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Midwestern Hawk

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Everything posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. What are the vegas odds we score more than 20 today? Nope
  2. Hope you are right, feel like a defensive td will need to spark this team.
  3. Only 2 more years of the “2 yard pass and a cloud of dust” offense.
  4. Just let the players draw plays up in the huddle. 13 rushes for 63 yards and attempted 14 passes for 68 yards
  5. This offense just sucks . No way to sugar coat it. It sucks.
  6. Brought Q in so we have a qb who can throw it 50 years.
  7. Maybe not . Give him first two series of second half.
  8. It’s happened @USD and @SIU…no points. That is awful football.
  9. Just hand the ball to Otis every play …at least we thena have a chance for a play over 5 yards.
  10. This offense is horrible . Can we complete a pass further than 2 yards downfield?
  11. Bingo . Tommy looked right at a covered receptive r and threw it there.. pathetic.
  12. Why do we throw a 0 yard pass? Tommy looked right there. That was awful.
  13. Why do we have Otis blocking? How dumb is that?
  14. Tommy with a nice scramble and then a bad pick.
  15. Its very early, but this is not looking good.
  16. We will soon know if the team is still "checked in". Is anyone able to get ESPN feed?
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