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Everything posted by FightingSU

  1. You know I gotta come around and do some LIGHT trolling every 3-6 months!
  2. WOOOOO - Go Fighing Sioux! 2025 Champs! ( I am slowly dying in this offseason of boredom!)
  3. Wisconsin got Swept and BU had a tie on Friday so maybe it won’t be terrible coke Monday. Are our Penrose chances gone tho?
  4. I think we have tried and tried for him to be the guy. He shows spots of greatness but isn’t consistent and overall has honestly been a bit disappointing in the end. I’ll say that 2020 we probably were headed for the championship but… other than that idk. I don’t count 2016 as a Barry year tbh.
  5. Is anyone else having streaming issues
  6. We played like !@#$ all weekend
  7. Can someone explain this !@#$??
  8. Good lord man. There goes our rankings
  9. Damn OT. Hopefully we can get three 3 points in the weekend here…
  10. Has CC figured out our entire game or what is going on??
  11. Man. We are not playing like we did last few weekends…
  12. Still #1 in Pairwise. BC dropped an ugly one. We’re still doing well. Overall I am satisfied. Took 4/6 on the road against DU. Solid. Let’s go Sweep CC at home before Christmas and start the second half strong! At least we get DU at home again in Jan. We can fully sweep them then.
  13. Wack defense there. Guy has all the space in the world. Too much chasing the puck.
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