercise is getting up from the couch to grab another pint of Ben and Jerry's from the fridge.

    But I'm sure none of the food at the Hogg tomorrow could contribute to any of the potential health issues mentioned above?!?! ;)

    I didn't mean to imply that I thought it the worst of all health care faux pauxs; just one of many... And in BigSkyVikes post, it's actually the doctor that makes me want to scream more than anything.

  2. Two huge things in my mind:

    1. Stay out of the box. If you're going to get the penalty chasing a guy on a breakaway, at least take him down. I don't mind penalties like that when necessary (though I'm not found of the breakaways). No offensive zone penalties...those are killer.

    2. Come out ready to play. We need a Sunday start, not one like Friday or Saturday. You piss away the first 10-15 minutes against CC, you have an ok chance of coming back. You do it against Miami (who has way more potency up front than CC), and you get an incredibly steep hill to climb.

  3. Awards committees love offense...

    6-13-19 in conference games isn't shabby for a defenseman. Agreed - give LaLeggia OD, but Simpson should have gotten overall D.

    Fire everyone who votes for these awards!

  4. No doubt, Simpsons numbers in NCHC games were phenomenal.

    Not only in points, but in blocked shots. It's probably due to the fact that they vote in the middle of February instead of closer to the end of the season.

  5. SO....the NCHC Tournament Championship trophy. We have seen glimpses of it on the tickets for the tournament. But when are they announcing the name of the trophy? Saturday night at the trophy presentation?!!

    I thought I read somewhere that it is remaining unnamed for this year.

  6. Opposing teams fans often do assume that we all travel from GF. I was talking to a DU fan at the series in Denver this year and he eventually did ask me how my travel was and I simply replied that I have lived in Colorado for 5 years.

    UND fans travel better than other teams but we do live in a lot of these places and when UND comes to town I tend to drop or turn down other plans and I know I am not alone in this line of thinking.

    Agree that it's a combo of both. There are a lot of UND alumni and fans in Colorado, but people travel to the games there too. There's also a lot of CC alumni in the Springs and Denver metro area, but DU didn't need to implement a ticket policy for them...

    Your story from the DU series reminded me of one from the CC series last year. After UND pulled an amazing comeback to win it overtime, the Sioux fans were all cheering as we exited the building. A drunk CC fan yelled, "At least I don't have to go back to North Dakota!!" to which a Sioux fan replied, "I live here, you *****!!!"

  7. Working on it!

    I'm traveling with my friend and his wife, and they made plans to visit some people (they used to live in Minneapolis), so we're figuring out the scenario with one rental car.


    Depending on where you're staying, I wouldn't be surprised if another Sioux fan would be willing to pick you up. Siouxman and Mrs. Siouxman are already picking up YaneA.

  8. Who signed him? I heard the Wild were after him and his big bro.

    The confirming tweet I saw said that he will enter free agency with his brother. Maybe they're hoping to be signed in a package deal? Matt is a 22 year old freshman, so it's not like he's just of out high school.

  9. Your right, maybe I should have worded it differently. All I'm saying is when I hear that certain fan bases travels well they are implying they travel from the city where the school is located in which I think is misleading. Of course there are fans that travel from Grand Forks to away games ( Final Five in the cities, Saint Cloud, Mankato, Denver) but to say all of them came from Grand Forks is hard to believe.

    You also have to account that not every fan travels from the city of the school. I went to Colorado Springs and Grand Rapids last year and Omaha and Boston this year, and I live in the northern tip of Maine (making even Boston a 6 hour drive). Just because people don't travel from Grand Forks doesn't mean people don't travel.

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  10. After the first period, the Sioux dominated play. Clearly it was a wake up call that you can't always depend on being able to come back from a slow start. Be ready to play at the drop of the puck.

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