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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. BigGame

    Sioux vs Winona

    Thats part of what I haven't liked, the sack was his fault (ran into the back or his lineman), On the runs it seems like he isn't just going (It looks like he has more yards available than what he's actually getting)
  2. BigGame

    Sioux vs Winona

    I haven't been very impressed with Belmore today.
  3. BigGame

    Sioux vs Winona

    I liked the cut block 10 yards behind Dressler as he was going into the endzone.
  4. BigGame

    Sioux vs Winona

    Wow, Dressler is quick!
  5. BigGame

    Sioux vs Winona

    Quarter UND with another pick!
  6. BigGame

    Sioux vs Winona

    That last Int for a TD was sweet.
  7. BigGame

    Sioux vs Winona

    The winona broadcast crew doesn't have a clue.
  8. BigGame

    Sioux vs Winona

    On the video UND is labeled NDU
  9. BigGame

    Sioux vs Winona

    I got it working, it's pretty good video but the announcers sound like they should be talking about arts and crafts.
  10. The calls my wife and I got were from Austin, TX. I got into a conversation with the guy because he grew up in the suburb next to the one I live in. So I would guess most of the people doing the call outs are pretty clueless about UND. I wonder who gave them the script?
  11. The only way to know if the actual tribe doesn't approve is by vote, which doesn't seem likely to occur.
  12. It may not be classy, but it sure is funny.
  13. Is this guy really this stupid? But it should be free, like everything else in life right. I don't know what you think your entitled to but the government hasn't given me anything and likely will not give me anything ever. The government doesn't owe people anything, if people want a better life they have to stand up, work hard, and take it for themselves. The opportunities are everywhere. Does the University sell shirts like that? These numbers have already been disputed by some far more intelligent than you. But even if your numbers were correct, UND and the state can't force people to get a college education, people make their own path in life. I see you are back to speaking for everyone again. Are you some type of elected official?
  14. I heard the broadcast, but I can't remember anything that would have offended anyone.
  15. I think the last one is Kelby Klosterman
  16. The result sure seems pretty ugly, but it didn't really seem like UND dominated. At least from listening to the first half. Of course I only know what the updates tell me about the second half, and thanks again for posting the updates.
  17. I hope he throws another TD today, not that I want UND to run up the score but it will make me feel better about having a good backup QB.
  18. If anybody is still getting the game, would please post updates.
  19. Why does this always seem to happen?
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