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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. Gwozpunky had to wait to see who DU drew in the first game of the NCAA's, then wait long enough to try to not make it look obvious. Gwozpunky and Punkovich have their's coming, and when it gets there, it's gonna be a lu-lu.
  2. I'll take TH and TO over all comers. Yes, I'm a homer, but objectively speaking, while these guys may not be the best, they are still really, really good and there is nobody Sioux fans would rather listen to.
  3. Much ado about nothing. UMN got the 4th #1 seed by getting help in other games. It would never fall this way for the Sioux, but that's only because Donnie has sold his soul to Satan, not because there is a vast conspiracy for UMN and against the Sioux. As already pointed out, KRACH, which makes the stats weenies slobber, also puts UMN as the last #1. In fact, it puts UW ahead of the Sioux. Also, it's interesting to note that according to KRACH, the top 10 teams in strength of schedule are all in the WCHA. The only criticisms that are valid (maybe I should say unfair) IMHO are that the PWR bonus points should be made public and determined before the season begins, and tourney placements should be made strictly by the resulting PWR. Otherwise bitching about a process everyone has bought into and understands is pointless, again IMHO. You are not likely to get rid of regionals on somebody's home ice as these have enough problems drawing as is and the NCAA is all about the $. I do predict there will be a 1-year hiatus on allowing on-campus venues, and that will be next year. I never count out UMN until they have been eliminated from the tourney. Donnie the soul-seller has had a good track record of late in getting his team to win when it matters most. They have a regional at home against teams not used to playing on their ridiculous frozen ocean. The biggest thing going against them is what all WCHA teams in the tourney will have a problem with: Not being able to play without all the little hooks and holds that enforcement in the other leagues has apparently all but made disappear. The five WCHA teams may spend the first ten minutes of their first game down two men and 5 goals.
  4. How 'bout this for an attempt at fairness: Whenever the dirty yellow vermin are the lower seed or they play the Friday night game without being the surviving top seed in the tourney, their ^#$^&%$^ band, their ^@^$&# cheerleaders, their !%^%@#% mascot and their $%^#$#% home rink announcer aren't allowed at the game. Better yet, because of the other advantages playing there provides them, they shouldn't ever be alllowed to bring any of these @%#@%^# entities to the tourney, under any circumstances. And they should have to pay to have their opposition bring their band, cheerleaders, mascot (if applicable), and home rink announcer to the tourney.
  5. ...And should the Sioux win, you can start the "overrated" chant against your own team.
  6. Ain't no almost about it.
  7. Wow, that really puts it into perspective. I wonder if Hak is aware of this stat? If so, it'd be a good one to go over with his seniors.
  8. Virg says in the Heraldo that Andy was out w/ the flu. Good article, good game. I really like the play of the 4th line of late, and wouldn't mind seeing more of them. Last night, whenever momentum woud swing towards SC, it seemed that Hak would put the 4th line out and they would gain the mo back. Looks like Jordie really wants the starting 'tender position. Saw Andy Murray in the crowd both nights, and seemed to spend a lot of time talking to Sioux fans. Great to have a guy like this so seemingly down to earth, when I'm sure if he wanted, he could find a way to be separate from the crowd and aloof. Good showing of Sioux fans both nights. Adam was completely horrible both nights. Worst official to ever take the ice, IMHO. SC really gave new meaning to the word "backchecking" as that's what they were checking all weekend, the backs of Sioux players. Constantly with NO position, yet hooking, holding, tripping, cross-checking our boys form behind to ride them off the puck. The boys have a tough opening series against Sandy and his squad, but at least it'll be at home. Hopefully they can get two wins and make to the Final Five. I'll be up in GF cheering them on.
  9. Anybody out there got a single for tonight's game that they'd like to get rid of? If so, PM me. Thanks
  10. I'm sure the protesters will be there with their well informed "people not mascots" chant again. Idiots
  11. Or his professional career.
  12. You should ask Jeffy Panzer that. IMHO it was this "extra assists at home" crap that cost him the Hobey.
  13. I actually thought Campion did a very good job this weekend. He let a lot of little stuff go both ways, but got most of the stuff that pertained to a chance created or denied, or change in puck possession. He didn't bite on all the UW dives and even put Earl in the box for diving at least once, I believe. He let UW get away with too much after the whistle IMHO, but the boys were guilty of some of that too, although I thought it was more retaliatory to UW's initial crap after the whistle, but that may be just my view through Kelly green glasses. I didn't see the spear(s) or Andy's elbow. My two biggest non-call bitches are: The hit right under Colby's chin that led to his missing the rest of the game (fairly obvious roughing call, I thought). The non-calls in OT, which would have really looked bad had UW scored at the end of OT. But to anyone out there that thinks that only UW was hooking and holding, you got another think coming.
  14. DING! DING! DING! DING! You are correct, sir!!! Don, tell our lucky contestant what he's won!
  15. Wanna hazard a guess what the result would have been had Greene done the EXACT same thing to Crater-Face Earl? (5 min. & a DQ)
  16. I'm sure the UW announcers are still bitching about the officiating, but Campion swallowng the whistle saved their bacon in OT. He's lucky UW didn't put one in at the end there.
  17. No, our magic number is 1 (point). i.e. we need at least a tie or have UMD tie next weekend.
  18. JP, 4th line, Zajac, Spirko, McMahon, Greene, Fuhr, Schneider and Jones were all great - the rest were passengers. Bina had another good game too.
  19. You're damn straight we will. Heck of an effort, missing Brady and our leading scorer (for most of the game anyway).
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