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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. That Friday night game against Anchorage will be a replay of last year. Talk about short bench.... Not the greatest of starts off the ice....
  2. My wife is wondering why I spit my diet coke on the computer just now.....the Rocco comment got me rolling....
  3. Glad that the captains weren't the only ones to be punished in this whole ordeal. The university provided documentation to the police which I believes therefore gives them the right to file MIC charges against these young men. A college kid getting an MIC....GOODNESS!!!!! You still have to wonder "what if" in regards to how public this goes without the NDSU incident coming into play.
  4. So if this Reilly kid uses a medical redshirt (likely), he could be a senior at the U of M when he's 25..... WHAT WHAT WHAT.....UND is the only team that has 25 year olds.....
  5. I'll say UND 45, Sac St. 35. Doesn't matter if they're ticked off or not, they're still not that good of a defensive unit. (Would love to eat crow on Saturday night).
  6. Missing those guys will be tough to start the year, but I think the expectations for the team will still be to win the hockey game. No excuses. They didn't take that road last year, hopefully they don't take that road this year.
  7. Watched some youtube clips of murphy and I liked what I saw. Guy thats always around the net and a creative finisher. Body type kind of reminds me of a Jason Gregoire. As far as being drafted....yeah Nanne has one assist in four games while Murphy is having his way with the league. I don't think not being drafted will hurt too much....
  8. I couldn't have said it better if I had tried to a hundred times.....
  9. Glad I finally got to see the Digger Anderson-Rod Malone play at the Alerus. I DVR'd the documentary and watched that play like ten times. I don't like Rocky, but I'll agree with him that UND doesn't break the streak if Arden Beechy doesn't blow out his knee in a blowout game. Then again the year before if UND catches the ball in the end zone or kicks the game winning field goal instead of trying to force the ball into coverage it wouldn't have gotten to that point.
  10. Every team does it. Doesn't make it right, but at the same time you're right. When Faison mentioned the whole possibility of law enforcement getting involved....crap.....
  11. This is a whole new ball of wax. The NC$$ has come down extremely harsh on the whole hazing topic.....this could get worse before it gets any better.
  12. Good point brought up. I guess we'll never know. But I'm glad that our AD got up and called these players out instead of standing up and calling his student athletes "victims".
  13. Nothing different than last year.
  14. A college athlete of age had a beer......better call in the CIA.....
  15. If something more severe had happened I think we would have heard about it via word of mouth by now. My guess is big team party with under age drinking going on, and things got a bit out of control. (For the first time ever in college history) Glad the message was sent though. Hopefully a couple of no puck practices continue to send the message once the coaches get on the ice with players.
  16. Definitely a tough start to the season, but I agree with any sort of punishments handed out to these young men who are supposed to be acting as role models. Guess they all should have played hockey at NDSU.
  17. Just watched some of the SDSU game highlights.....yikes.....gotta tackle fellas....wrap up.....wrap up....
  18. Obviously this team is fine offensively as far as point production goes, but defense and the run game is where the question mark will be for now. So far not being able to run the ball has made our team pass happy which means our defense will be on the field more. On the road you have to be able to run the clock and keep your defense off the field. Playing catchup last week meant throwing the football more, which is what they had to do, but you need to be able to pound teams down and have five to seven minute drives keeping the other team's athletes off the field. UND can win a shootout, but you can't continually be in those situations week in week out. PS: Extremely proud of the guys last week. Battled a pretty good team down to the wire. Baby steps, baby steps.
  19. Lots of UND fans ranked in the upper echelon of the leaderboard. One wrong pick, (I'm guessing the Colorado game from last week) and we all drop......gasp.......
  20. Hopefully they both sit out the opener.
  21. I think its been said already. Play to win......play to win.....play to win.... Be aggressive, take shots down the field....ITS OKAY TO BLITZ! I'll say San Diego State 48 UND 28. Defensively, the team needs to get better.
  22. Ahhh....with great success comes great responsibility. Whether NDSU football players like it or not, they are now all under the microscope. And yes Gene, I know that Travis Beck is a victim as well. There is no way he should be in the paper for fleeing from a police officer, and underage drinking, etc. I'm guessing the team meeting has already taken place with Coach Bohl (whom I admire a lot) and his players about personal conduct off the field.
  23. Good point brought up here UND fans. If it was 8 UND football players how would we want it handled? My opinion: Although harsh, I'd hope that the players would serve at least a two game suspension. Start of the season, after the court date, whatever... But don't give these kids the opportunity to walk around campus and laugh about the fact that they are still allowed the privilege to play on the institution's football team with no penalty for their action. If UND's AD came out and said the crap that Taylor said, the next time I got a call from the Alumni Association asking for money I'd let them know that my school needs a change in leadership in the athletics department before I gave them another cent. These kids aren't felons by any means, but he sounds more like Johny Cochran than NDSU's athletic director.
  24. College kids will be college kids, but what ticks me off is when Taylor comes out saying these kids feel horrible, they shouldn't be in the paper, they have gone through enough.... These kids broke the law, and he is somehow trying to make them into the victims of the whole situation..... Trust me, they don't feel badly about this. They feel bad about the fact that they got caught. End of story, don't dispute it.
  25. Bump.....one pick wrong, and now I'm number 2.....Doh..... Colorado schools suck at football this year.
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