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Csonked Out

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Everything posted by Csonked Out

  1. You're not missing to much anyway, pretty sure the camera dude was drinking before the game
  2. I thought they only had that technology for sheep....who would have thought Alaskans would have pulled it off
  3. you have to have real player 5 downloaded on your pc for it to work I do believe
  4. I can't believe Leinweber is still in college, feels like i've been hearing that guys name for the last freakin decade
  5. He is just trying to jump up to much, if he lays back and plays his game he can be good. They need to put him back with Blood, I miss that pairing
  6. He is the reason the Sioux aren't loosing right now, fantastic period from him
  7. This powerplay is looking much better than the last one even though they did score on the last one
  8. Everyone is just trying to pull a fancy move out of their $%@ instead of just cycling and having crisp passes, I hate when they do that crap against bad teams.
  9. HAHA, the replay is putting their camera on the Ref's replay. High quality!
  10. that's exactly what they're doing......shart
  11. I like Cichy getting more minutes this year, liked what I saw from him last year
  12. This is not the same Alaska team I am used to seeing, UND is skating circles around them
  13. What a play Chay!!! Hell of a break up
  14. Man this is some gross hockey right now, clean up those passes boys
  15. Malone! sloppy power play but good end result
  16. Man if I had to listen to that damn cowbell at the Ralph every game I would go insane
  17. It was another damn lacrosse moment there for a second I thought
  18. Nice read, but holy thread bump
  19. You look around the country and apparently UND wasn't the only one who felt that was a good idea at the time, as their are/were the Seminoles, Illini, Indians, Red Skins, Fighting Irish, Vikings etc.... My point being alumni, students, and the community are all a very integral part of every University and IMHO it would be a mistake not to include them in this decision, as the dollars they give the University are a very large piece of the pie.
  20. I have to respectfully disagree on that idea. In my personal opinion the only people that should have a say in this are people that are tied directly to the university (ie. Alumni, Employees and Students). As an alumni and also donor, it is important to myself that the nickname reflect what the majority of us tied to the university feel it should be, not a group of people who may have never been to the university. I understand the purpose of it though and it is quite a creative idea, just not something that appeals to me.
  21. Man am I impressed with Davidson at D so far these last 2 weeks. He get's the puck to the net, strong on has skates, and just solid. Where the hell has this guy been the last 3 years!
  22. I am in no way disagreeing with the importance of waivers as your basically hoping that while they are on campus their work will lead to more money for the University in the form of grants and joint ventures with corporations (ie. the unmanned space program grant that UND received). UND got this directly because of waivers given to certain students who did research while at the Univeristy. The reason this is a big deal is because you have to know what your budget is and how much you can spend. One of the major goals at NDSU was growth (which they accompolished), but they failed at the budget behind the growth. They simply didn't take into account the lost income from the amount of tuition waivers they were handing out and that is the problem with all of this. It has nothing to do with foreign or local grad students, as monetarily Research and Development gives you long-term fiscal gain in the form of grants and corporate dollars coming into the University which take a period of several years to do research on.
  23. Oh I dont know, Burt Reynolds is a BAMF.....
  24. Why the hell is White Lighting on instead of the damn game?
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