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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Well I just used Brad Schlossman's NCAA prediction tool on his website and using many different scenerios its almost a 100 percent lock that the loser of the Duluth vs. Minnesota game will likely not make the NCAA tournament....which makes Thursday nights game an NCAA playoff game for both schools. With both schools having so much to play for it should be a superb hockey game for all to see. That being said, the Sioux will be in the NCAA tournament, so not a ton of pressure on the fellas this week. But I'd still love to see both the McNaughton and the Broadmor in the main entrance at the Ralph next season.
  2. I agree that UND has a major advantage with not having to play, but there is just something that happens to the gophers when they are playing behind that XCEL energy center crowd that gets them going. Last year I thought SCSU had a great chance to beat them.....nope.....Then CC came in as a team that should have skated around Minnesota and put up a huge number on the scoreboard....nope... I think what really stopped the gophers last year at the F5 was that they ran out of gas against Denver, because they outplayed the pios for large quantities of that hockey game and just didn't have enough at the end. And the fact that the Denver game was the the first time the bounces really didn't go their way (Bozak's goal) The bounces will be key. If the gophs get them like last year (SCSU, CC) they could easily be playing in the title game once again. I'd love to see UND vs. Duluth on Friday night, but my head and my heart tell me it will be round three of the Sioux and the Gophers. I'm calling a Kangas SHUTOUT!!!!
  3. For some reason I'm more excited for this years final five then in previous years. The Thursday night matchup is similar to last year, but I really think that the way the dogs and the gophers are playing will make it a fantastic game. I'm not one to make predictions, but that game is very capable of being a 1-1 or 2-2 OT thriller (now saying that it will be 7-6 ). The 2-3 game should be a good one with Denver and Bucky. I give the advantage to Bucky with Denver's top two players being out, and I expect the badgers to bring a mighty voice to the X on Thursday afternoon after not being there last season. Another great goaltending matchup in that one. I don't know what to think of the Sioux right now. I'm glad they swept Tech but both nights there were good stretches where they were outplayed. I hope it goes to that old adage that its tough to end a teams season, and I guess UND did lose on Saturday night last season, so you could say that good teams find a way to win when they aren't playing their best hockey. At least we don't have to hold our breath after last years series....Tech had my heartbeat up quite a bit last season....jerks... Alright, here go my predictions: Play in Minnesota 3 Duluth 2 in OT Semis Wisconsin 4 Denver 2 Minnesota 3 UND 2 (Minnesota benefiting again from the chance to have an entire day break) 3rd Place UND 5 Denver 1 Championship Wisconsin 4 Minnesota 3
  4. In all honesty I don't feel that great about this teams chances. I think they're playing pretty good hockey, and playing it at the right time of the season, but for some reason I just can't see this team winning the whole thing. I think an earlier poster summed it up beautifully....a lot depends on the draw. If UND ends up in a draw with Notre Dame I like their chances, but Michigan and Boston U scare the heck out of me. I think those two teams match up extremely well against UND, and would definitely create major problems for us in our own end. And darnit....what if BC manages to sneak in...they own us.... Ohh well, its always fun watching UND play hockey in the post season. Here is to a great weekend of hockey and a great weekend down the line in St. Paul! And then, wherever they go!
  5. I'm very excited for this weekend of hockey. I'll be getting tickets for the series as I'd like to see Duncan and the rest of the seniors on the ice one more time at the ralph before they call it a career at home. I really hope that last year serves a valuable lesson for the Sioux. Tech is a team that doesn't quit, and showed it last year. That weekend series could have gone either way last year with the Sioux possibly losing if not for some great saves at the end by Lamoureax. You can't be too upset with the way the Sioux played against Wisconsin. Boy, that Connelly, just likes to pick on us. I like the way the Sioux are playing heading into the weekend, hopefully they'll keep the roll on.
  6. Great win and another cup championship for the Sioux. I think the guy I was the most impressed with tonight besides Genoway was Eidsness. Made a great save with about two or three minutes left in the hockey game, and just seemed like that calm influence when the Sioux were struggling in the first period and for a bit in the second period. Hats off to Dave Hakstol and the boys. Now lets sweep the badgers, and send them reeling into the postseason.
  7. I think the best part of the whole Jones-Lucia incident was how ticked off Jones was that Lucia wouldn't belly up and fight him. I do give Lucia credit for being smart enough not to drop the gloves. Tony looks to be a tough kid, but when Jones is in one of those moods I don't think I'd get near him....I mean the kid darn near fought the linesman. I saw a replay of Saturday's game tonight and I think that Frank and Doug might have been talked to a little after the second period, because they change moods in the third period. It goes from being apologetic raging whining homers, back to knowledgeable hockey minds. Like I said, I enjoy listening to them call hockey games when they are being objective more than I do listening to Hennessey on the radio any time. Hennessey did have a classic line this weekend. "Normally I'm a guy who sides more so on the side of the Sioux." Yeah, okay Hennessey, by normally you mean 150 percent of the time.
  8. I'm not affraid to admit that in the past I loved watching their broadcasts. Wooger, very knowledgeable about the game and always giving both teams credit, and Frank giving pretty good play by play for action up and down the rink (so much better than Sweeney....so much). After this weekend though I can't watch gopher games any more with the volume on. After UND started rolling their team they turned into whiney homer broadcasters. Last night was disgusting. Frank decides he's going to put it on the officials that the gophers are being out physicalled and outplayed. Classic line, "Those rules don't apply to this game." I can't believe how many times he brought that up, and the Wooger took the bait and followed suit. Both Friday and Saturday nights post game comments sucked as well. Like I said, I've been a Wooger and Frank apologist but FSN should apologize to the faithful gopher fans for that BS broadcast last night. If I wanted to listen to whiney illogical complaining I'd call up those bridges people who are all for changing the sioux name. I'm willing to bet that something will be said to those two and next week they put on a little better performance.
  9. Well what a weekend for fighting sioux hockey. I can't remember a time where they played with more grit and determination than this weekend. They won all the battles for loose pucks and completely outplayed the goof troop both nights. One guy that I thought would have to be the difference this weekend was Brad Eidsness. However, he wasn't a factor whatsoever in the series and just gave them the good goaltending that they needed to get the job done. Hopefully this is a momentum builder for him. The coaching move of the weekend though goes to Hakstol and his assistants. I loved the move having all experienced d-men play in the series(Miller-Jones Finley-Genoway LaPoint-Marto). I really think that those six defensemen that saw time limited mistakes and played very stellar defensive hockey. Blood and Fienhage are learning on the go, but this was a big weekend for the Sioux, and they needed the experience on the blue line for sure. Huge series now at Tech. It can't be two steps forward, two steps back.
  10. I can't believe that Stoa wouldn't play tonight. I hate the gophs, but the guy did step up for his hockey team last night (whether it be cheap or not), like any captain should do. As a former hockey player and a former captain of a team there are certain injuries that you play with and certain ones that you don't. When you're the captain you have to set the example for your teammates and play with those tough injuries. I mean you look at Goligoski a couple of years ago, the guy played with an injury a lot of guys would take two weeks off with. I think that Stoa plays tonight, if not then maybe he isn't the right captain for the U like I thought he was last night.
  11. Canada winning this tournament is like the U.S. winning gold in basketball. Some people may get all hyped up over it, but really they're the ones that should win it year in and year out. I bet one in about 10,000 people in the U.S. know any of the players on the U.S. team. The Canadian players are household names by this point in time. Heck, I bet if you asked 10,000 people in the U.S. maybe five would know what the world junior tournament is... I completely agree with an earlier post about selecting Buffalo for the next one in the states. They should put the tournament down in Phoenix Arizona, maybe then the U.S. team wouldn't get booed off the ice.
  12. I'm anxious to see the GWG. Whoever it is that does the blog for the U.S. games says it was one of those between the legs plays. Nice way to go out for VanRiemsdyk (wonder if I was close to spelling it right....). As an egotistical American I thought that we were entitled to at least a bronze medal at this tournament, so I'm upset that they're leaving with consolation honors...
  13. Well the U.S. is currently ahead 1-0 in the third period against the Czechs.....and Josh Unice is playing.....hmmmm....maybe a goalie change might have worked earlier in the tournament....possibly?
  14. How stupid can Russian hockey players be? Someone already pointed out their three obvious mistakes at the end of the game, so I don't have to.....I mean who taught those guys to protect a lead? But I guess these are the same people who pulled Tretiak in a serious situation so I don't know why they'd play fundamental hockey in their own end to finish the game. The Canadians will win the gold on Monday, but they should consider themselves extremely lucky the Russians were so stupid at the end. Heck, they didn't even use their best player in the shootout...
  15. Ask the world Junior team today if they would take a 4-3 win over a weaker opponent in a hostile environment..... The Beavers are a good hockey team that can't be overlooked. After the GLI, I'll take any positive outcome that we can get. 10-10-1, not the greatest record, but a win tomorrow puts us over 500 heading into the goofs series. If we can get anything over 2 points in the goofs series I think we have a very strong possibility to get home ice in the postseason. Ugly wins are better than good losses any day.
  16. A couple thoughts about the game/US. in general..... ~They need a coach that has some discipline...this team played with very little. I say give Red Berensen a turn. ~McCollum was horrible. I don't care what his stats are in the OHL, he was brutal. He didn't make any key saves the entire tournament. Why they didn't go to Unice at least one time kind of befuddles me....All of the goals that McCollum gave up today were soft goals....all of them. ~A couple times in the game especially later in the game the U.S. didn't have its top PP unit on the ice (Schroeder, VanR, and Wilson). They did get the PP goal in the third, but other than that late in the second you didn't see much of them on the PP. When it comes to elimination time, and everything is on the line, your studs need to be on the ice, no matter how tired they may be. ~I thought the U.S. defense played very well. Minus that turnover goal off the official. I did call a friend of mine who is an official and he told me that the official shouldn't have even been trailing the play on the wall, and was out of position. That didn't cost the U.S. the game, but another great officiating moment in this tournament. The officiating never surprises me in this tournament.....ever. Its always horrible, and certain guys (Della Rovere) end up getting away with stupid crap because the officials are affraid of the home crowd. I would like to personally recommend Mike Lee for the goaltending position for next years squad. He'll be in his first year at SCSU and is one of the more solid goaltenders in the USHL at this time. He's also had some success with other U.S. junior teams, as I believe he played on the U17 team or something like that up in Canada and won gold. I hope that McCollum has no eligibility left......I don't understand how he can be a first round draft pick....I just don't....
  17. Wow.....he will make any team he plays for instantly better. He's got great hands, and that Jonathan Toews scoring touch around the net. He'll be the tournament MOP unless Schroeder does something more magical than he's already done. Before the U.S. talks about any redemption against Canada they'd better get their heads on straight for today's game with Slovakia.
  18. A couple thoughts on the game: ~Stupid stupid stupid USA hockey players.....make sure that you wake up a sleeping dog after you score....dumb..... ~The U.S. needs better goaltending. The guy is a first round draft pick, I haven't seen him make any game changing saves. ~That should have definitely been a 5 minute major for hitting from behind on the Canadian player (I can't even remember the guys name). That is absolutely the definition of hitting from behind. The international official got scared of the Canadian crowd.... ~John Tavares is a sick freak.....why he isn't in the NHL.....well we can only wonder.... I like the U.S. draw heading into the playoffs. They match up well with Slovakia, and if they get past that one they've had Sweden's number as of late. I like the fact that they avoid playing Russia. The U.S. doesn't need to play an arrogant hockey team with the support of the Canadians behind them. That game could turn into what happened in Grand Forks a couple years ago.
  19. I agree that Kazakhstan has a ways to go, but I don't think its a bad thing for them to be in the tournament. They'll go through relegation and be back who knows when. Like someone mentioned I just can't believe that Belarus and Switzerland aren't in the tournament. I mean Belarus beat the U.S. in Grand Forks, and Switzerland wasn't a walkover by any means with some of the big kids that they have. As for predictions for tonight: Pierre Mcquire (sp) said it best the other day, a lot depends on the officiating. If it gets into a special teams war I think the Canadians win 5-1. If the officials let them play hockey and don't let the crowd influence their decision making I think the Canadians win 3-2. Prove me wrong USA!!!!
  20. Cade had a great game. Completely controlled the ice every shift he played. He wasn't the only U.S defenseman to have a great game, but was definitely deserving of getting the player of the game award. I don't think casual hockey fans can truly appreciate what it means to hold a team to 10 shots in a sixty minute international hockey game. Thats a tough thing to do, no matter who you're playing (well, I guess if its like Japan.... .) Kristo played well for the U.S. as well. I thought he added some jump to the lineup and created a couple of great chances.
  21. I like the Canadian fans booing the U.S. after they get their 12th goal of the game. They must have short memories of the 15 spot their precious boys put on the Kazaks a few days ago. Also it was a very classy gesture to boo Cade Fairchild while getting his player of the game award..
  22. One thing that needs to be looked at by the IIHF is the absolute BLOWN CALL on the U.S. empty net goal. That play was clearly onsides, and it nearly cost the U.S. in the end as they survived a major flurry. Whoever the bozo linesman was on that play shouldn't see the ice for the rest of the tournament, or should head over to France or wherever the relegation round is being played. The hockey coach in me completely has no time for brutal officiating, and when I see a call like that one it just boils my blood even more. You're hearing it here first, Canada will be on the powerplay more than the U.S. will when the two teams meet on Wednesday night. BTW Schroeder had a helluva game for the U.S. The kid should be in the NHL next year.
  23. Did anybody hear what the shots were in the game? Thanks.
  24. I don't really know if you can fault the effort. The guys put up 38 shots on goal, buzzed around the Duluth net the entire second and third period, and played pretty well defensively, and got some good goaltending. Stalock was phenomenal, but at the same time he better keep his lucky rabbits foot in his breezers, because a couple of times the puck went right into him when he was all but down and out. I guess the only thing I'm really disappointed in is the powerplay, and the finishing. Other than that I can't be upset with the effort. Someone mentioned Lamoureax in for Martens.....boy do I agree. It seems like every guy on the team loves Martens or "Marty" but what has the guy done in his time at UND? Ohh yeah, FIRE HAK!
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