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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Somebody better tell the Sunbelt folks it isn't I-AA anymore. I vote that Dave K tell them.
  2. When I was in High School we played the 5/2 Monster defense. Our "monster" wore a t-shirt under his jersey that said "Patience My Ass I'm Going to Kill Something". He was perfect for that position. He was strong, agile and the t-shirt pretty much his football mentality.
  3. Hopefully there is a dead armadillo back there. I hate those things. I was mowing the lawn last night took a step backward and stepped into a hole above my knee. I got the hose out and stuffed it down the hole, turned the water on and put some bricks over the top of it. If anyone has a surefire remedy for getting rid of armadillos let me know.
  4. We have one guess and we have a winner. You're right, that is one ugly bird.
  5. We were having breakfast last weekend and I looked out the window and saw a large bird sitting on a branch about 30' behind the house. My wife grabbed the camera and took some pictures. We have a wide variety of bird in the woods behind us and see a lot of cardinals and eastern bluebirds, but this was one we hadn't seen. We pulled out the bird book to ID it. It was obvious after I saw it in the book. When it took off the wing span was at least four feet.
  6. GeauxSioux


  7. I hear that one all the time. One of our local talk shows uses it as their theme song.
  8. I wish UND's athletes weren't so tied-up in the academics. They are missing out on all of the fun that I had at UND. Great job Sioux!!
  9. Nice guess. I was wondering when I saw the "new look" coming what it might be. The half basketball/half volleyball at center court wasn't all that attractive anyway.
  10. Last kick at QB glory for high-school star
  11. Sorry, I was using your post as a frame of reference as to who is Director of Compliance. The statement of personal responsibility is purely mine. I agree with your statement about Ryan doing it to himself.
  12. Yes, a Director of Compliance is needed, but each student is responsible for their own academic future, with or without a Director of Compliance. January IAC
  13. Has there been any further movement since this from April 4th??
  14. How about I send you some Moon Pies as payment. Mmmm. Moon Pies.
  15. Congrats! Nice investment. Got any more tips.
  16. Being a conservative I'm not a big fan of Susan Estrich, but this piece caught my eye. Evidently Estrich watched a version of the Hitler clip about Hillary. Is Hitler Funny? When I first watched the UND version of the bunker, I admit that I snickered a little until I thought a little deeper about the "real" Hitler.
  17. There is a nicer one somewhere else in the world?
  18. EERC's new hydrogen facility already short on space Is the reason that there is discussion about putting the practice facility next to the Alerus because the National Hydrogen Center is going to be expanded and needs more room?
  19. Coup means a shift in power in higher ed And people wonder why the presidential search committee went with the high threshold to bring a candidate before the SBoHE???
  20. [url=http://www.in-forum.com/articles/index.cfm?id=201536&section=Columnists&columnist=Matt%20Von%20Pinnon]NDSU, UND rivalry at heart of today
  21. I know that I've said it before, but I can see baseball being cut at UND. It doesn't generate revenue, the climate during the college baseball season is not great, Kraft Field is not a Division I facility and it isn't a sport that UND will be competitive in on a national level. This is where The Sicatoka steps in and produces a myriad of reasons why lacrosse should be added.
  22. I know that I posted this once in a thread a couple of years ago, but Community Coffee's New Orleans blend is the best coffee that I've found. We cold brew it at home and then blend it to desired strength.
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