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Posts posted by AJS

  1. 1 hour ago, UNDColorado said:

    I recall feeling very worried about our OL this time last year, turned out to be for good reason. Right now I am only slightly worried.

    Correct, last year was rough at the beginning of the year (first 4 games or so). This upcoming year, I couldn't be more excited for the unit. No matter which way you slice it, you have 4 starters returning from a unit that gelled and played relatively well at the end of the year. Besides the 4 starters, you have 4 others that started at least a game. On top of that, you have a talented RS Freshman class (SFI guys said yesterday that Tobin / Nyguon will play next year for sure) and along with those 2, Tom Miller also said he's heard great things from Russo. Long story short, not only will they have experience next year, but depth also.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    I'm also not lobbying for WH, although it may seem to some on this board that I am, because I've been making many comments about why we will continue to have WH.  And I'll add, that I do not mind that we have WH.

    UND funds both Hockey teams at the highest levels with the big schools in the NCAA, top level of Div I.  They share near the best building and facilities within. UND isn’t even close to that type of support for any other sport.

    Hypothetical again:

    If UND cut WH, I would think to stay compliant with Title IX, they would have to choose a women’s sport and fund it comparably with the best  in the country. That would be funding that sport at the caliber of the top funding Universities in that particular sport, including building and facilities within. We don't have the $ to make that happen. 

    WH was in the plans from Day 1 with the palace and will not be chopped. It's part of the big plan for 14 more years.

    Was in the plans from who? Ralph? I don't have enough information on the rest and you could be right and that's the reason it wasn't on the chopping block, but I can guarantee what I put in bold would not be the reason for keeping it.

    • Upvote 1
  3. They are packed in with a lot of teams right now, if they gain .01 points they sit in 6th, if they drop .01 points they drop to 14th. There needs to be a playoff mentality starting this weekend. They need a sweep at home this weekend. 

  4. 2 hours ago, gfhockey said:

    Maybe they could just cut budget? Obviously the euro playas can't get it dine


     stick to more local playas


    cut salaries as the performance isn't there

    Yes. If you can't cut it, I'm all for this. No more foreign players, just stick to ND / Minnesota.

  5. 2 hours ago, UNDvince97-01 said:

    There was more backlash from baseball than there would ever be for womens hockey. Guaranteed.

    Way more people cared about baseball being cut. There was a history and a ton of alums who care. 

    I'll disagree big time here. If you put all the cards on the table, it's so clear that WH should be the first sport cut, no question. I think you're nuts if you don't think there wouldn't be major backlash. The society we live in would have an absolute field day with it. Logic would be thrown out the window, it would be how sexist, ect, ect, the University is. That's just the world we live in.

  6. 25 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    I hear ya. Didn't we expect to get another 4-6 recruits? Seems like we lost out on a number in the last week.

    I think there was a net gain of 2 recruits over the past 3 recruiting weekends. Definitely not the number they were supposedly shooting for. For awhile there was tons of momentum (think Colorado players committed). Seemed to stop after that.  

  7. 25 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    @Goon - Can you lay out why WIH shouldn't be cut instead of just being offended that people think it is the most logical cut. The reasons why it should definitely be considered have been laid out, I'm curious why you don't think it should be on the table.

    This. Also, would like Schlossman's reasoning as well.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Here's what I don't understand. The goal currently for Football is to win a FCS Championship, right? The goal for basketball is to make the NCAA tournament, right? Why would you pay more in expenses (as well as potentially less revenue) to accomplish the same thing? For those who are saying look towards the future, what in the upcoming years would the Big Sky provide that the Summit / MVFC wouldn't?

    • Upvote 3
  9. I know rankings like this are completely subjective, but let's combine the MVFC and Big Sky. Ranking teams you want to see, rest being relatively similar (i.e. Northern Arizona and Illinois State). I'd put it:

    1) NDSU

    2/3/4) SDSU, Montana, Northern Iowa

    5/6/7) Eastern Washington, USD, Montana State

    I think the MVFC has three teams that everyone will be very excited to see at home, compared to 1 in the Big Sky.



  10. I can understand the wanting to pave your own path crowd, but when you really take a step back, I don't see any negatives with this move. It saves you $500K a year on travel and should increase revenues, by playing more teams people actually want to see. UND has been on an island for years and I don't think its helped any of their programs from a hype standpoint. I want UND to have a well oiled athletic department and this is the first step. Step two is to cut a couple programs.  

    • Upvote 2
  11. 5 minutes ago, coyotecrazie5 said:

    According to RPI for MBB The Summit is ranked #17 and Big Sky #29 out of 32 teams

    According to RPI for WBB The Summit is ranked #11 and Big Sky #19 out of 32 teams

    It's like this year after year too. The Big Sky is not a good basketball conference.

    • Upvote 1
  12. I understand how this can be a very emotional issue, especially if you have a real connection to one of the sports that is possibly on the chopping block. Emotion won out a couple months ago with Kennedy and his decision not to cut. Like has been said before, nobody is happy that a sport(s) have to be cut. It would be devastating to be a student / athlete of one of those programs. Like everyone else, I wish there wasn't a budget shortfall and there were no talks of cuts. That's not where we are right now. It's time for Kennedy to recollect the facts and cut programs that make the most sense. Not only helping to fix the current budget problems, but pave the way for a stronger, more stable athletic department in the future.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 28 minutes ago, cberkas said:

    I see what Goon is getting at, most people on here believe that if you cut women's hockey that money will fix the budget issues and they can put that money in basketball and football. Someone pointed out that the money that would goto women's hockey wouldn't get repurposed to football or basketball. 

    I don't think there's anyone that thinks that. If you need to save $2 million dollars, and they cut sports, why would anyone think that they would reciprocate that to other sports? Then they'd still be $2 million in the hole.

    Now, in the future, once UND balances it's budget, not having these programs will help spread the money around with any budget increase.

    • Upvote 1
  14. 15 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    No, the solution is to cut the women's sport that is over a $2 million drain on an athletics department that needs to do some serious budget re-alignment. It might not solve every problem, but it would sure get pretty close on the budget issue. I liked baseball (and golf), yet I didn't throw a fit when those were cut because it was part of something that needed to be done. Why should men's sports be the only one's on the chopping block, the women's side of athletics are already over-represented by Title IX measurements.

    In 2015, women's hockey had $21,377 in ticket sales and brought in total revenues of $29,239 and had total operating expenses of $1,492,827 despite being charged a total of $0 for facilties because the entire amount of over $2.2 million was categorized under the men's hockey team. UND spent almost $1.5 million for ~20 girls to play hockey. Before you deflect, I attend some women's hockey game, it can be a nice way to kill some time on a weekend afternoon, but for the amount of money it is costing UND, I'm having a hard time coming up with a reasonable justification that it should remain.

    Since you're so against cutting women's hockey, what is your grand plan to fix UND's athletic budget because the state money isn't coming back anytime soon.

    I'm genuinely embarrassed for Goon after reading that tweet. He must have been so proud when he pushed send, took a victory lap while he pats himself on the back for being such a great guy. No money issues at UND, you think a women's sport should be cut? Sexist.

    • Upvote 4
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  15. 33 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    I see on Twitter you are defending WH.  That is fine and you should do that.  But at least address the issue why so many think it should be on the list of sports to cut.  Has nothing to do with "liking or not liking" it.

    UND is in a budget crunch and has too many sports.  They need to cut and one sport that brings in zero revenue also has by far the biggest budget of that low revenue group.


    Well said. Kennedy needs to sit down and look at current athletic budgets, look at revenues, expenses, potential revenues / exposure and then make the best decision (obviously). To me, WH is the clear #1 to be cut and it's not even close. Now, I don't know the impact on Title IX and how the "tier" system works, so maybe WH stays for that reason. Regardless, sports need to be cut.

    What's really unfortunate is even though it seems like a no-brainer, there's going to be a very vocal minority that would be out for blood for cutting a women's sport. I think at the end of the day, you cut a sport that has equal men's / women's (Tennis, Swimming / Diving). We don't live in a world of common sense anymore.

  16. 4 minutes ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

    Just in case anyone missed Jim Dahl's new look to his PWR site it's pretty handy.


    Looks like winning 5 of out of the last 10 games would put UND on the bubble needing to win the 1st round series to make the field.  However, 7+ wins would make me feel much more comfortable going into NCHC tournament play.

    This is great! No doubt, need a minimum of 6 wins to end the year. All starts this weekend!

  17. 1 minute ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    I think Colton has every chance to be a SOLID defensive defenseman. Shaw, too. Wolanin has the offense side down, but is becoming a liability defensively. That being said, these are ALL underclassmen. All of them have time to develop and saying their ceiling isn't very high is premature. Shaw is a former USHL d-man of the year and Wolanin is a draft pick. The talent is there. 

    Also, no way to know about next year's d-men until they get here. 

    My comments were only about the freshman dman.

    I think both Shaw and Wolanin will be great college players. Both have shown flashes this year and I'd say Shaw has been our #2 Dman. Once Wolanin puts it all together, he's going to be a stud.

  18. 5 minutes ago, iluvdebbies said:

    Totally agree about Stecher and LaDue. Thompson wasn't too bad either.....he won the 6th d-man spot at the end of the year over Ausmus.

    Agreed, Thompson wasn't bad (either was Ausmus). I've actually been pleasantly surprised with how the freshman this year have played (imo the worst defenseman has been Ausmus). I don't think however that any of the three have a high ceiling to be anything more than an ok college defenseman. Same with the group they have coming in next year.



  19. 1 minute ago, The Sicatoka said:

    How soon we forget what Stetcher, Ladue, and Thompson looked like as freshmen. 

    Johnson, Peski, and Poolman the younger, will be fine. Poolman the younger is 21 so you can see it's slowing down for him game by game; Johnson and Peski are showing progress. 

    I haven't, Stecher and Ladue were fantastic as freshman. I'll give you Thompson though. Stecher had "it" from his first game with the team.

    • Upvote 4
  20. I like Kennedy and I loved his message about wanting to support UND athletics at a championship level. He seems to be very supportive and really understands what a positive boost athletics brings to the University. That being said, I hated how he handled this earlier and how he didn't have the guts to make the cuts when they should have. Not saying it's an easy thing to do, but it needed to be done. My hope is that Kennedy cuts 2 or 3 programs and gets UND to a number that fits the size of the University.

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