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Everything posted by iramurphy

  1. Even if they beat every east team they played during the year including Central, Red River, and Grafton? <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  2. From the Archives: One of the best ever was in 1975 when UND blew away the AC at Dakotah Field. Dale Kasowski scored on about an 80 (or maybe it was 180yd) TD run. John Kuklenski (the wide receiver who ran about a 5.1 40) cracked back on the AC DB Krebsbach and hit him so hard he knocked himself out and Krebsbach was taken to the hospital with a lacerated liver. Some of the AC fans thought he was dead. Kasowski ran over the CB Rogers at about the 5 yd line and knocked his helmet off, and broke his nose. I can't remember if he was also knocked out but there was blood everywhere and I think he was knocked out temporarily but I can't remember for sure. There were three guys laying out on the field but Kuklenski was the first up. The AC trainer, Dennis Isrow checked JK out by asking him if he was OK while he drove his fist into JK's gut. In 1972 The Sioux beat the AC at Dakota Field ending their 35 game unbeaten streak. It was in the rain the day after the SAE house burned and two kids were killed in the fire. I think the AC had minus 86 total yds for the game and were down to their third string QB by the end of the game. Jim LeClair our middle LB filled the hole on what looked like a big play for them and hit Dave Nelson the AC RB so hard you could hear the hit throughout the stadium even in the rain. He didn't get up and frankly, was never the same RB. He later transferred to Concordia where he finished his career as a Cobber.
  3. Graham, Do you ever read what others write? I spoke about one guys opinion and what I have heard from others about the name change. Others who have responded to you have experienced the same thing. What you say and what we experience are two different things. I understand what the majority of the present day tribal governments have said. They are politicians and I give them the same credibility I give the republicans and democrats. They do not always speak for the majority of the people and they are not always right. I was not talking about making new treaties. The only "treaty" or agreement out there on this subject is the one your elders previously agreed to and that was to grant permission to UND to use the name. It is you and the present select tribal leaders who do not want to honor that agreement. Why do you complain about agreements not being adhered to you seem to want to pick and choose which to honor and which to dishonor? That is not consistent with your own culture or is that the part of your culture I know nothing about. Are you saying your people will no longer honor this agreement because someone else didn't honor theirs? You show no respect for our culture and you repeatedly insult us and our culture and yet show frustration that no one wants to listen to you. Go figure. Graham, you have not shown you are an expert on Sioux culture either, yet you give your opinion. Why would I not be able to give an opinion? You tell me I don't "know anything". That is the attitude that I referred to when I suggested that if anyone accepted you invitation to go to the cultural center for a debate that there would be no interchange of ideas, only the same rhetoric without thought for others opinions that we hear frequently. I don't think you are necessarily ignorant, as you keep accusing others of, but you are certainly closed minded. I do not agree that you could teach me. That would require you to respect others thoughts and ideas. You might be able to lecture me and rant and rave. I would love to debate you and see who might know what! As far as your culture, is it not true that it was the Chippewa who took the Sioux lands and moved your people west before the Europeans came? It was later that the US government did all of what they did. What kind of treaty did you get from the Chippewa? Do you not understand the world was much different back then. Your racist comments about one culture can be bought and another can't is not appreciated. In reading your entries to this forum you show hatred toward my culture and a lack of understanding about diversity. You seem to call others ignorant if they won't buy in to your opinions and you seem to bring back parts of the past when convenient and ignore the past when it doesn't support your views. You show disrespect to other Native Americans who support the UND Fighting Sioux name. You dishonor others like the late Bob Eaglestaff, who was a great man and did great things for Indian children before his untimely death. I hope you in your lifetime can do half of what Bob did for all of us, not just his own people. He was proud of who he was and his heritage but he didn't use it as an excuse and he didnt' allow it to keep him from doing great things for others.
  4. I am proud of who I am but that is based on my actions and what I do for my community and for others not because I am Irish or German. Being Native American or Irish or German is who our ancestors are and were. Be proud of who you are because of who you really are not what color your skin is or where you family came from years ago.
  5. UND's disadvantage is that we do not have the coorporate support the Gophers do. It won't change in the future because of the demographics and geography of the two schools. The Gophers have the advantage of the WCHA tourney scheduling both for location and for the timing of the games with the U of Mn getting the evening games thus increasing the crowds. UND and the other DI for hockey only programs do not get to share the profits from the NCAA tourney like the DI schools. I believe UND actually lost money going to the Frozen Four this year despite being the Runner-up. That is one of the considerations for going DI in other sports because it will likely bring in $$$ that we can't get otherwise. The Sioux advantage is the school is a great place to go to college and UND fans are very loyal. The arena is second to none and the hockey program has been rated by many over the past 20 years as the top and /or one of the top programs in the country. The NHL scouts and coaches have very high regard for the UND program and that respect for the program transcends the last 3 coaches (Gino, Blais and Hakstol). The Alumni support has been tremendous over the years and thus we we are a power in college hockey, one of the elite and have been with the exception of the late 1960's and early 1970's (before the first Englestad arena was built). All in all, even though I live in Minnesota, I will take my chances with the Sioux even-up.
  6. Thanks. Mary is probably a good place for Kraft. If Englehardt has speed, he would be a player at that level or higher. Maybe a good walk on at UND. He is a pretty good athlete.
  7. Anyone know if Englehardt and Kraft are playing college FB anywhere?
  8. Graham continues to ignore the fact that his elders gave UND permission and because of what his elders did years ago, UND has a right both legally and morally to use the name. If he thinks that because times change, we ignore what was done in the past means that should apply to all agreements and treaties and the white folks can then change the treaties and agreements with the tribes anyway they wish. Some of those treaties and agreements are no longer what we would do in today's world but we are stuck with them anyway. The tribes across the country use our federal courts to enforce those agreements. For Graham to think that because this permission was given years ago, and now the tribal chairs want to change that, only dishonors his elders and ignores the cultural diversity between the University and his culture. What he thinks of the use of the name doesn't mean it wasn't done with honor. It was something our culture did to honor his. His insults go way beyond his refusal to consider the cultural diversity outside his own. His thinly veiled referal to "homo...genous" is an insult to gays and those who participate in this forum. Graham has no desire to have an intelligent conversation on the subject. I think he wants someone to come over to the Cultural center so he and others may verbally abuse you and attempt to physically intimidate you. After you leave they can pat themselves on the back and think they have won Little Bighorn II. What would make more sense is to offer to listen to why it is so important to UND and then relate why the name change is important to him and his friends and the campus PC folks. If he were smart he would use the issue to gain allies in the work that really needs to be done for Native Americans and especially the Native American kids across the state. Given the choice of leaving the name and using it to bring UND resources to the reservations or expand programs for Native Americans across the state, vs changing the name and pissing off a lot of people with UND ties, he would rather sacrifice the opportunites it could provide just to get the name changed. That is the saddest part of his argument and one of the reasons the kids on the reservations will continue to struggle. The so called leaders don't have the vision, leadership and foresight to make this a win - win situation for all concerned.
  9. The late Bob Eaglestaff was a Sioux basketball player. I rode with him back to school a few times back in the 1970's. We talked about the Sioux name when the AIM guys beat the hell out of the fraternity guy during the ice sculptor week. He thought they were a bunch of Jack-asses and said the people on the reservation liked UND as the Fighting Sioux. I have heard that same thing from other American Indians time and time again. I continue to work with Native Americans on a weekly basis. UND has no obligation to teach the rest of the world about Sioux culture. They asked and received permission to use the name. UND did it in a respectful way. This Graham Cracker guy wants to dishonor those elders now because he and others have seemingly changed their mind. They make no attempt to understand our culture and how insulting it is now to have them demand the name be changed in such a disrespectful manner. I am no expert on Sioux culture but I know enough to know that this is not the traditional way. His elders would have honored this agreement.
  10. Don't know how it went, but he has seen it and played here before with Shattuck. Fergus Falls is big Gopher country and he has Gopher FB blood in the family. It will be his former Shattuck teamates and the coaches more than the arena to get him over those yellow and marroon ties but it sure helps to have the arena.
  11. We can only hope. The best president UND had was Tom Clifford and the best guy the AC had was Loftsgard. I think they were both "local" guys. I would hope we can find a replacement who better understands the people of the State of North Dakota and the Alumni of the University. Don't read this as saying Kuppy didn't do a good job. I think he did a decent job. I am hoping for someone with a more personable style. I would hope Bruce Smith who is head of the Aviation program would be a candidate.
  12. Does anyone know if Jay Panzer teaches? If so is he looking for a hockey job?
  13. More than twelve of us read it. There was nothing other than support for the move to DI. It was respectful and there was communication of support financially and politically for the move. There was recognition of the difficulties the change would bring especially the financial costs but the will to work together to overcome those difficulties.
  14. Which letter? To Kupchella from FB alumni, the letter from Kupchella in response to that or a different letter altogether??
  15. PCM I think you have been whacking yourself on the head with those drumsticks. Are you going to be OK?
  16. I am pretty sure he wasn't.
  17. I thought all we have heard recently was that the AC wanted to play UND and UND was afraid. Taylor must not have been straight with the media or fans. Remember he was at Navy and Buning is a West Pointer. UND won't play the AC until it will have no adverse affect on playoff opportunites. If the roles were reversed I would certainly want to play them with a 25 scholarship advantage. They wouldn't want to play us. UND doesn't need them anymore than they need us. At some point in time, the rivalry will resume on an even playing field and it will be more intense because of this. Taylor should be smart enough to keep his comments like that out of McFly's column even if it is true. That is not going to open up communication to renew the rivalry. However, thanks to McFly, we can point out to our s&!t kicking friends from the south, that when they are sitting outside their home at the trailer park, cleaning the crap off of their boots wondering why their Bison are not getting beat by the Sioux this year, that it is Taylor and the AC coaches who don't wish to play UND!
  18. Posters bring up good and valid concerns. I supported Rob and he has been a friend for many years. He would have been a great AD. I think Kupchella and Harmeson did what they usually do and they did nothing wrong. I don't think either of them wanted Rob from day one, but they are certainly entitled to their own opinion. There are many many people in Grand Forks and the Alumni community who appreciated all of what Rob has done for UND and Fighting Sioux athletics. He is too valuable to be an asst. or assoc. AD here. His present job had a lot more responsibility and would be a step down. He already has other job offers from the private sector. Bottom line, he didn't get the job. Rob would be the first to say support Tom Buning. Remember all Tom Buning did was apply for the job and get it. Please give him your support and make him feel welcome. If you have time go on over to the press conference and meet him. I think you will be impressed. Lastly, I don't think anyone is "whining". Kupchella and Harmeson work for the students and the people of North Dakota. Those of you who feel bent our of shape when others critcize their decisions, should remember that. I get the impression that they do not feel they are there to serve the students and the people of the state of North Dakota but that is based on personal contact with them not their comments on the subject. . If people have concerns about their performance then they need to take them to task. I would however, separate that from Tom Buning's position as the new AD. To do otherwise would be unfair to Tom Buning. It is also the best way to show respect for Rob Bollinger. As I said, if you get a chance, go meet him and welcome him to the UND family. Have fun with Kuppy and Dr. Phil.
  19. I think Buning is an impressive guy and will do a good job and deserves our support. I also felt Rob Bollinger should get the job. He earned it, but no way will anyone change this decision. Kupchella will never regain support from a number of former Sioux athletes but he has never shown he cares what they think. There are a number of big $$$ supporters who have stated this is the last straw and will pull their support. It isn't as much that Rob didn't get the job, but the callous way he was treated by some in the administration and the disregard this administration has for the alumni, especially former athletes and the tradition of Fighting Sioux Athletics. I am disappointed for Rob but happy for Tom Buning and will do what ever I can to help him move UND athletics to higher levels of success. He is bright and articulate and will work very hard to continue and improve the high quality athletics we have come to expect from UND. I hope he has a plan to shake up UND's dismal track and field, softball and volleyball programs. They have slid by for too many years with mediocore programs. At the same time he will need to support FB, MBB, WBB and hockey with the goal of national championships. He will also need to raise the funds to build an indoor track/baseball/softball/soccer/FB practice facility and continue the process to DI when appropriate.
  20. Back then there was no DIAA. There was DI, DII, and NAIA. I can't remember if there was DIII but I don't think so. DII was made up of smaller Universities and Colleges that didn't play DI, and included almost all of the DIAA teams today in addition to teams that have since gone on to the real DI. Montana, Montana State, Northern Iowa, Youngstown State, San Diego State and UNLV among others. There were a number of Bowl games for DII teams and these three Bowl games were some of them. There were no playoffs. The Camellia Bowl was in Sacramento and thought by some to be the "Rose Bowl" of DII. It was televised on ABC. UND won all three of these Bowl games. Details of the games are in Lee Bohnet's book about UND Sports history. Is that what you wanted?
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