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Air Force One

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Everything posted by Air Force One

  1. http://www.usatoday.com/money/2006-01-04-a...cs_x.htm?csp=34 Article from today's USA Today on the highest revenue grossing D1 schools "Teams that don't produce revenue decreased profit at Ohio State to slightly more than $120,000. Georgia had the nation's most profitable college sports program, making $23.9 million more than it spent."
  2. You guys are up on your local high school hockey, I am not, and this is a ND HS hockey thread but what are your thoughts on the Warroad boys team vs the US Olympic women's team tonight up in Warroad?
  3. All this did was take me to the homepage, no documented example of racism there. I did find some interesting reading including a report I was thinking about looking up. I really injoyed the author's interjections into the official report of "What the report didn't state was...", those were cute. Funny how the NC$$ could not find a hostile or abusive environment in 2002 but they could in a blanket decree 2 1/2 years later.
  4. I'm still waiting on that list of "the last vestiges or racism toward my people" and the documented instances of racism toward Native American people at UND. Have they opened any "Indian Only" coffee shops, has Barnes and Noble said only non-native Americans can buy their textbooks for spring semester there? Any special "Native American Only" parking spaces? Do the Native American students that ride the campus shuttle have to sit in the back? Has the city council re-zoned a portion of the city not to allow Native American students to rent or have more then 3 non-related persons live with them? I mean, how hard can this list be, these things are so obvious, so well publicized, so blatant in their intent that they should be on the front page of the Heraldo or the Dakota Student daily and weekly. You must be able to drive down University at any time and see Native American students being pushed into snow banks and having their textbooks knocked from their hands. I mean, as heinous as it was, look how much coverage and how fast the recent Synagogue vandalism got and how fast it was declared a hate crime and yet all of the injustices claimed my the name changers get absolutely no press. Is the liberal press here missing out on an opportunity to bash the state of federal government here? Call Fox New, those hick North Dakotans have figured out a way to practice racism and cover it up!
  5. So bad that the Turtle Mountain tribe are practically begging the City Council to let them build a casino in town, you know, this seething pit of racism.
  6. Maybe it's because Paukovitch is gone to Team USA at the World Jr.
  7. Post often, they block the streaming audio and video here and I will bee sleeping anyway. I'll read all your posts when I get up, it's kinda like watching the game on fast forward. Midnight is in about an hour and a half here, Happy New Year to all!
  8. What are the prices? They block E-Bay here. Remember the prices Crosby's stuff went for last year and then they had to pull it because his was stolen?
  9. It's slowly being gutted, I read in the Heraldo the boards and glass were sold last year. As another poster here said, I'm waiting to hear the seats are up for sale, wouldn't mind a short run of the seats.
  10. At first I was suprised but Lotyz being put in the hockey radio booth, but I have enjoyed him since he joined Hennessy.
  11. The former REA was the Winter Sports Center when I attended UND in the mid 80s then Ralph made a major donation and the name changed.
  12. What team did he play high school hockey for? Oh yeah, the Warroad WARRIORS. Can you believe all this hostility and abusiveness in this region?
  13. 18, he's a DJ in Thief River. I listened to that station when I was home on leave, not to shabby.
  14. Imagine that, college hockey players with homework and studying to do! What a concept Coach!
  15. You should trade your one 8 year old vehicle in on two 4 year old vehicles, then you won't be opressed anymore and you'll have variety too!
  16. Not all of them. The first one is free, from here on out they gotta pay! And there are a lot of people here now that want the address or website if there is one for Widmans. Happy Holidays to you and yours too.
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