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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. Apparently, John Hill has found the forum.
  2. I know I'm biased, but I swear the real difference is that when the Sioux want to get even, at least they're men about it and challenge the scum to a fair fight (ala Jonsey) without hiding behind cages and when Minnesota wants to get even, it's cheapshotting defenseless players (ala Stoa and that reprehensible mouth breather Demarchi).
  3. John Hill and Ryan Stoa have gotten what they deserve - apparently Stoa hurt himself going after Hextall last night and John Hill has made sure that he will never, ever be considered for another head coaching opening again. Sioux fans, do not sully yourselves by making over-the-top comments or actions regarding these subjects. Do not lower yourselves to Hill's, Stoa's, or Lucia's (Tony) level. The Sioux got the better of them this weekend, but unless they can follow this up with efforts in kind, it won't mean much. I think you can count on the Sioux having to meet Minnesota again before the year is done, and there'll be more on the line when it happens.
  4. And yet you do not bother to dispute the central contention that he would have been better off to have kept quiet. Typical. Geno goes out of his way to stick a finger in someone else's eye - I'd say he's earned any vitriol that comes his way.
  5. Listen whiney - despite your revisionist history the facts are that UND didn't play 'SU because even had they won (while at a significant scholarship disadvantage), they would have had their playoff chances reduced. They did it to protect UND, not to punish 'SU. Even at that, 'SU had the opportunity to play UND in GF, but 'SU deemed that to be insufferably beneath their over-inflated dignity. Also, had 'SU really wished to avoid being "surprised" by UND's stance, they could have inquired before making the jump and so been able to have alternative plans accordingly. They just assumed that UND would fall all over themselves for an opportunity to play 'SU. Perhaps some poor planning on the part of 'SU? Perish the thought!
  6. Douple may well have made his comments in order to provide cover for UND's administration, but he loses credibility when he overplays the part. "As controversial as an issue can get"? - really? If he truly believes that, he is some combination of liar, idiot, or one that lacks any semblance of an imagination. And as for as his membership goes - he's made sure they'll be in the middle of it. If he wanted it to be otherwise, he could have quite simply and reasonably said something like "Their nickname is not a league issue. It is between them and the NCAA and those two entities already have an agreement in place". Taylor should have just kept his fat, stupid mouth shut, but because he's such a damn idiot he couldn't help himself.
  7. I love these guys, but they just do not have "it". Looks like we got ourselves a rebuilding year - guess you've got to have one of those every several years or so.
  8. Oh goody - now that UMTC has exercised their divine right and issued their royal drecree ending the moratorium on expansion, we serfs can get busy implementing their regal desires.
  9. Not informative at all and he gets the facts wrong several times. Anyone that cannot spell "Sioux" correctly should not have their opinion taken seriously regarding this issue.
  10. Saturday's have been taken, but Friday's are still available.
  11. South club lounge (end Sioux shoot at twice) 2 seats each night; "bar stool" seating Bench side of the ice, great seats Free beverages until the drop of the puck, including all beers and designated mixed drink of the night Includes use of parking pass In-seat drink service [*]Free pre-packaged popcorn, chips, etc. and canned pop throughout the game (while it lasts - usually something left at the end of the game) [*]Another 2 standing room "seats" available @ $25 each/night (since the bar stool seats are the top row, all four in your party can be in immediate proximity of one another) [*]Looking to recover my cost ($75/seat/game) [*]Preference given to those that want both games of the series [*]PM me if interested
  12. 1st down Sioux. And another. And another.
  13. Coaching staff needs to be able to make game-to-game and second half adjustments. This is what the big boys do.
  14. UCD going for it on 4 and 2 on the UND 32.
  15. INT - UCD got away with some pretty obvious interference.
  16. Picked off! UND ball @ UCD's 38.
  17. I have a feeling that all we're doing is running time off the clock for UCD. FG blocked.
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