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Midwestern Hawk

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Everything posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. I get it. I just hear people go on and on abouta guy who completes 25 bubbles screens a game and I don't get it. Other than lack of fast receiver and FG kicker it may be the biggest weakness on this team.
  2. Tommy has his standard 74 yards on 14 attempts.. ~ 5 yards per attempt.
  3. With very few exceptions, its a driven QB game today
  4. Which QB would you take? It's not even close.
  5. I agree. Make sure we are ready for their couple best plays.
  6. No question, should have been caught, if it is fired in there, its an easier catch.
  7. Tommy needed to zip it in there on that throw.
  8. That was the safety. How in the hell can we not play action and throw it deep?
  9. Now that was a bullet. 55 yards in air.
  10. Nice throw and catch! Great response. Good play calling by danny on that drive
  11. Give me the play. Maybe I missed it, maybe I did not.
  12. I have not seen it yet. he looked one way on a couple plays but that was practiced.
  13. Tell me the next time tommy does NOT throw to his first read
  14. Hey! Looks like we are just playing football on 3rd and short! yes!
  15. Nice run by Tommy. Need 4-6 of those today!
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