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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Wilbur live from section 208: Boy that was quick......what happened to the atmosphere??? Gotta get involved students. My 5 year old is louder.
  2. Thoughts: -That was a tremendous college hockey game. One of the better played games I've seen live at REA. Great goaltending, play making, and other than UNDs 30 second whoops a guy got behind us for a breakaway moment in the second period, pretty good defensively. -Official #21 wins the over officiate the game award. Rhett's penalty was a joke. Guy had the puck. And then in OT, jeeeeeez.......I did like Rhett tapping the glass with his stick after Denver scored. Thought he was going to get another 10. -Puck watching on penalty kill costs again. Boeser floats to opposite point and his guy sees it and moves to scoring angle and....thin mints..... -Great game for Cam, he is the guy. -Hopefully last night's game gets treated as a tie in the mindset of the players preparing for tonight.
  3. Wilbur live from 111: What pace......my goodness....
  4. Says the guy who created a moniker and took the time to post on siouxsports.com.
  5. Wilbur

    UND vs NAU

    Open thought here: How come ten plus years ago when a team from Northern Alabama came to the Alerus there was 13,000 plus crazed fans that was the difference in an under talented UND team beating the best team D2 had to offer. Arguably the biggest home game since that day is this weekend and there may not be 10,000 butts in the seats?? Did the transition years really hurt that much? Students don't care? I thought after the conference situation got better and the team got to the point of competing in the FCS playoffs the Alerus would be full weekly. If UND was undefeated playing in the FCS playoffs semifinals would it sell out then?
  6. I have a suspicion Minnesota players look like Olympic divers.....
  7. Wilbur

    UND vs NAU

    I'm really looking forward to Saturday. First time at the Al since Freund was the QB, and my son is looking forward to his first game as well. Big question for me.....do they go all grey for senior day or all green?
  8. Keys to series: 1. Cam......be the Cam we know you can be. 2. 5X5......we don't kill penalties well. So no lazy penalties. 3. Defensive zone.......Best coaching advice I ever heard with defensive zone coverage. "Do your f@$&ing job, because as soon as you try to do more, we've got flies on $hit hockey and we're running around like idiots." 4. Roll 4. If UND can find the right combos for lines 3-4....... I predict a split. Denver still my pick to win the league, but UND played so well last Saturday I think it carries over to a big first period on Friday.
  9. Wilbur

    2016 Season

    Another question is if he struck a law enforcement officer. What's the line then? Not what Bubba should be dealing with this week.
  10. Wilbur

    2016 Season

    Question: Can the Dean of students, who gets the police report, and will get to have a meeting with Mr. Seibel in the near future (this week), overwrite any punishments that Bubba can give severity wise? Or is it an agreement that each program can individually handle punishments for their athletes?
  11. Wilbur

    2016 Season

    I'm the keyboard tough guy???? Lol....wow....
  12. Wilbur

    2016 Season

    He is clearly the victim. Next year they should schedule Valley City and have him sit out a half just to pretend. Kick his ass off the team.
  13. Like em or hate em, that's a very impressive stat for Minnesota.
  14. Four posts.....outshot em, carried the play, didn't score on some empty nets, and we saw Boeser get pissed and play with passion. Ohh, and our best defenseman didn't play. May have come together a little bit there at the end. Would love to see a postseason matchup between the schools. Tons of hockey before then. Doesn't get any easier next weekend, but at least I get an hour more of sleep right?
  15. Battle on the boards.....and they call it a penalty......gift there.
  16. Cam kind of looks lost position wise on the big sheet tonight. Lot of time his legs are ending up on the outside of the pipes like the first goal. Not blaming this game on him, but not himself this weekend.
  17. Cue the hot goalie.....hahaha. Still battling, get one to go and we've got a game.
  18. Hopefully I'm wrong, but it feels like the doors could get blown off the car here after that last one. Gotta find that guy to step up.
  19. USA hockey rule is play blown dead, no penalty. Not sure what college rule is.
  20. Great period for ND. I'll take that period over the first period disaster last night. Play within the system. Don't take penalties, keep the grind going.
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