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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. If you think South beats Minot 63-0 then how badly would they beat Wahpeton? Are you a disgruntled Wahpeton fan, or just a person lacking any real common sense? Yeah, I think South will win the game, but get real....
  2. AAA I pretty much agree. I don't see Minot winning the game. South has rolled over every team they've played and their defense might be as good as their offense. Win or lose Minot should be happy to be there, but if South plays well they win hands down. I'll say South 35 Minot 20. AA Trinity is just a tournament team. I think that Watford will come away with the victory in this game. 22-15 A Velva is just too good in the title games. All these kids have played in the spotlight. They expect to be there, and they expect to win. Linton has been there in the past as well, but I don't see them knocking off Velva. Velva 16 Linton 6 Nine Man I don't have a clue on this one. But Napoleon has some great wrestlers, so I'll pick them. 28-22.
  3. I'm glad that someone mentioned something about the great possibility of UND being on the road for the entire playoffs. UND could be the #1 team out of their region and not get any home games..... "The NCAA was established as a sports management association. The organization has since assumed the mantle of social arbiters. They need to go back to scheduling ballgames and leave the social engineering to others" ~Representative Timothy Johnson
  4. Minot 35 Wahpeton 14. A pretty good football game for the most part. The thing that hurt Wahpeton was they couldn't stop Minot's running attack. I think the RB Schatz had over 200 yards rushing. I think there might have been more Wahpeton fans in attendance than Minot fans..... Other winners: Napoleon will take on Turtle Lake Mercer in the 9 man Championship Linton will play Velva in the A Championship Trinity will play Watford City in the AA Championship Fargo South will play Minot in the AAA Championship
  5. Updating the AAA playoffs. Minot over Central-42-7 Wahpteon over Mandan 32-7 (I think?) Fargo South over Williston (can't remember the score) Bismarck high over West Fargo 28-21 That sets up the Semis Bismarck High @ Fargo South Wahpeton @ Minot The best four teams in the state still alive. This is a good thing.
  6. I could respond in a negative way, but I find all of your shots at Minot amusing. Hey, Dean was back this past weekend, you should be in a good mood. PS: What Grand Forks high school do you claim to be a fan of? Isn't it Red River?? Just asking.
  7. Last night in the AAA ranks Central and Williston were victorious....that means.... Saturday: Williston @ Fargo South (Long drive for the Williston kids....hopefully South takes it easy on them) West Fargo @ Bismarck High (The most interesting first round game) Mandan @ Wahpeton Central @ Minot Predictions for the first round? I'll take South over Williston, Bismarck High over West Fargo (they never lose at the Bowl), Wahpeton over Mandan, and hopefully Minot over Central.
  8. Wilbur

    NDSU Football

    I concur, I was at the game yesterday and NDSU is one helluva football squad. I know they don't believe in moral victories, but they played an extremely good game, and should feel proud. One question though: I can not believe how many times I heard "Sioux Suck" yesterday. Or how many derogatory comments were made toward UND from the Bison fans yesterday (this includes a "D2 Faggots" cheer started at Joe Sensor's). I mean, UND and NDSU haven't played in a couple of years, and thats pretty much all I heard walking around. This didn't change who I was cheering for, I wanted NDSU to win the game, but its clearly obvious to me now who hates who more..... PLUS YOU WEREN'T EVEN PLAYING UND!!!! Does this happen at all NDSU football games? I mean I haven't heard anyone talk about the Bison at any UND games for the past couple of years....
  9. And the AAA playoffs are set. Play in Games: Central vs. Fargo North Jamestown vs. Williston Quarterfinal Matchups 1E Fargo South vs. Jamestown-Williston Winner 2W Bismarck High vs. 3E West Fargo 1W Minot vs. North-Central winner 2E Wahpeton vs. 3W Mandan I'm personally looking forward to seeing what Minot can do with the team they have, but I'm more interested in seeing how tough West Fargo or Bismarck plays South in the semifinals. Go Minot....
  10. This game was just another in a long line of games in the UND Omha series where Omaha gets all the breaks and ends up winning the game. I don't know what it is about Omaha, but every time they meet up with UND it seems like they get every single bounce of the ball. I think this is an okay loss for the team. They have been playing mediocre the past couple of weeks, and hopefully this serves as a wakeup call. There is a lot of football left to be played this season. Gosh its nice to have Manke back, he played well today.
  11. Other scores I picked up Minot over Century 32-7 Bismarck beat St. Mary's yesterday like 26-7 North over Central 7-6 Mandan over Dickinson 22-0 With the win Minot wins the West Region and will be at home for the Quarterfinals of the state tournament. Hopefully they haven't peaked too early, and will be ready to play come the postseason. Come on Redwing...South WILL BE in the title game....
  12. The past three weeks, although all wins, have caused some concern. I for one will be happy to see the end of Chris Belmore's career. He's made a lot of plays, but the team always seems to play different with him on the field. And he's good for at least one turnover a game. The Sioux absolutely need Manke against Omaha next week. Hopefully he's ready to go.
  13. Some winners from tonight: Minot over St. Mary's 48-7 (not totally sure about this one?) Bismarck over Mandan 42-14? West Fargo over Central Also heard that South was only up 6 on Red River in the 4th quarter? Any other scores?
  14. Wilbur


    My opinion on the turnovers is Belmore.....the guy throws way to many interceptions. Does anyone have a for sure time period for when Manke will be back? To have any chance against Omaha they'll need him at the helm.
  15. Minot did dominate the first half, and won easily although I thought they came out a little flat in the second half. A lot of people talk about the athletes of South, but Minot has a running back by the name of Schatz that is a pretty good football player. When the kid got in open space he was gone.... It also helped that Minot got Hendrickson back. That kid is just an animal on the football field. If by chance Minot makes the title game, I think it would be a whole lot closer game with South than 40-0. Maybe a 21-10 loss or something like that....
  16. I would love to see this Fargo South team play the West Fargo team from a couple of years ago that had Roehl (believe he plays for the Bison now), that absolutely destroyed Minot in the championship and every other team they played that season. Redwing, I don't see a team getting within ten points of South.....
  17. Actually that game was at Fargo South, but it still probably wouldn't have mattered. A team with the speed of south on the turf at the Alerus though...... Just give Fargo South the state championship. Minot has a good team though....
  18. Wilbur

    Reed Manke

    Could someone update me as to what happened? I guess I missed the part about him getting hurt....
  19. Jeez you're right. They should just completely shut down every single hockey program in the western part of North Dakota. Just end the high school season with the east region tournament. This way the eastern teams wouldn't have to waste their precious time during the regular season or the state tournament playing horrible western teams....
  20. Very well said UNDhockey22. Grand Forks will always be hockeytown ND, and veryone will always talk about the great Grand Forks teams, but its nice to see some other schools win state titles once in a while. Parity is a good thing. I played with Krebsbach, heck of a hockey player. Would of made Minot a lot better....
  21. Williston hockey has improved leaps and bounds since the early 90's. Back when I started playing traveling hockey we would romp Williston constantly, and most of the games ended up with running time. As I got older they started getting better and better, and the games got a whole lot closer. Nowadays when Williston beats Minot or Bismarck it really isn't considered an upset. Yeah they have a little ways to go to catch up to the Fargo South's/Red River's/Central/etc. of the world, but it seems like their high school team gets better every season. Dickinson is like Williston in the fact that they are also much improved, but I personally don't believe that hockey has caught on in Dickinson quite yet. A couple years ago they made the state high school tournament which is huge for a young program, but they've kind of taken their lumps the past couple of years. I still believe they belong in high school hockey (although others here will tell you differently) and hopefully in the near future the game will catch on in Dickyville. Like I've always believed, the growth of hockey in a small state like North Dakota is HUGE!
  22. And of course Minot is not a hockey dynasty, as you mentioned last year. Do you have any other blatantly obvious statements you would like to make? Dave Hakstol is a great hockey coach! Thats mine...
  23. I used to be in the boat of rotating the tournament, but facts are facts. The tournament should stay in the best facility the state has to offer, which is obviously REA. The one thing I think should change is requiring all teams to stay in hotels. But that will never happen either....
  24. Never said Minot or the west was terrible... "there could have easily been no teams from the west in the state tournament this year" "wow 3 players in the ushl, you would think they would have gotten out of the first round of state!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA What a JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!" "Do you really want teams like south or red river playing bottaneu or dickinson, that would get ugly fast?" What exactly were you trying to imply?
  25. Plenty of home games against the top east teams? The only east team that came to Minot this year was Central. The year before that they beat Central, Grafton, EGF, and tied the eventual state champion Red River at home. So what good do you think you're doing by constantly berating western hockey? With your posts I'm under the belief that you think western towns should just drop their hockey programs and have the eastern teams play the same 8 teams all year long. I guess you're right...the growth of the game is a bad thing....
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