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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Love outdoor games, but outdoor games in baseball stadiums....meh.....I guess Wrigley and Fenway turned out okay. They should play a frozen four in an indoor football stadium. That'd work.
  2. When the NHL was coming back after lockout number.....well the one before this one, I remember watching the season opener between the Rangers and someone else and the officials had the go ahead from the NHL to call everything to get rid of the obstruction crap. The first period was a specialty teams war, heck the whole game was. But the players eventually figured it out.
  3. Fun to watch Parise play for the Wild. But boy have the Wild been a disappointment so far.....at least to me. I guess they've played toe to toe with the NHL's best, but I thought they'd have a better record.
  4. Good point brought up. Officials need to do a better job making the call if a player doesn't go down. As soon as a player takes his hand off of his stick and puts it on an opponent its got to be holding or interference. When it isn't called it just turns into the NHL of 1997. I'll agree with GFG. I think Grimaldi took a dive on that play he is referring to. It was clearly a penalty on the Wisconsin player, but would the officials have called it if Rocco keeps moving his feet? The Wisco player already took away the scoring chance, by grabbing him. Maybe I need to be easier on the alleged divers.
  5. Why did I leave Grand Forks today then?
  6. I wouldn't mind a committee put together put in charge of handing out penalties for alleged diving/other unsportsmanlike activities. If illegal hits are reviewed there is no reason that diving incidents can't be reviewed. I agree, definitely not as serious as a CFB major, but the hockey purists out there all agree its ruining the integrity of the game.
  7. The problem with leaving it to the coaches is that it won't accomplish anything. Having a player on your team dive is embarrassing (at least when I coached I couldn't stand it). And you're honestly hoping that the coaches will step up and bench a kid when basically you're just reiterating the fact that you've recruited yourself a diver. Jerry York wouldn't bench Tony Voce when they made an appearance at the Ralph a while back in the Parise days when he flopped all over the place. Jack Parker didn't bench that kid that got Mac tossed when UND played BU earlier this year. Eaves has been coaching divers for years and nothing has changed there. Those are in my opinion the best coaches in college hockey, who you would hope would have the integrity of the game in their best interests. A dive=a ten minute misconduct plus unsportsmanlike conduct two minute minor.
  8. They can't let Faulkner be the difference in this series. 4 points next weekend is extremely doable.
  9. Canada used to/maybe still does have a penalty for "Turtling". I wouldn't mind seeing this instituted into college hockey. A couple weekends ago at the Mooch Nate Schmidt for Minnesota was hit and then instinctively put his head down and dove straight into the boards. In my mind they've got to start with a ten minute misconduct.
  10. Obviously an issue we see come up again this weekend was the overabundance of players taking a fall to draw a call in college hockey. My question is, whats the solution? If you were the NCAA how would you solve this issue that is turning NCAA hockey into World Cup Soccer? What gets me is when a player lays down for ten minutes, and scores a powerplay goal after the fact or doesn't miss a shift. Should the NCAA enact policies requiring a player to sit for a period if he receives medical attention on the ice? I'd love to hear other ideas on how to get rid of this crap.
  11. I hate Brian too. Not a fan at all. I've spent years reading his worthless posts and the guy adds absolutely nothing to the conversation. If we fire Brian we could save the season. T R O L L
  12. Not to poor gas on any fires that may or may not have started, but I can't believe that this is the longest non winning streak in ten years. Kinda feel a bit spoiled. Now fire Hak.
  13. My thoughts: ~The seniors need to bear down and score. Rowney, Knight, Kristo. They've done plenty of it over their career, but one of those three guys has to bury their glorious chance. ~If thats the goaltending UND is going to get from here on out I'm fine with it. Young kid played well, now consistency. ~Still defensive mistakes, but not as glaring. Schmaltz was better.....not sure what he's thinking on some plays. ~The fourth line eats minutes. Won't ever score, but eats minutes. ~Robbie Earl taught some dem badgers well....yikes. I'm not going to disagree with the officiating at all. Drake's was a five, and MacMillan's in OT just wasn't that intelligent of a play. Nice hit, but why the need to finish a guy like that when the officials have proved they'll call it? I'm not going to throw them under the bus after this one. Effort was there again.
  14. Great to watch Parise and Toews go at it tonight on NBCSN. Tom Ward can be the next coach after we get rid of that Hakstol clown.
  15. Easy to see why Quinnipiac is where they are today. Getting him to transfer from UND to that university turned the tide for them. I apologize to all UND players that I've ever questioned. I'm a diehard that bleeds green.....forgive me Jim....forgive me....
  16. I used to wonder about whether or not coaches and players read the message boards. Obviously the answer is yes. I'm not an intelligent individual by any means, but I think Hak probably got a bit weight off his chest with his message board comment. Easy to see that he's a bit frustrated as well. Maybe that leads to a a great performance this weekend.
  17. It would have taken a really special effort to beat BC, I mean real special. The way their top end guys were producing, and the way their goaltending was at the end of last year I don't know if a team with 18 healthy skaters had a chance against that group.
  18. Wild lose a defenseman, of course Genoway doesn't get called up. I guess the wild are my official NHL team, but I wish Chay would sign with a different organization.
  19. If he was able to coach that one away I'm thinking he's got to be up for the Spencer Penrose award.
  20. Wilbur

    UND vs. UW

    Right now home ice is kind of a question mark with the amount of parity in the WCHA. 3 plus points are needed this weekend and splits on the road are a must. I wouldn't even want to be that 5th or 6th place team, having to maybe play a Denver or a Duluth. Heck, there really isn't a layup playoff series this year with what Anchorage and Tech have shown at times.
  21. Fire Muss, Fire Schloss, Fire Hak. I say Fire the guys who operate siouxsports.com while we're firing people.
  22. Wilbur

    UND vs. UW

    Ohh yeah. Wait for your chance because this UND d corps will leave a guy wide open in front at some point in time. I'd just like the first ten minutes to go by without being down 1-0.
  23. Wilbur

    UND vs. UW

    We'll see a similar type game plan from Bucky. Clog up lanes, take away space, pack it in and block shots in their own end. Good goaltending from Rumpel, good d-corps.
  24. Not sure that Mitch has a spot with those two unless an injury occurs. I think the top two units are probably set, but I could see Mitch working his way into a third or fourth line grinder role.
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