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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. If Kuppy leaves, I think the best candidate to replace him, (even though the academics will have a HUGE cow) is: Ex-Gov. Ed Schafer. I don't know if he's even interested in the job, but he's an alumnus and an experienced leader. He's also not likely to be out-maneuvered by SU's pres.
  2. Yes, I was in Columbus, and since they didn't have cameras over the nets, it's not an assumption, just inexcusable.
  3. Regarding Fabian, it seems to me that a good deal of regression on his part would be necessary in order for him not to be a regular in next season's lineup - and as hard as he is known to work - both on the ice and in the classroom - that does not seem at all likely. Simply put, the kid is a stud. I would love to see what he, Porter and Prpich could do together.
  4. I guarantee that the Ralph has more (and more appropriate) equipment than did the venue in which this year's national championship was played.
  5. The difference will be that Kessel will dive, which Zach never did.
  6. I agree w/ the Sicatoka and PCM on this one (not that my agreement with them is unusual). To my untrained eye, LTC Buning was the most qualified candidate, in fact, it didn't appear to me to be particularly close. I feel badly for Rob Bollinger, because this is a job he clearly wanted and he has been an extremely valuable fundraiser for UND. Based on what I've seen and heard of Rob, I'd be very surprised if he made a stink about this. I think he will take the high road and continue to be a very valuable part of UND. Regarding the comment that LTC Buning may not be looking to move on soon because of the age of his kids: They are military dependents, they are used to moving every few years.
  7. I think Dean Blais, when asked about recruiting, once said something like: We don't do a lot of selling of our program. We don't want to have to convince guys to come here. We want guys who want to come here, that dream of playing for the Sioux. If Les Reaney is this type of guy, I like him already.
  8. I suggest you follow the advice of your own tag line.
  9. PCM, think, man, think! This would be a WCHA officiated game, where Greene would be checking the vermin's golden boy. I absolutely guaran-@&$#&%-tee you that Matty goes to the box on a clean check! The whining from the MN side of the press box alone would be deafening!
  10. Popularity is the hallmark of mediocrity.
  11. For the love of Pete - well, I guess there's no question it's the off-season when Zach vs. Zajac arguments start on the board.
  12. DamStrait


    Ramblings: Don't want another WCHA team and not particularly interested in BSU, but if they were to join, MSU should be the odd-man out. Can't get rid of UAA because teams can add another game to their schedule for each game played up there. I want MTU, CC, and DU (even in their current punk incarnation) always to be part of the WCHA. NDSU would only have started D-I hockey if they had been given an invite to the WCHA first. To be in an inferior league to UND's would have hurt their pride too much. REA killed D-I at NDSU: No way they were going to try to compete with that only to look foolish. Unfortunalely, the primary motivation for both UND and NDSU is to spite the other or avoid being spited by the other. More than a little sad, really.
  13. Matty, I'd love to see you back in a Sioux uni next fall, but more than anything, I want you to do what's best for Matt Greene. Thank you for your three years with the Sioux. I really hope that what's best for Matt Greene is a fourth year at UND. If not, I wish you nothing but success.
  14. PCM, I agree. Chicken Charlie really set me off with his waffling on the name change when it was clear the vast majority of students, alum and the community all wanted it to stay. But over time I have really learned to appreciate his adminstrative and goal setting abilities. He seems to have really brought a lot of focus to the academic, research, and (non-athletic) facilities sides of UND. For this he should receive legitimate applause. His biggest problems are that he seems to be very lacking in charisma for someone in his position, and he seems to be totally (maybe even willfully) unaware of the importance of athletics in the minds of students, alum and the community. He may feel that he and the university should be above such things, and maybe in a perfect world he'd be right. We happen to live in a very imperfect world, though, and if you refuse to deal with reality, reality will deal with you, and usually in an unkind manner. He just doesn't seem to be comfortable being the center of attention. I get the feeling it won't be long before he moves on: Not because he'll be forced out, but because he's just going to 'burn-out' over having to spend so much time and attention on things with which he would really rather not have to involve himself.
  15. "Asked if high school and college teams should stop using Indian nicknames, 81% of Native American respondents said no." Source: Peter Harris Research Group, Inc., as reported in Sports Illustrated, March 4, 2002, page 69. Methodology: The pollsters interviewed 351 Native Americans (217 living on reservations, 134 living off). The responses were weighted according to US census figures for age, race, gender, and the distribution of Native Americans living on and off reservations. Margin of error: Plus or minus 4 percent.
  16. You mean the one where the students chant 'VAHT?!!!' when a member of the opposition's starting lineup is announced?
  17. From last Friday's Columbus Dispatch: "I can't imagine having to go up against our (defensemen),'' Parise said. "They're mean. They're real mean. I've actually heard guys squealing in pain in front of the net. I used to think it was funny. Now I sort of feel sorry for them.'' I haven't seen this posted anywhere, so forgive me if it has been already. The article is available on the web, but you'll have to pay. Details of the article follow: "NORTH DAKOTA MAKES A CASE FOR ITS DEFENSE" Published: Friday, April 8, 2005 SPORTS, page 05F By Aaron Portzline THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH
  18. Regarding the SiouxSports.com logo for tees: I'm an old schooler, so I'd just go w/ "SiouxSports.com", w/ each "S" just like those from the old "Blackhawk" Sioux unis, crossed tomahawks and all. Don't know if there would copyright issues, though. My $0.02.
  19. Just got back from Columbus and now that the season is over and I can say what obviously should have been said much earlier. I gave in to a superstition that had me believe that I would end the Sioux's hot streak if I wrote this before it was over. Some of you may recall that I took leave of my senses following the Saturday game against (@) Anchorage, and stated that Hak should resign. Ummmm yaaaaa, nice call on my part. Needless to say, I'm more than a little red-faced over that one. What can I say, when I'm wrong, I'm REALLY wrong. I realize that my credibility is now somewhat wanting, but as an alumnus of UND, I couldn't be more proud of the way the team and the coaching staff finished the season. Winning Saturday night would have been the icing on the cake, but as I said when I was calling for Hak's head on a stick, I wasn't expecting (or demanding) #8, I just wanted them to play like I felt they were capable of playing. Man, did they do that! Anyway, I think I'll go through much more careful consideration before opening my trap again. Yes, I got exactly what many of you wanted me to get: A great big dose of 'shut-the-&%@#-up'.
  20. I haven't been on the high road very often myself, but when I've been there I've never seen Denny Green. I have often seen him on my many travels along the low road, however.
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