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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Did you see that thing just fly right over your head?? You missed his point. It wasn't a simple mistake.... it was deliberate.
  2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/05/8-ndsu-players-charged-wi_0_n_1857331.html?utm_hp_ref=college So Gene doesn't think a year in jail and a $2,000 fine are a big deal?
  3. In case anyone needs to know the definition of fraud... http://www.ndsu.edu/fraud_hotline/ Perhaps an official from NDSU should read their website. What I was actually looking for is if this story is just a ND story or is it national? It's national... http://www.google.co...1ac.EFHM-hNwsL0
  4. Doperalski named associate A.D. for external ops UND's Athletic Dept, is starting to look more and more like the NMSU athletic department. Faison, Hardee, Doperalski... anyone else? I like that he implemented Aggie Vision, reaching 8 million homes. Hopefully he can help UND make the next step forward in communications.
  5. Rather interesting. I assume that they must have collected "some" legitimate signatures. Did they wear NDSU jersies when they were out gathering signatures? If they didn't collect any legitimate signatures, I would say that they didn't perform work for which they were paid. I am sure the group that hired them cannot be at all pleased with what has transpired in the past couple of weeks. Bohl is letting the courts handle it, Taylor is fumbling for somewhere to place it (it's not sex or drugs mantra) and Brescani has said nothing..... yet. Like I said previously, I am glad UND is not in this predicament.
  6. So if these guys were paid to go and collect signatures and this what they produced, I wonder what their employers think. Will there be any charges filed by them? If the media blows this thing up, the question of whether to suspend these guys or not may be out of Bohl's hands. The prez could step in, as this could create a real image problem for NDSU. I'm just thankful that this isn't UND having to go through this.
  7. Saw this tweeted by SiouxFootball... "Coach Mussman still targeting Sept 22nd return for QB Braden Hanson" Good news.
  8. SBHE Agenda September 5, 2012 This should make for some interesting debates in Bismarck... "Under Access, the proposal seeks to clearly differentiate the three types of institutions that constitute the North Dakota University System of five community colleges (BSC, DCB, LRSC, NDSCS & WSC), four regional universities (DSU, MaSU, MiSU & VCSU) and two research universities (NDSU & UND) to improve Access for success."
  9. We arrived on Tuesday and had reservations at Canad that didn't work out for us. We then looked for another hotel. Places were booked even on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, but we found rooms at the Sleep Inn, in which we were impressed.
  10. I hope they don't get "group think" mentality. Between our house, the next door neighbors and the house across the street there are 14 kids (the next door neighbors are homeschooled, as well). Plenty of time for the socialization that I always hear about homeschool kids missing out on. Two weeks ago the kids planned a team triathlon with four teams. They only included the adults to monitor the pool and watch for traffic in the streets. It was pretty fun to watch.
  11. We were driving around the south end of GF on Friday and couldn't believe all of the people out and about on a Friday morning. The hotels all seemed to be booked solid. Is this the norm for economic activity or was it because all of the Canadians were down for the weekend?
  12. I know I'm late to the party on the announcement, but saw this on UNDSports Youtube site... UND Athletics Complex - A Transformational Facility - YouTube
  13. Just back from our trip north and we hit both Original Pancake House and Tavern on France. Both were great suggestions. In our group we had someone build their own salad, burger or pizza. All of us thought the meal was great. Thanks for the recommendations.
  14. Just to add a little to the conversation of bricks and mortar versus online. http://www.bestcounselingschools.com/top/online-counseling-degrees/ UND ranks #3 of the best online counseling programs, between Seton Hall and UMass, both of which are well established brick and mortar schools. The trend is toward a nice mix of face to face and online. I'm glad UND is on-board with that concept.
  15. 10 Best Online Counseling Degree Programs Right between Seton Hall (#2) and UMass (#4)... #3. University of North Dakota Master of Arts in Counseling- K-12 School Emphasis Summary: The University of North Dakota is a state university with a long heritage dating to 1883, before North Dakota became a state. The university is now launching online courses to bring the academic excellence of the University to a wider audience. The M.A. in School Counseling is a strong program designed to prepare students to effectively counsel students of all ages through all periods of development. Online students are charged the same rate as North Dakota residents with an additional per credit online fee. The online counseling degree program is one of the cheapest available and of the highest quality. Tuition: $466/credit
  16. I am impressed with the growth in the School of Engineering and Aerospace. I also like the consistant growth in graduate students. I think UND is seeing a healthy mix. Online will continue to grow along with the progress in technology to deliver it. Not that this really has anything to do with online education, but I am in the construction industry and I have seen a huge trend toward meetings online. Several of the projects in which I am involved are doing online coordination meetings (BIM) to ensure there aren't any field conflict between the different trades. When you have the GC in Nashville, the engineers in Atlanta for a Florida project, the online meetings work well. Online will grow.
  17. Is that the Bisonville line on enrollment? Butts in the seats because "The economics is better".
  18. I'm interested to see where the growth is, but that likely won't come until they get the final numbers in a few weeks.
  19. There are still rumblings here and there about some kind of deal between the WAC and Big Sky. I read some of Sica's take on the WAC board, in regards to Denver and Idaho taking control of the situation and modeling the WAC how they want it and I think that is part of the problem. The 4 schools who will left in the WAC after the 2012-2013 need to make a commitment to hold it together. They can't make this work and/or expect anyone to join if they already have a foot out the door or are waiting for phone to ring from the MWC. In this age where loyalty is fleeting the 4 need to make a pact with each other for a concrete time frame to stay and hold it together. Why would Montana, Portland or anyone else want to join if NMSU leaves in 2014? Or Idaho in 2015? The WAC and Big Sky presidents need to work together to save the WAC or that BB autobid is lost and a hole will be left in the west for FBS football. None of the schools that have aspirations of one day wanting to move up to FBS will have that opportunity. Once they have a foundation, (committed schools) Hurd can start building, but they need the foundation first. If you build it, they will come.
  20. Nice pic from undfootball... http://instagram.com/p/OmRbbRNcCi/
  21. Thanks for the links Bin.
  22. or maybe the WAC isn't done and they are messing with all of us... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0X0ZYbnHxA
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