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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. If the coaching staff wanted Breuss' skull pounded in, rest assured, it would have been - last night just wasn't the time or place.
  2. I think Big Joe was clearly referencing a meeting in the indistinct future (beyond this year as the playoffs are pretty much off limits) - the "never gonna happen" is what I found to be curious.
  3. Agree not a major, but if they had called it that way it wouldn't have surprised me and it would not have been the greatest miscarriage of justice of which WCHA officials would be guilty.
  4. ? Cap. Kaiper fought Breuss after his well publicized freshman concussion experience.
  5. Olie and TH said after the game when reviewing it on tape that they thought it was a penalty. I thought live and definitely on replay that it was a penalty (CFB) - it was a "bang - bang" play so the only real question is was it intentional? If Bruess had been given the DQ he deserved last night, he wouldn't even have been on the ice tonight. Explain that to #3. Of course the on-ice officials, GShep and McLown will all sleep very well tonight - just as the clueless always do.
  6. Why should the first two games be in Fargo? The last one was played in GF, so the next one should be in Fargo, but after that it should go back and forth. 'SU left the conference and the division - that is why the series stopped. The first few years would it have hurt UND's playoff chances and/or UND would have been at a competitive disadvantage due to scholarship differential. Now it is a disadvantage to 'SU's playoff chances. When boths teams are again full-fledged members of the same NCAA division, the series can (and maybe should) resume. Until then everyone should probably just calm down. At most what should be expected is an announcement that the series will resume as before once UND is playoff eligible. I really think this is to the advantage of both schools, but if they don't agree on this, so be it - don't renew the series - no big deal.
  7. I'll bet your dad can beat up mine too.
  8. Yeah and Geno and Whiskey Joe are completely blameless in this mess - keep dirinkin' that Kool Aid!
  9. Unbelievable - you follow a monumentally moronic statement with another one. Quit while you are behind. You are apparently really quite full of yourself. I'm glad we don't live in a "world according to DaveK". Congrats - you have become the second poster to make my "ignore" list. Enough is enough.
  10. The Kohl center is crap for hockey. When seated in sides of the upper level, beyond the first couple, three rows, your view of the near boards is nonexistent. Obviously designed for that diversion for those with overactive pituitary glands.
  11. Did Donnie Hairpile hear what was said at Yost to MSU by Mich. fans? Was that caused by serving alcohol in the stands or cheap play on the ice? He bitches about his players not being protected by the officials when defending a cheap shot by one of his players on an opponent after a penalty is called on that opponent? And then he bitches about a cfb called on one of his players when the official erred on the side of caution (i.e protecting players)? Gee Donnie, pick just ONE story and stick with it. That said, anyone writing off UMN is awash in wishful thinking.
  12. How 'bout we don't stoop to their level?
  13. There are plenty of reasons for 'SU not to play the Sioux, but the name is not one of them. To contend otherwise is just stupid and cowardly.
  14. Found tickets - thanks.
  15. If you have them available, please PM me - thanks.
  16. This story relates a shockingly poor attempt at wit. Not commenting on you, Hammersmith, or your post - just those who think they are actually being clever by using their contrived nickname for UND.
  17. Not all UND fans are in Grand Forks.
  18. TH was saying on the radio (I think in the pregame to the BSU tilt at the REA) that BSU requires a 8 of 10 "yes" votes to get into the league and he categorically stated that they do not have the votes. Take it for what it is worth.
  19. Using WCHA officials weakens, not strengthens, your argument. You really need to find better references.
  20. That you Toni? Don't work yourself up into a snit, now - just have Pamprin and lie down in a cool, quiet place with your eyes closed. Just forget about those big, bad, nasty Sioux.
  21. After watching that link, I now understand why John Hill had back surgery some years back - he had his spine removed. What an asshat. If he truly thinks what Jonsey did was "for show" - if he really thought that if Toni had manned up, that Jonesy would have backed down - he's delusional and certifiable.
  22. OMG!!!!! Moore's hit was legal and Bertuzzi was trying to fight over a legal check - that is the problem with that incident. If Toni didn't want to fight, he shouldn't have speared Trupper - simple as that. I'm now done with you - you obviously have a very tenuous grip on reality and I will not waste my good time trying to get the wilfully blind to see. Please try to successfully fight the overwhelming urge to further embarass yourself by responding. Unbelievable.
  23. NO, NO, NO NO!!!! Hextall never saw Stoa's cheapshot into the crossbar coming and was subsequently on his back for the follow-up. As usual in these matters, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG.
  24. The above is by far the stupidest post ever on this board. No, Dave spearing is much, much, much, MUCH worse than challenging someone to a fight for CHEAP stickwork. For the love of god, quit embarassing yourself. At least Jonsey was man enough to challenge Toni Lucia to his face. Trupper never knew the spear was coming. Use some common sense for Pete's sake.
  25. Just goes to show that Maturi is as much of a pussy as his men's hockey team. Honest to god, why the hell can't people learn to mind their own damn business. If he were a man, he'd say something like "We play regional teams. They're a regional team. Their nickname is their business."
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