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Everything posted by FightingSU

  1. Please no... I am sorry but it is a waste of resources.
  2. Wtf is this lawsuit even about? Did players lose scholarships when they cancelled the program or something? Good god this feels ancient
  3. Did not see them having a tie in that game. Crazy. The should effect the rankings a lot as well
  4. Please no… we already did that once and it cost us a fricken natty! We cannot let Tbis crap continue !!
  5. Good grief... Oh so many cases.. so many cases.. good god this is getting ridiculous. Turn the NHL back on! Turn America back on....
  6. WTF - that SHOULD COUNT AS A FORFEIT OR A LOSS RIGHT? You can't just cancel games???
  7. Just quit testing HEALTHY players and we would be good. Maybe they tested more here because it was international, idk.
  8. Or even the rest of the season? Are they testing significantly more at the Juniors or something versus the NCAA? Shouldn't be testing at all on healthy skaters.
  9. Just close it up and send the boys home. No way this thing will last until the 5th. This testing is simply absurd.
  10. Its really sad/unfortunate that these have to be considered forfeits instead of postponed or being able to be made up.. I mean I guess I understand why, but it just seems sad to see "forfeit" next to the games schedule.
  11. ugh - that sucks. I was looking forward to catching it on NHLN later. I wonder if other teams will run into similar issues.
  12. It is correct, I did say this. For missing ~30% of the season because of playing for other teams. I also said. "I have already prefaced this by saying I am coming from a big UND homer bias that wants a natty POV" So, selfishly, I'd like him to stay. Sue me.
  13. I did not say "I DON'T THINK HE IS A UND PLAYER". I'm just saying its a little crazy he will play for 3 separate teams in one season is a little unorthodox maybe. This isn't exactly a super normal situation, so to act like it is super normal is kind of weird to me. Also, you are welcome to disagree, man.
  14. If for nearly half of the games of the season, he plays for a different team... I'm just saying.
  15. That's not what I am saying. I think its still something to be proud of and is good for UND to have an Olympian - obviously. I am just saying the percentage of games played and his absence is just really high is all. That's a truthful statement, and I have already prefaced this by saying I am coming from a big UND homer bias that wants a natty POV.
  16. Well that, on top of the world juniors and injuries from earlier in this season.... jeeze. I guess we will see what happen with Olympics but does he even play for UND? A bit hyperbolic I know, but....not hating on the kid for taking advantage of opportunity but, hard to consider him a UND player at this point if he goes for that long with the Olympics, just saying.
  17. Anyone heard any rumblings of if the Cornell game will be cancelled or not? Also, at least from a selfish POV, still hoping for Sanderson to stay at home and play through these upcoming tough NCHC series...
  18. Here in Bismarck, we have already had more snow than all of last winter. Crazy. UGH
  19. Merry Christmas everyone! I have to say, I have really enjoyed my time here since I joined in 2018. Feels great to be part of a real, devoted fan base here and I wish I came here sooner. I know sometimes we all get into little arguments, disagreements and more, but it’s par for the course! I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and look forward to enjoying the second half of the season with you all. MERRY CHRISTMAS! #SiouxForever
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