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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Is it bad that I like this #28 better than the last one....
  2. Owen M has taken a step. Good weekend for him. Under 1 to play.
  3. Better 2nd, but a stalemate that period. Should be attack mentality third period here.
  4. Okay. 5-3. @ Murray State.....who knows. @ South Dakota.....a loss. Illinois State......ummm....... They could win all three or lose all three. Not sure 7-4 gets them in any more with the last two weeks.
  5. The two forwards that struggled with that 5-10 foot pass in the neutral zone aren't in the lineup tonight.
  6. (Walks self back from the edge) They won. Whether by 30 or 3.... An ugly win is better than a devastating loss. That may have been the lowest point of the season when they fell behind late....but got up from the season ending loss and found a way.
  7. You can't throw a 6 yard pass Tom.
  8. Hahaha.... This is a way to get fired right?
  9. Personal foul late there....yikes
  10. Like we all predicted. It would come down to the last drive.
  11. I can't handle the "ohhh but ISU is close...." They are terrible.....terrible...
  12. It actually worked to perfection because it set up the Belquist TD... (Said no one ever)
  13. Now throw the ball. We can't run it.....throw it.
  14. Who needs field goals? Can't believe we haven't made one.
  15. Always an adventure.... Can we make the xp..... 7-7
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