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F'n Hawks

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Everything posted by F'n Hawks

  1. Finally pulled one out on the road! This team deserves a packed Alerus in two weeks
  2. It’s so easy to game plan for our defense
  3. This defense is so !@#!$.
  4. Is the reward greater than the risk of having Siegel return kicks?
  5. I get being skeptical about Tommy, especially coming into this year, but he has had a pretty damn good season so far this season
  6. I don’t know… I mean they did have a touchdown there it was just under thrown
  7. This is the worst secondary group that I have seen at UND in a long time.
  8. F'n Hawks


    Unreal, that is pathetic and can’t happen
  9. F'n Hawks


    Teams continue to miss FGs against us.
  10. F'n Hawks


    Couldn’t start any worse. This could get ugly.
  11. So adjustments have been made, there is seating across the whole catwalk on one of the sides. Media fills up most of the one side still.
  12. Allowing a 59% conversion rate on 3rd down this season is insane.
  13. Didn’t think so. Is this the worst secondary Bubba has had? Maybe the year they went 3-8 I guess or his first year. I don’t think I should be asking this question in year 9. Not only can they not cover (other than Siegel) they also can’t tackle.
  14. SIU did not punt… unless they did after I turned it off halfway through the 4th
  15. 6 wins even gives them a little bit of a chance
  16. Have Siegel play both ways, he would be our best WR
  17. Opponents love to miss FG’s against us this year. There is still hope…
  18. It’s already been said but the thing that makes no sense is that the one side is completely blocked off and there are many empty chairs. With how many media people actually sit there they only need 1/4 of the space they have on that catwalk.
  19. So weird they didn’t go to him more in the 4th.
  20. Updates would be appreciated. Can’t watch or listen for the first half at least
  21. With a 5 game series, Ober has to go 1 more there, especially with a 3 run lead. Nick Gordon error to start the inning is going to cost them
  22. The catwalks need to be opened back up. So much wasted space with their new setup they’ve had recently.
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