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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Way back when this all got started, PCM suggested "Wild Nokotas".
  2. I know that the GFH piece that first came out about the "weeding out" said that Arrows was eliminated because it is considered Native American imagery. I am looking at the list of rejects in the latest GFH piece and I don't see Arrows listed. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/3739732-choosing-und-nickname-current-list-eligible-ineligible-names Arrow is there, as is Arrowheads, but not Arrows. Was this an oversight by the Herald or was there a change of position by the committee? And yes, this is wishful thinking MafiaMan.
  3. It makes me think of the ladies answer in this clip. Warning!! Swearing does occur in this clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMqcLUqYqrs
  4. I thought of that when I was posting. Just trying to point out that arrows go back thousands of years and using the bible was the best way to prove that point, which is lost on the powers that be anyway.
  5. The North Dakota media is now onto this.. http://www.inforum.com/news/education/3737569-audit-reveals-millions-nd-tuition-waivers-out-state-students Can someone tell me why it is important to add diversity to the campus?
  6. Someone needs to tell Julie that arrows have been used around the world for centuries. The NA may have used them, but they don't own the rights to them. Psalm 91:5 You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, Zechariah 9:14 Then the LORD will appear over them, and his arrow will go forth like lightning; I hope they come up with some better names on the list to choose from than what was in the GFH.
  7. "Your sidelines" says a lot. The more I hear this name, the more I think someone is trying to perpetrate a joke on the process.
  8. I'm trying to figure out why they have the same names on both lists, like weasels, I mean ermines.
  9. Arrows are on my diploma.
  10. As in the casino at White Earth Reservation?
  11. Page 5 of the Agenda for the SBoHE caught my eye.. http://ndus.edu/uploads/resources/5671/agenda-and-materials.pdf Is there a reason that Campus police need to be designated as "Customs Officer (Excepted)"? It seems we are federalizing more and more of our local and state law enforcement. Why? How were we able to get along so many years without this?
  12. Same guy registered undspirit.com last week.
  13. We went to the Naval Aviation Museum yesterday and I saw a couple of ideas. Ghostriders, which we talked about a couple of years ago and Intruders, which is one we hadn't talked about. The intruder plane would make a pretty cool logo, too.
  14. The update on the High Performance Center begins at about 10:30. What struck me is how small the concrete trucks look inside of the facility at the 11:27 mark. Man this place is big.
  15. Never mind, Nodaks.com is registered to someone at 4200 James Ray Dr. Nothing to see here. Wait a minute, isn't that the address for the Center for Innovation?
  16. I forgot to mention my other reason for thinking that Nodaks would be the new nickname. I did a a domain search this morning and someone bought nodaks.com on 13 March 2015. Could it be someone on the inside protecting a potential nickname site?
  17. We are approaching the end of the road on this issue and I thought it would be interesting to see what people thought the nickname would be. Not what you want it to be, but what you think will be a consensus type pick. I am thinking that Nodaks will be the name that shakes out of all of this. Why? There is no overwhelming other choice. They are already have Nodak Nation in place. It is unique.
  18. Rob Port is going to have a field day with this... http://www.ndus.edu/uploads/resources/5544/sbhe-budget-and-finance-committee--3.13.15-agenda-and-materials.pdf
  19. Coming soon... http://und.edu/features/2014/08/under-construction.cfm
  20. It is easier to find a good new coach with some good players, like Hooker, already there and some good new talent coming in, than it will be with an empty cupboard, if Jones stays. Yes, Jones recruited the talent both current and future, but how much more success will he have recruiting, with his results of this season. Now is the time to let him go, before further damage is done.
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