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Everything posted by AlphaMikeFoxtrot

  1. That's some fancy tip toeing you did around your justification of xenophobia. It was more than a little prejudice. Also, your parallel between the riots and little kids going home crying because someone called them a sand-________ is no bueno.
  2. Did you go the the Americanarama tour back in 2012? The show in MN, Jacket came on during Wilco's set and they all performed Cinammon Girl.
  3. I remember feeling embarassed to be American based on how many of my peers referred to anyone whose ethnic origins were from Turkey, India and everywhere in between as towel heads, terrorists, camel jockeys, dune coons, etc. It was truly awful for a lot of undeserving people.
  4. Wife won a contest for the Mexico festival so I went (she didn't know she'd entered, haha). It was a great time and all but I could, for example, heli-ski for the same price. Glad I got to see shows before the shut down though. They are likely going to do it again eventually. Other bands with similar followings are (or at least were) doing them annually in that region of Mexico and it's a cash cow. It was mostly people in their 40's and 50's, and a few lucky kids with cool parents. Nostalgia is lucrative. Tweedy usually has good banter with crowds but yeah, can't see him crowd-surfing; if it was 25 years ago that makes sense based on his memoir. Sedated would be a good cover, it's usually Neil Young songs that I've seen them cover and they do them really well.
  5. Is that you dad? Just kidding. Wilco is great live, I've seen them probably two dozen times. Had tickets for two nights in March before the shut down. Too young to have seen UT live, unfortunately. Can only imagine how good it was. Didn't know this song and I Wanna Be Your Dog were covers until maybe two or three years ago. My username comes from the Wilco b sides compilation, incidentally. I knew the phrase but started using it as a moniker after that was released. Wilco has a new manager that is really monetizing the hell out of them, hence the festival in Mexico and expanded merchandising/re-releases. On the plus side it'll keep them touring for a long time. They know to dig back to their Jay Bennett-era catalog too, so I'll keep attending!
  6. A pox upon the media And everything you read They tell you your opinions And they're very good indeed
  7. It's really bad, the air is awful and so many people are losing everything. I'm not in any danger but everybody knows somebody that had to evacuate.
  8. Can you find a link that's not from an ambulance chaser?
  9. I've never heard of a fatal accident involving driving while stoned, so it's hard to imagine a sudden epidemic when federal legalization eventually happens. Would you consider Ritalin, Adderall and other ADD meds (along with plenty other prescription meds) in the same boat?
  10. For me, 2pac was a better performing artist, and Biggie was a better rapper. Pac had better production (aka beats) to work with, and after attending a performing arts high school, was better at expressing himself artistically. He carried the movies he was in by basically playing himself, which speaks to how iconic his persona was. His lyrics are more accessible and enunciated too. Biggie's flow is so effortless and natural, but he was held back by puff daddy being so wack jumping in on his songs and videos. This is originally just Big L and Pac, but this remix adding a Biggie verse makes it even better with all three of the late 90s deceased rappers on one track.
  11. Hard to say, this is one of them and hardly anybody ever heard it. My first Google search ever was the lyrics to Got my mind made up to figure out what the censored words were: "sticking up ______with German _______"
  12. Fair enough. The societal upside to legalization outweighs the increased amount of stoned drivers on the road, though, in my opinion. Where I live it's legalized (after being decrminalized in the 70's), and the amount of accidents doesn't deviate from the national average, for what that's worth.
  13. If the ability to detect weed scent in cars is easy, and consuming while driving is so problematic and prevalent, then we should be hearing more about stoned driving being an epidemic. Are these cars in which you smell it damaged?
  14. I said equating weed with alcohol is not the right perspective. And I don't think fear of stoned drivers should prevent legalization.
  15. They get jealous when they see you with your mobile phone...
  16. Have you actually tried weed? Equating it with alcohol suggests you haven't. Driving stoned isn't anything like driving drunk.
  17. This is my belief too. Weed gummies instead of painkillers would work for a lot of situations.
  18. How about we legalize weed and stop over-prescribing painkillers. Seems a lot easier.
  19. Florida latinos are largely Cuban and fervently anti-communist. AZ and NM are not.
  20. Pretty sure QAnon is the future of the GOP. Pence and co are grifting while simultaneously playing the long game. Respect the hustle, hate the hustler.
  21. Pence and some hanger-ons attending a fundraiser in Bozeman hosted by QAnon freakshows. Just an embarrassment to the country.
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