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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Timeout for UND. I think thats the right call at this point in the hockey game. Fourth line out there on a DUMB icing by Rodwell.
  2. We had the Budish argument earlier this season, and I want to take this time to reaffirm that he is a helluva hockey player. Great shift by him. Rocco!!!!!
  3. Rau did get in a lot of fights in the USHL. Wait.....
  4. Rau should have gotten at least head contact. I slowed it down on DVIR. As soon as he lets go of the puck he lifts both of his fists to Mac's head when he's about to get hit. Coincidental penalties was the right call.
  5. So does Rau get anything for intentionally punching Mac with two fists in the head in the corner? Okay....guess its okay to lead with two fists to the head....Rau is such a weakling.....Good hockey player....but will never do anything other than run away when it gets rough out there.
  6. My resume has been at the human resources office at UND for quite some time.....whenever they need a consultant or assistant coach my door is open.
  7. Thats my biggest worry.....he can't give up a soft one. Let alone a soft one early.
  8. I just don't see how Pattyn and Rocco belong on the same line together. Pattyn isn't in the same universe talent wise vs. Rocco.
  9. I like that group. Had some quality chances yesterday, was probably UND's best unit. I'm at a loss with what the top line should/would end up being......Mitch isn't the guy.....obviously the coaches don't like Rocco there....who is the guy? Here's my short list: 1. Rocco 2. Parks 3. Mark M. 4. Rowney Drake didn't work on that line and I really don't see any other guy that can skate with that group. Its got to be one of these four.
  10. You all know I'm the first to eat crow when I'm wrong....and I really hope that I'm wrong at the end of this game..... I don't have a good feeling at all about Zane in the net tonight. I'm hoping the crow tastes good with ketchup afterwards.....
  11. Can't blame Kristo on that one. He didn't play flies on !@#$ hockey. He had F2 coming into the zone and with or without a stick F1 is Gleason's guy. Nice play by Condon. I'm not throwing Kristo under the bus for doing what he's supposed to do.
  12. Yeah, something just isn't clicking right now with the line combos. Obviously Kristo-Knight need to stick together, but right now 1-4 is anybody's guess. Pattyn is a fourth liner....plain and simple. Why is a fourth liner centering a line with Rocco? Something just doesn't seem right. I'm a 100% backer of our coaching staff, and I know they have to make tough decisions....but that just doesn't seem like the right fit. One decision I hope they make is Schmaltz upstairs in a suit tomorrow.
  13. I'm not sure about Zane in the net tomorrow. I know Clark didn't have his best game, but I still think they need to stay with Clark in trying to get the split. I just don't know about giving Zane his second ever road start on the road at Mariucci against a team thats flying. Who knows, maybe its the wakeup call this group needs.
  14. Panzarella should be in for Schmaltz. Send a wakeup call.
  15. Yup, did a good job. Thought the Minnesota penalty that lead to the only UND goal was weak as could be. Pretty soft. Did a good job of not falling for the fall down and hold my head and act hurt play too. Well done by the stripes.
  16. I'm just impressed with how Minnesota's defensemen and overall play in their own end has taken such a dramatic turn over the past two seasons. Mike Guentzel needs to be a head coach somewhere. Their defensemen are so hard to play against. Sticks in lanes, blocked shots, moving bodies in front of the net, and great gap play. The right team won tonight. The effort was there by the Green and White, but it didn't fall their way. Need to get back to work and get a w tomorrow.
  17. And a scuffle. Didn't see what happened. 5-1 Goldy.
  18. The old pull the goalie early.......may as well....
  19. Wow. Great goal by Condon.....thats all you can say about that one. Wow.
  20. Schmaltz can't play anymore.....ufff.....
  21. Tremendous save by Wilcox. Tremendous.
  22. UND could learn a thing or two from the gophers about getting bodies in front. Wilcox sees it he's going to stop it.
  23. Schmaltz may need to take a seat upstairs tomorrow night. Not a great game for him.
  24. What on earth was Schmaltz doing on that play? His gap on the zone entry was terrible. Yikes....
  25. We'll have to agree to diagree on that then. There are two guys looking at it. Its a big call, but it shouldn't take that long.
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