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Midwestern Hawk

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Posts posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. 37 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    I’ll be honest, I just want a win - whether by 1 or by 40 - in order to see the excitement back at the Alerus next game. The trend with this current staff / regime has been let downs right when the hype has an opportunity to build.


    Beat UNI! Go Hawks! 

    This!  Follow up last Saturday with a win! 

    Lets Go Hawks!



  2. On 11/27/2022 at 8:39 AM, Midwestern Hawk said:

    I think things will be much the same as far as coaching and personnel.  Here is a very early prediction on the 2023 season...

    Drake - easy W

    Northern Arizona - W

    @Boise State - L

    @South Dakota State - L

    Western Illinois - W

    North Dakota State - L

    @Northern Iowa - L

    Indiana State - W

    @Murray State - Toss up - bad team but we are on road in a new venue

    @South Dakota - Toss up - avg team but on the road

    Illinois State - Toss up - good team but at home

    There you have it.  somewhere between 4-7 and 7-4.  

    HUGE win yesterday.  What happens next Saturday in Cedar Falls will tell us a bunch about what happened yesterday and the rest of the season.

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  3. 18 minutes ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    McFeeley is correct in everything he said.  The Bison cam to Grand Forks with some holes in the proverbial ship.  Our boys ripped open the holes and made some new ones.  Now the Bison dynasty is taking on water and is finished.  I will have to mail Entz a Rocky Hager crying towel…


    Go Hawks!

  4. 1 hour ago, wheelsup said:

    I had this exact conversation with an NDSU friend last night.  There really arent all that many truely hostile environments in the MVFC.  Yah they beat us 5 times in a row but 4 of them were in the Fargodome which is a really significant home field advantage and they struggled 2 years ago in the alerus and what a result this year!!  Biggest issue for the Bison now is Entz.. I would be willing to chip in for them to keep him around.

    Re-sign Entz to a decade long contract today!

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  5. 2 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    What makes a player/ recruit good? What makes a player / recruit bad? A lot goes in to this, including how the players develop after you get their commitment. Guys like Nick Saban recruit damn good players but they also develop the hell out of them. 

    UND could recruit AND develop their players better, and that falls on coaching. Talk about execution, what do you think gets the good teams to consistently execute and the bad teams to not?

    ok, ok, I digress. 

    Huge BINGO.

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  6. 19 minutes ago, Tangolou said:

    Wow, that's what you got out of that? To clarify, its my opinion that we have failed to win "Big Games" because our players aren't as good as the top competition in this division. I believe we need a better roster, which of course is on the coaches. My point was that we didn't get crushed by SDSU because we didn't line up correctly or called the wrong plays. It was because they destroyed us at the line of scrimmage with bigger, stronger and faster players. 

    I don't disagree entirely, but a coaches job is to make the sum of the parts greater than the individuals.  If Saban was the coach of the Hawks since June 1, the Hawks would have beaten SDSU, especially coming out of a bye week.  Within reason, coaching is far more important in football than the players...again within reason.


    I suppose next you will tell me that USD beat NDSU because they now have better players then the BISON...

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  7. 4 hours ago, Tangolou said:

    When we played SDSU, Nick Saban could have been our coach and the result would have been the same. We need NDSU to cough up the ball a couple times to have a chance. Otherwise they will man handle us up front and Miller will run for 150. It is always about the line of scrimmage.

    I hope this comment was a massive exaggeration.  You are basically stating that coaching doesn't matter and that Bubba is no different than Saban.

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  8. 21 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Given all the sets and motion and looks Freund's offense gives, running this would be considered the "trick play". :D  


    Which is one of the reasons we struggle against good teams.  Two shifts and then motion to throw a pass to a receiver that is 2 yards down field...

  9. 3 hours ago, iramurphy said:

    To state “Tommy doesn’t like to run” is nonsense. Unless he says that we don’t know. Running isn’t his strength. If need Tommy to run for 180yds we are in for a long afternoon.
    If we get 180yds from one of our RB’s we should be in good shape. If that happens we will get yardage from our other RB’s and that should help our passing game, hopefully by slowing down the pass rush and giving Tommy more time to get through his reads. I don’t think he needs to run for 180yds but if he can avoid turnovers and avoid the rush he can be effective.
     He can throw 30-40 yds When he has time. It also allows receivers more time to get open. The majority of long pass plays aren’t cuz the QB is throwing the ball 40-50yds to wide open receivers. If one looks at yesterday’s NFL box scores they list longest reception for all receivers. There were only 6 guys who caught a pass that went over 40yds and only 2 that went over 60yds.
    I would rather get to our reads faster, and see our receivers accelerate off of their breaks into the open seems against zone and away from defenders against man. I think that is one of the things that makes Belquist so effective. We have guys who can run a 4.5 maybe 4.4 40’s. We need to get open in the 10-25 yd areas. The 4.4-4.5 speed puts pressure on the defenders to respect the deep ball. but most long passes are from YAC not a guy who beats everyone on a go pattern. 
    I agree with most who feel the key, as in most games, is the LOS. If we avoid turnovers, protect our QB and get a push off the LOS in the run game we will be tough to stop. Our defense must be able to stop the run and pressure their QB without letting them break free. They do throw to their TE and they will likely try to get guys open in crossing patterns. If we can do that, avoid any mistakes in punt/kick off, I like our chances. Lots of rhetoric to state we need a complete game every play from everyone of our guys. 

    Lots of good points as usual.  My over arching point on Tommy and this offense is Tommy's lack of running when combined with a serious lack of downfield throwing attempts, makes our offense much easier to defend than an offense where the QB is a threat to run and make throws down the field.  We can argue about the causes of this predicament, but without those two cards to play, Danny has to rely on scheme and just over powering the opponent.  The better opponents are not going to be over powered, so then we are left with scheme to score points.

    • Upvote 3
  10. 1 hour ago, wheelsup said:


    • I think Tommy might be a little too aware of his completion percentage.  Every so often he needs to throw the ball and let the WR make a play.  Instead of making sure the WR is wide open before throwing.
    • I know his stats were decent against Western Illinois.. but I was at the game and the majority of his passing yards had to be YAC... it was short pass.. short pass.. short pass.. On his longest pass of the day (in the box score) I think he threw it about 6 inches to Red. On a couple of his longer throws the WR fell down.  I noticed we seemed to be slipping a bit on Saturday so it would be nice to get the footwear situation sorted out by Saturday.
    • Tommy doesnt seem to like to run but he is elusive.  There were a couple times in the last game that I thought he was going to be crushed and he somehow got out of it 
    • I thought Elidor and Nate D were supposed to help fix the explosiveness issue.  I love watching Red out there.  I cant wait to see Vuciri out there!  Ive heard a couple on here refer to Tai as well.
    • Whenever I get too negative about Tommy all I have to do is remember Ketteringham, which also might be an argument for starting a freshman. We would have certainly won more games if Tommy had started his first year instead sticking with Kett.  Somehow I would like to see more of Feeney... but my assumption is that Danny gets to see them everyday and also really wants to win games.

    All very good points.  Tommy is very conservative with the ball, which obviously has positive points, but once in awhile we need to take a shot.  I also agree on Kett.  He actually cost us a few games with boneheaded plays, in Tommy's defense, his deficiency is not making big plays for us, not making dumb plays to lose the game for us.

  11. 9 hours ago, iramurphy said:

    He is averaging over 10 yds  per completion and over 7 yds per attempt. 
    I don’t believe he will put a team on his back and win games. What he does well is protect the ball and he doesn’t lose games for you. I think Feeney has a bigger upside but I’m not at practice everyday. Feeney needs to be patient and hopefully his time will come sooner rather than later. Don’t forget Romfo has also shown promise. 

    Tommy is not averaging over 5 yards per attempt in the big games.  He also does not like to run . With “adequate” QB play the rest of the team needs to be better than the opponent. 

    Far easier to defend a team where the QB doesn’t throw deep and won’t run.  We need Tommy to be at 8+ yards per attempt on Saturday and have half a dozen runs for 30 yards.

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  12. 1 minute ago, iramurphy said:

    No it isn’t impossible.  


    We are trying to consistently beat the good FCS teams and a good FBS team once in awhile.
    I don’t see anyone claiming Kaminski isn’t very good with a great upside. The reason he isn’t playing now is that he isn’t ready and there are 3 guys in front of him who are ready. He may get some time yet this year as long as he doesn’t lose eligibility.
    Where do you get the idea that if he doesn’t play as a freshman he will leave?Feeney didn’t play as a freshman and stayed. I would expect the same from Kaminski. Both of them have coaches who should be able to guide them. 
    No one knows if SDSU would have won a title had he stayed healthy. Maybe, maybe not. Grownowski probably would not have moved up if the starter, the back up, and the 3 were all completing over 70% of their passes with no ints. 

    The “impossible” comment triggered me.  Your comments are likely correct.  It scares me that Tommy is still our best choice.  We need more than a “game manager” to beat SU on Saturday.

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  13. Just now, SiouxBoys said:

    No, I do not. I'm guessing and hoping he has higher upside than Tommy. But right now, Tommy is better. If he wasn't then Jerry would be playing. 

    Three options, go ahead and pick:

    A). Tommy is better than Jerry right now. (Emphasis on right now. I hope when Jerry takes over, he ends up being the best QB in program history)

    B). Jerry is better than Tommy, but the coaches aren't smart enough to see it.

    C). Jerry is better than Tommy, but the coaches are purposefully losing games by not playing the better QB. 

    I'll go with option A. You?

    How about option D?  Jerry is better than Tommy, but the coaches are afraid to pull the trigger?

    Again I don’t know the facts on the situation.  I find it hard to believe we have all these QBs and nobody gives us a better chance to beat a good team than a qb who doesn’t like to run and who will get us about 4.5 yards per attempt.


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  14. 4 minutes ago, SiouxBoys said:

    The argument on Jerry would be much better if it wasn't based on a single bike ride by a random practice one day as well.

    So you KNOW he is not better upside than Tommy?  Was that your bike ride INTEL?

    Any bets on Tommy’s stat line vs NDSU Saturday?  Will Tommy avg more then 5 yards per attempt?

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  15. 5 minutes ago, SiouxBoys said:

    UND beat that true Frosh phenom. Jerry is good. His time will come. If he was better than the other QB's right now, he'd be playing. 

    I agree, we did beat him and the Jacks.  It was our last win against a really good team…

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