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Everything posted by iramurphy

  1. Frankly, based on the poor attendance at the Winona State game, the fans don't deserve a home playoff game. 5000 and change was pathetic. Where were the students and where were the people of Grand Forks? That alone should have been enough to fill the Alerus. There have been too many playoff games in GF in the last few years where the attendance has been poor. Any thing less than 12000 is not acceptable for a team that is planning to move up a division. The team deserves a home game but until the community of GF/EGF appreciates the economic impact of a home playoff game and works to get the Alerus filled I can't whine when we get screwed by the NCAA. I wouldn't be mistaken for a Bison fan but they get the seats filled for the big games.
  2. ACL on the other knee. He would be a 6th year senior and with the emergence a Chappel, And Beaty and Brady back, I think he will elect to pass up his final year. Tough kid, had a good career. By the way his brother was averaging 25ppg for Moorhead State. How did UND mens BB miss on him?
  3. iramurphy

    UND vs UNO

    The tailgaters report there is no wind and the sun is trying to break through. Mid 40's already (they have been drinking so they may not be able to tell the weather). Sioux have a mobile Manke and he should be able to run. He couldn't last game against UNO because they were trying to protect his shoulder. He might be hard pressed to start as well as he did last time when he completed his first 15 passes, but he is the most accurate QB in UND history with a group of very good receivers and a good O-Line and the fastest RB UND has had. The key will be if we can contian the UNO QB, give Manke time and give Chappel room to run. I don't think we will have that group of clowns from St. Cloud reffing this time because it is a playoff game.
  4. The Benedict kid is tough as nails with good speed. I don't know what kind of 40 time he has but he is also a very good hockey player although undersized. He is very strong. The TRF lineman mentioned elsewhere on this thread is a project. He doesn't seem to punish opponents like he could. His footwork is OK but needs to get better. He leans on kids rather than drive them and doesn't explode off of the line of scrimmage. He won't get away with that in college. The wrestler who was hurt part of the year was a better HS player and Mumm said he was their best lineman. He was about 6' with spikes on and 270 lbs. He is one of the best heavyweights in the state.
  5. NDSU still has a big advantage this year because they should have more money (63>36). They will maintain an advantage for another 4-5 years because of the play-offs. I think you mistake kids getting a letter from the PAC -10, Big-10, and Big-12 with being recruited. If they are offered scholarships from a D1A school that means it is a full ride. There are not 15 kids who committed to NDSU then or now who are turning down scholarships at the big schools. That is nothing against NDSU, it is just reality. Also doesn't mean the kids are good recruits. UND's maintains the academic advantage and will have a lot more scholarship money after this years class because of the move to D1. Both schools will continue to do well because of the tradition of the programs and the quality of education they can get. NDSU will need to transition through a new coach when Bohl leaves. This may or may not be the year. Because of those factors I think the advantage might not be as big as some think. Time will tell.
  6. Two things that we need to remember. We got hosed on two interference calls. The one in the endzone against Rory Manke was so bad the only thing I can think he was calling was faceguarding which isn't a penalty in college. Watching it in person there wasn't any contact and that seemed confirmed with the film. The one on the sideline against Desautel looked like the receiver initiated the contact then the ball was so far out of bounds it landed just near Toto's food dish somewhere in Kansas. Odds are we won't get hosed on two interference calls again. The other thing to remember is that Reed Manke is healthy and can run again. Against Omaha the first time, he was just coming off of his bruised shoulder and they didn't let him run. These guys have something to prove and I wouldn't bet against them. Behrns has done a good job at Omaha, but he won't be a factor. Go Sioux!
  7. Craig was hospitalized in Fargo for pancreatitis and apparently his kidneys and possibly liver started to fail so they were putting in a shunt to prepare him for dialysis and he had a cardiac arrest and couldn't be resuscitated. He leaves his wife Leslie and 2 daughters ages 3yrs and 7 weeks. He was one of the best high school athletes I have seen and a great guy. I would expect him to be a future Bison athletic hall of famer. He was a multiple year All-American for Bison track in the decathalon. He also played FB for the Bison for 2 or 3 years. He started as a running back for the Bison before they started playing Lamar Gordon and then he quit FB to concentrate on track. The funeral will be Monday afternoon at 1:30 P.M.
  8. I received word tonight that Craig Fredrickson, former all state FB player and state champion hurdler from Detroit Lakes and former Bison running back and All American track athlete at NDSU died suddenly today in Fargo. He was only 29 years old and apparently died of a massive heart attack from what I was told. He and his wife have a little girl and an infant daughter. Please remember Craig and his family in your prayers. Craigs father Jim was an excellent HS athlete at Carrington, N.Dak. and later Valley City State.
  9. I think the Bison can beat the Gophers in BB. What do you think can you get your pizzas deliverd faster than Pizza Hut?
  10. Must have been too windy to golf. You were able to join Siouxsports.com and fire off such a witty 4 lines in in the same month. I believe you hate to be honest with anyone but you didn't need to validate anything about the AC football team. They are good and prove it on the field. They would have a good shot at D1AA national championship this year if they were eligible. People on this website already know that but don't care. Dont' spend too long doing this or the next pizza delivery in Tucson will get soggy.
  11. Capacity is too small. Make it the Fargodome.
  12. Let me add some thoughts. I believe the person who posts under the name "undsports fan" has tried to make some intelligent points about how he or she feels. I do not believe that person is our pal Graham Kracker. I don't think it matters whether or not I understand right now but he or she and many of their friends are feeling this issue defines them and it shouldn't. Like many who have overcome adversity, they do not want to be defined by the "Fighting Sioux" issue. They are proud of the hard work they have put in to even get to college. When you don't have parents neighbors, brothers, sisters or cousins that have made this journey it can be intimidating. This issue is very unsettling for some. Yes, I realize there are programs that they can take advantage of but at least at UND, being American Indian doesn't mean a free ride. (I used to work as the Director of High School Relations at UND and at least it didn't used to be that way). Frankly, it has nothing to do with the Fighting Sioux issue anyway. There are assistance programs for lots of different groups. (We even had academic scholarships at the Sigma Chi Fraternity if you could stay above a 2.5) I still support maintaining the Fighting Sioux name, but if this is a UND student, why not make him or her feel welcome to post their opinion. Maybe we might obtain a little more insight into the group that supports change. Unless we can figure out a way to work with them and try to find a way to compromise the opposition on the reservations is only bound to increase and I hate to see that happen. Ira
  13. It is my understanding that even if Winona is ranked ahead of Bemidji State, if Bemeidji is ranked in the top 10 and win their conference they will "trump" Winona. Anyone else heard that. I bet 92-96 knows that one.
  14. I am not really second guessing, I just believe in getting your backups in. Key substitutions shouldn't jeopardize a big lead and I think it is important for development of the backups and team moral. Dale and his staff are doing a very good job. They are the ones who see the kids at practice everyday and are the ones who get paid to make those decisions.
  15. If Manke is ready to go he needs to start and be the guy. I am surprised that Freund didn't get time against Duluth. We don't need to leave Belmore in when we are up by 35-0 and the backup needs reps. (That was also true when Manke initially got hurt. We were way ahead of Winona and Belmore needed reps). That is one of the most important things you can do for a team. Get your back-ups playing time whenever you can. They are going to tend to work harder in practice and they are going to work harder in the off season and they are gong to have more fun. They are also going to be more prepared if you really need them.
  16. If this guy was truly working on his MBA I would be very surprised if he was doing well academically. Why not finish the semester and then quit? You make the same point and you have a half semester of credits to transfer elsewhere. Doesn't make sense regardless of his opinions of the school and environment. He did his undergrad here, so he didn't just learn about the Sioux issue.
  17. Good points. The first FG was one where you can't argue too much because we needed points. I thought we would go for it. The second one the problem was the HB pass. I don't think we had given that look to them in the running game. Without seeing that, and with that being the only play Strouth was in on , I don't think they bit. Dale said on the coaches show he maybe should have done something else. Went to the game. Great Sioux crowd. Plenty of seats on the UNO side. A few plays hurt. Int. at the end of the half. Our receiver had some of his jersey stuck in the DB's hand and looked like he let up on his route to look for a call from the ref. Had he finished his route it may have been a TD but I doubt if it would have been an Int. cuz the DB made a hell of a catch. On the coaches show last night I watched it and it didn't seem as obvious. Tipped pass they got was big. Two phantom interference calls. One on Rory Manke when he tipped the ball away from the receiver in the end zone. He didnt' look back, but I was told there is no "face guarding" in college FB. Other than that it was a great play. Back judge who made the call, was the same one that threw his flag from about 30yds away on a "late hit" that was in front of the Omaha bench and there were two other refs right on the play who didn't call it. 2nd interference call was poor call with minimal contact that was probably initiated by the receiver and the ball was clearly OB. I would send a copy of the game film to the league. UNO had a great O-line and good QB. I would like to play them again who cares where. Great afternoon for FB. UND O-line did a very good job protecting Manke and opened decent holes for the running game. After the first series the defense did a good job. Not sure what happened to start the game. Good KO coverage, then three plays to get down the field.
  18. Manke will play, we will win. Belmore held serve, good job.
  19. Sioux MD is a new Dad. Baby girl. He should be home this month. What a stud!
  20. The Gophers should be favored, but I think the Bisonies will give them a good game. They are capable of beating them on a given day. Ball State isn't a good D1A team and I think the AC coaching staff thought they could win the game. The Gophers are better than Ball State, but I would be surprised at a blowout and I would expect a competitive game. The AC is pretty good this year.
  21. Yup and I like it. He is a senior (Jr. cuz of Medical hardship) and Chapell will likely get the same reps. Smart move for the program. The message is that if you put in your time you will be rewarded. I would also get Tom Loegering on the field for the same reason. Over the years we have lost too many kids who hang it up after a year, two or three because they don't get any playing time and don't think hanging in there until they are seniors will make a difference.. When those kids quit it hurts your depth and it eventually hurts your recruiting. These guys also tend to have leadership skills and can be valuable in bringing along your younger stars. I like what Dale is doing. At some point in time Chapell will start. Don't know if it will be this year, but Strouth has been a very good RB and worked his butt off to return from his injury. Chapell may get more carries in any given game but it won't matter who starts.
  22. I believe the key is to prove the NCAA did not follow their own policies and take it to a member vote or something like that. An attorney close to the situation stated that is our best case to get this overturned and not to hold our breath.
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