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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. I would be ok with staying UND/no nickname. However, I don't believe it is a realistic option. I don't get why there is so much support for the North Stars. Minnesota is the North Star state...might as well go with flickertails if we want to take something for Minnesota. The motto is on their state flag! http://www.netstate.com/states/intro/mn_intro.htm
  2. Yep, the official nickname is Peace Garden State. Unofficial state nicknames include the Flickertail state, the Sioux state, and the Roughrider state. Do you see any pattern here?
  3. Your first tier are the same as mine, just a little different order. Put Roughriders first, Nokes second, Cavalry third and No name fourth. Just out of curiosity, you can justify Cavalry even though its very similar to the Viriginia Cav's/Cavaliers and Cleveland Cav's/Cavlaliers but have an issue with a High Schools already have Rough Riders? Poll anyone outside of the state of ND, and they are much more likely to know that North Dakota is the Roughrider state than they are to know that Red River High School actually exists in GF and they are the Rough Riders. Also, try the "name/sound" test. Which one sounds the best... The North Dakota Roughriders The North Dakota Nokota or The North Dakota Nokes. The North Dakota Cavalry or The North Dakota Cavs. The difference between Cavalry and Roughriders for me is that the Roughriders can be shortened to Riders and I don't puke like I do when Cavalry is shortened to Cavs. Roughriders is definitely more unique than Cavs and as has been mentioned numerous times, ND is known as the Roughrider state. Roughriders wasn't at the top of my list when this process began, but as of now, I would be pretty disappointed if it weren't chosen. Of course I reserve the right to change my mind should a different name surface, but of those on the list of 64, Roughriders seems the obvious choice.
  4. Care to share what your top five are on that list? EDIT: And if they are "copying a local high school team," at least they aren't considering the "Green Wave!"
  5. Inevitably, Cavalry will be shortened to Cavs...as in the Cleveland "Cavs" Cavliers and Virginia "Cavs" Cavaliers...Which is why it is third on my list, behind Roughriders and Nokota (Fighting Nokes). I won't list all of the high schools that have Cavaliers/Cavs, but it's longer than your list of high schools with Rough Riders...
  6. Roughriders make the most sense of any on that list. If the only reason people have an issue with it is because of a high school in the same town, then they need to get over it. If Red River had a different name, I would guess that Roughriders would be the overwhelming favorite at this point. There is no college or pro team that has Roughriders which is good enough for me. It's going to be nearly impossible to find a name that no other school, semi pro team, professional team somewhere has used. North Dakota is the Roughrider State, like it or not. As has been pointed out, the highest award the state give out is the Roughrider award. It just makes the most sense...
  7. Isn't one of Minnesota's official nicknames "The North Star State?" That makes it a no go for me. The names I could live with from the list: Roughriders Nokota/Nokes-drop the "Wild" add "Fighting" Cavalry, although I don't like it being shortened to Cavs.
  8. Good to hear, I'm looking forward to seeing the new jerseys/pants.
  9. I like it! I would assume it's an "alternate" helmet? EDIT: As long as it matches the green on the jersey's/pants. One potential issue with a lighter green for the jersey's is they get darker as the guys sweat, which doesn't look good with a lighter green helmet.
  10. Here's his Twitter post... Iwarri Smith 11h11 hours ago Iwarri Smith ‏@itswarri U of M contacted me for track today can't do it loyal to UND ✊?
  11. Just as an aside, I saw a Bald Eagle flying near Hillsboro on my way back from Fargo a couple weeks ago. I also see them in GF every now and then. Can't say I see them in Fargo, as I do not live there, but there are some not far from there.
  12. I don't mind Badlanders or Sodbusters, but they aren't in my top three. One reason being is it's tough to shorten the nickname. Your example of Cornhuskers is often shortened to Huskers. Do we want to be know as the "Landers" or the "Busters?" Not so much...
  13. Also, as a side note to the 2009-10 UNI team that came to GF. They were 30-5 on the season, won the MVC conference that year, were a #9 seed in the NCAA tournament and were ranked # 13 in the country. Granted they weren't as good in 2008-09 as they were only receiving votes in the AP Poll and finished second in the MVC. When they came to GF in 2009-10, they were 7-1 and had wins over Iowa, Iowa St, and BC to name a few. I have no idea what they were ranked or if they were ranked when the came, but they did have a very good team that year.
  14. I was trying to go back and see what years we played UNI at home. I thought that we have played them in the Betty twice but I can only find one occasion where we played them and that was the 2009-10 season. Does anyone know if we played them any other time at home?
  15. UNI has been to GF a couple of times since we went DI. Both of those games were at the Betty and neither of them sold out so I doubt this game will be moved there.
  16. Wild Nokes is much better than "Charging" Nokes but I still like Fighting Nokes better. Plus it has historical ties by keeping the "Fighting." :-)
  17. Although I do like Nokota or Nokes for short, I do not like the use of "Charging" in front of it. If there needs to be an adjective in front, then use Fighting.
  18. I agree with your sentiment and your lists. The only other one that's starting to grow on me, based on how many horrible names there are, is Cavalry.
  19. UND Thunder Horse!?! Not bad...
  20. I will admit I did not like this name initially. I really don't like the shortened version of "Cavs." But at this point, it's looking like it may be the best name...just for the reason you stated.
  21. It's already been stated that the public will be able to vote for the finalists which I don't agree with. Fine, you let every Tom, Dick, and Harry submit suggestions. But you see how many people were just throwing out derogatory or offensive names because they don't care about UND. Now their going to go ahead and allow these same people a vote to choose the winning name?!? I just don't get it. At this point, the vote should be limited to students, alumni, faculty, donors, and season ticket holders and that's it. People who have a vested interest in the University.
  22. So I guess it did mean something...kind of
  23. So this article explains a little bit about UND and the purchase of potential domain names. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/3738355-aviators-zombies-und-group-begins-sifting-through-nickname-ideas
  24. I have no idea how registration for domain names work. I would tend to agree that it's unlikely anyone associated with UND has been purchasing potential domain names. But one would have to think that UND has to be somewhat proactive. Wouldn't they at least look to purchase domain names of the three or four finalists prior to releasing those names to the public? If UND doesn't, I'm pretty sure somebody else looking to make a quick profit will.
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