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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Well, I'm not a huge Budish fan either, but he did put up 35 points last year, and does currently lead his team in points. I wouldn't call that such a poor career at the U. Even with the whole disaster on the moped. Edit* 17 points as a Freshman 35 points as a guy coming back from blowing out his knee I hate the gophers as much as the next guy, but Budish would likely be a top two line contributor for UND.
  2. This entire week defensively there is no need to scheme. Just work on tackling. Every day, every minute of practice. Tackling. Wrapping guys up, and bring them to the ground. Using good tackling technique, and good footwork as you approach the tackle.
  3. The key to beating Minnesota is playing physical, but not overly physical. Hit them all you want, but go to the penalty box and they'll make you pay with the skill guys they have. Every time that top unit is on the ice they've got to get hit. Give Rau and Bjugstad space and you're just asking to give them chances. Same things goes for their second line with Haula and Budish. Of course you could just play in Minnesota's end, get a cycle going, and make those guys play defense.
  4. Looking at the scores of the tournament up in Alaska makes a guy think UND should get two wins. Anchorage wins the tournament, and Canisius beats Fairbanks. Hmmm....
  5. I'll stick with my no punting philosophy. If they are near midfield, out of field goal range they need to go for it. This defense is just as good at giving up TD's on 99 yard fields as they are at 45 yard fields. It just doesn't matter where they're at on the field.
  6. Tony Hermes would be nice. Heck, Mike Mooney would be nice. Undersized, but he found a way to get it done.
  7. Minnesota is rolling, but Michigan State is also becoming a great example for youth teams everywhere on not how to play in your own end.
  8. I think someone stated it best earlier. Why would you run the ball against UND? Three step drop, and just murder the secondary with fifteen to twenty yard passes down the field. Then again, why would you throw the ball against UND? Hand it off to your average tailback, he'll make four guys miss before getting six to seven yards a carry. I agree Oxbow, sometimes it just seems like UND has less players on the field, especially in the secondary.
  9. Friday against Anchorage.....hmmmm......Rocco will score.
  10. I wonder what his contract situation would be had they not won a share of the great west last season. I can't believe he's extended through 2016....wow....
  11. UND shouldn't punt on fourth downs. For the rest of the season. Giving the ball to the opposing offense is giving up points. Plus the offense would get the ball more with the defense only giving up three to four play scoring drives.
  12. I like your combos, although the coaches have said that Gleason will be on the blue line for likely the year. Now that I look at it Saturday should be okay. I think Clark Saunders plays and plays well on Friday. Could be the guy in both games.
  13. Did the ground shake? Love the Kaulker. I hope Gretzky is there too.
  14. Is it the coaches not working on fundamentals like tackling during the week, or the players just not being capable of performing at this level?
  15. Punting....... Dangit, I hate getting all ticked off and beat a dead horse but this ticks me off. No emotion, missed tackles, blown coverages...... This is not UND football. I'm not on the fire Muss bandwagon, but may be soon if the same crap keeps happening over and over again.
  16. Dropped pass....Int......14-0 pretty quick here.
  17. I can't believe how terrible this team is at tackling. Stein had them for five missed tackles on that play....garbage.
  18. I'm hoping for a split of the weekend. Beat Anchorage, and try and hold your own against Fairbanks. If Rowney isn't able to go on Saturday....ohh boy. I'm guessing we'll see a lot of what occurred last year. Chip it out, lock up the neutral zone, and only forecheck if you've got numbers going into the zone. I expect a guy like Grimaldi to be the difference. He'll log a ton of minutes this weekend.
  19. This USA team tied Notre Dame, and I think will knock off a few college teams they play this year. Had UND not sniped a few under the bar I think they could have easily won the game. I would like to see a more interested UND team play them.
  20. Hak said it best after the game. Not a ton of emotion going into the game. You could tell which team was more excited to be playing that hockey game, and it wasn't the guys in white and green. Defensively they're still looking for the right pairings. Seemed like everyone was playing with everyone. The only guy that played remotely physical was MacWilliam, and I guess you could put Forbort on that list during certain moments. Of the four goals scored they'd probably want them all back. ~Goal #1.....misplay by Saunders and the defense. ~Goal #2.....they leave a guy open right in front of the net for a one timer you or I could connect on. ~Goal #3.....Gothberg kicks out a huge rebound to a guy nobody picked up. ~Goal #4.....Gothberg gets beat under the glove on a quick shot by Fasching that he'll tell you he should have stopped. Clark Saunders was fantastic in the net. Made a ton of good saves, and was in the right position to make the saves as well. I think he starts next week in Alaska.
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