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Midwestern Hawk

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Everything posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. But it’s not random luck, the last 90 seconds of that game were a disaster by the staff. It went from plenty of time to win, to a panic(after the sack), to a loss. Thats on the coaches. Why not call a time out?
  2. And every game had massive coaching brain farts. the last 90 seconds of this game would have been run better by a seasoned middle school staff.
  3. And that says it all. We will NEVER be good enough to be THAT good.
  4. 100% correct. The last 1:30 of that game was a disaster as far as game/time management goes. They wasted 1/3 of the time left with that sack. Went form plenty of time to a panic. Just pathetic.
  5. I just don't see this regime getting over the hump. Too many poor decisions.
  6. No idea why we don't spike it after the big 4th down throw or at the very least call TO after the sack. That is very poor game management.
  7. !@#$ FO&K PISS. Clock management again.
  8. Tommy has 7 runs for 50 yards in every game this season and we are undefeated in MVFC.
  9. Great run by Tommy...where has this been?
  10. Danny must have talked to T about running all week. Nice.
  11. Great stand! There was some 'luck' for us!
  12. As do you. Isn’t that what these boards are for?
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