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Everything posted by FightingSU

  1. Why? Its tradition. Why change it. Its just fine. I like it.
  2. Completely agree. I was hoping to see a different location selected or something. I cannot believe the world is all agreeing to even participate in the Chinese hosted Olympic games right now especially with returning home/quarantine concerns. Utter ridiculousness. I hope Sanderson stays home and all the other kids. Now is not the time to be traveling to China as an American...
  3. I have to say I agree with this. I find it overall slightly weird in the first place. Just my opinion....That being said, this is still a free country and people can make their own decisions, but I know what mine would be.
  4. I would pass on going to China and taking a risk for testing positive and then being forced to quarantine in China and miss how many games, but gee, maybe that's just me....
  5. So he will play in the world juniors & the olympics???
  6. Agreed. And agree with @Big Green's comments about the time-frame of the Olympics VS. WJ
  7. I would say yes. Looks like the whole school is practically shut down right now. All back to virtual learning even though right from the the schools own mouth - look it up. “900 Covid cases, virtually all are in vaccinated individuals, some with boosters.” Either way. I could see the game not happening. Not to get political of course. But I could certainly see the game not happening. Does that hurt our rankings etc since we would have 1 less game then ??
  8. Ivermectin is literally prescribed to millions of humans every year by doctors for many many many different uses & treatments. But sure - horse tablets. Watch more CNN
  9. Wow, that's a while. EPS just does customization's right? So what are you having them do? Add a name/number? Or will they make one for you?
  10. These look like the replicas to me especially at the $130 price tag. Aren't authentics usually about $200+
  11. Are they already there? I would think CN citizens may not be able to cross but surely American Citizens can come home, right??? (Never thought I would be even close to saying/asking something like this).
  12. I met Carter Mazur and his dad and grandpa when they were in town for the series. I was staying at the Canad. Really REALLY friendly dad and gramps - Carter was really friendly as well. Had a couple beers with his dad and gramps and spoke about Carter being signed to the Red Wings etc. Will be fun to see where he ends up as well.
  13. Wow crazy. Yeah. I never would have bet that! Guess we do have some firepower!
  14. I feel like they shouldn’t isn’t playing for UND more important that WJC? Idk…
  15. 3 more points. And W. Michigan lost tonight.
  16. Other than the obvious fact that the seating capacity is more then the Ralph, and you’re in St. Paul - I felt it to be an underwhelming experience overall compared to game day in Grand Forks/The Ralph. Idk.
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