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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. That was one of the worst games I've seen him play. Fought it defensively all night. In the NCAA tournament he wouldn't have played another shift after the first period. The coaches stuck with him as long as they could, but after the 10 minute mark of the third, they just couldn't play him any more and rolled four. If JBD can't go in Fargo they've got some decisions to make. Obviously all the d will dress, but how they use them...... My pairings 3-25 15-26 Then spot Moore and Bast in there where you can. Bast was put with Kiersted a lot when he was fighting it and still couldn't correct himself playing with the best d man on the team.
  2. The SCSU push after UND went up two goals was impressive. And if Jammer doesn't get away with a blatant holding the stick penalty its likely a tie game. That third period was about as fun of a period to watch as there has been all year. Pace, playmaking, physicality, guys throwing their bodies in front of shots. Both teams shortened the benches too, so a lot of that period was adrenaline.
  3. GOOCH.....one last time..... One more trophy to go.
  4. No Hrenak, throw your arms backwards and hit year head on the ice. Rookie.....
  5. Scheel has been really good. Or it could be 4-1 heading to the third.
  6. Scheel is the only reason its a 1 goal game.
  7. I think its time #2 just took a seat for a while. Another great chance with him on the ice.
  8. I think if that's the way they have to play at the regional they'll just roll four and spot Bast and Coop with Kiersted and Frisch at times.
  9. I know little in the world of football compared to Bubba or Entz, but I just can't believe that NDSU would start Zeb on Saturday. Giving the kid the benefit of the doubt. Is he playing that poorly, or has the bar been set by past Bison QBs who are or will be wearing NFL uniforms? From what I see the Freshman gives them a better chance to win.
  10. Okay....dusting this thread off. I think this is the opening day lineup with the exception of Kiriloff or Arraez in left. Arraez needs to be in the lineup somewhere.
  11. The SCSU guy running over Kollar would be assessed a five minute major and a game for that hit in the present NCHC.
  12. UND playing for their first NCHC tournament championship. Berry has made a point around the team to remind them that they haven't ever won this trophy. Lets be honest here, the trophy needs a name. Penrose works for the regular season, but they've got to get something catchy like Don Adams award or something. Adams cup. I dunno. Or we could have CC steal the Broadmoor back. @Godsmack, this one is on you. Alright, SCSU. The way the d core played last night has me scared. Denver didn't play in our end a ton, but when they did our d men weren't crisp at all. Coop looked like a Freshman, but he is so he gets a bye on that one. Bast didn't have his best game, and he nearly got the 2nd assist on the Denver chance that he put directly on Brink's tape. Also tried earlier in the game to take Brink's parenthood away, which I thought would be reviewed and a five, but wasn't. I thought Kiersted was solid, but he's always solid. Alright, who won't be playing tonight.....my guesses.....Senden (why God?), Mismash, JBD. Not sure why Budy wasn't in the lineup, maybe tonight. As far as the lineup goes 22-18-29 dominated when put together....However you've got two of your main centers on that line.....sigh. If it was me......with the knowledge that Budy is in the dog house or hurt, and no Senden or Mismash. 22-18-29 17-14-28 10-27-21 8-11-13
  13. How good of a teammate is Thome? I've said it before, but it takes me back to the days of Tobey K, and Blaiser saying that the team would not have won the national championship without Tobey being a positive influence on the group.
  14. Berry fired up in the post-game talk with TH. Didn't want to talk 2nd period.
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