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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. I thought getting Panzer back would push them over their struggle to score early in the season. I don't think he was quite at normal Panzer ability coming off his injury.
  2. Central's goaltending was good in the EDC tournament up to that game against Sheyenne. It cost them on goals #2 and #3. Sheyenne's goalie was as locked in as I've seen him all year long. Tough for both teams to sit around for a 4 OT game before, but to the kids credit they came out and played a good hockey game.
  3. Probably so Red River didn't get another look at Olsonawski. He did the same thing last year splitting the EDC title game. I dunno.
  4. South coach started his backup goalie against Red River, and the Riders win going away 8-3. State: Red River vs. Jamestown Minot vs. Sheyenne Legacy vs. Davies South vs. Century
  5. Tremendous goaltending in a big spot. Congrats to the Jays!
  6. A hurtful hostile and abusive term to those dealing with personal issues. Unless they are talking about my kids....then it's fine.
  7. With the way Central is playing I thought they'd beat South. They just ran out of gas and a kid made a great play to beat a goaltender who was playing pretty well. South did a great job letting Olsonawski see everything. I've followed him closely this year and you just root for the kid because of the things he has been through with his mother passing away. His dad is a super good guy as well. Always has time to talk when I run into him around the rink.
  8. The way we play in our own end SCSU is a season ender because of the Herb. Preferred destinations: 1. Omaha 2. Western 3. SCSU 4. Denver To me 3 and 4 are season over. 2 is a big time challenge, but for whatever reason we've been okay at Lawson.
  9. He looked like a figure skater on the game winning goal. Yikes.
  10. Okay.....yes a nice pass, but what in the world Huskies. Yes, I'm talking about you 14. For everything you hear about Okabe that's on him. More puck watching here than at the squirt International.....
  11. NCHC rookie of the year Jackson Blake was huge. On a team where nothing is consistent he is one that gives a glimpse of hope for next year along with 21, 22, and 26. With guys changing he could of got off the ice and got a fresh pair of legs out against a tired SCSU group, but he wanted the puck on his stick deciding the game.
  12. I'm excited for EDC today. Should be loads of fun. Two evenly matched teams to start things with North and Davies, and then Sheyenne vs. Central part 2, a year to the date almost where Sheyenne knocked the Knights out of the state tournament. I think Red River gets past South today as they'll have more legs than the Bruins, but Olsonawski can definitely be a difference maker for them as well. Predictions: Davies over North Central gets redemption Red River beats South Century over Mandan Jamestown over Dickinson Minot over Legacy
  13. WDA: Legacy-Minot Century-Mandan Jamestown-Dickinson EDC: Red River-South Shanley North-Davies Central-Sheyenne
  14. Ohh my clowns... Who is #14 for them?
  15. I don't think it's a 5....but I've been wrong before.
  16. Yes Starman, this is pretty much a summary of our season....
  17. Red River beat North 4-1. Minot and RR punch tickets.
  18. Devils Lake just didn't look like they recovered from 16-1 vs. Red River. They have a good young goalie and some kids coming up, so should hear more from them in the future. Sheyenne vs. Central/South/Shanley. Should be some good hockey.
  19. I like North upsetting Red River. I'm too chicken to predict that.
  20. With Kleven it's almost at the point or similar to where you're the coach on the team that just got a prolonged 5-3 powerplay and you yell at your guys "don't touch anybody" because if they look at somebody wrong they're going to get a penalty because the whole world knows who is getting the next one.
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