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Everything posted by AlphaMikeFoxtrot

  1. He's just mad nobody wants to defend or even acknowledge him.
  2. Condolences on being a virgin/incel/etc. Elliot Rodger would be proud of you.
  3. Care to defend the meme you shared? If not it sounds like you accept what I stated about it. Screaming "das racist!!1!" Means you lost dude. If you think the meme is racist, ask the mods their opinion. Didn't you share a trashy, mysoginistic post about Kamala?
  4. He definitely gives off a mass shooter vibe when psychoanalyzing his social media presence. The actions aren't a perfect analogy by any means though.
  5. I agree. The point of the meme was to remind everyone whose actions he was defending.
  6. Okay, then let's address the memes shared. Yours: makes outlandish statements about the recently deceased while mocking him, and tries to tell the reader what to think. There's nothing in it that you couldn't have written yourself, if your compositional skills weren't so lacking. Mine: depicts numerous mass shooters, showing the parallels between their appearance and demeanor. Let's the viewer draw their own conclusion. Personally, I don't like being told what to think. Looks like you do. Again, condolences.
  7. That's good to hear, but a public charter school where no one is accredited is likely going to have quite a few teachers from the reject pile.
  8. Unless the people you are targeting don't care about education, then you can incentivize them to attend (and bring their voucher) with a free iPad or some other material object. It just needs more oversight to work.
  9. That the shooter was yet another virgin loser like many mass shooters before him.
  10. Something tells me you identify with these McLovin-lookalike incels who can't tell the difference between Call Of Duty and real life. Condolences.
  11. My wife is Latina so I'm parroting what she and her relatives say about their community. They are also a prominent family that had no problem becoming US citizens so they might be out of touch with the plight of the undocumented. My point to the OP was that the civil unrest isn't making Latinos vote Trump, it's their irrational adherence to Catholicism.
  12. Many Latinos are one issue voters re: abortion, and some of the staunchest anti-illegal immigration folks are Latinos who navigated our legal immigration process.
  13. In theory, school choice works, but some shady charter schools opened without any oversight and ruined it for everyone. Even some that philosophically match what I want in my kids' education won't get a glance from us since the teachers lack accreditation. I'd be all for school choice subsidizing my kids going to one of the top private schools in the country (it's in our neighborhood and we are already planning on sending them there), but I'm not holding out for it.
  14. They come as a package unfortunately. Although the Teacher's Union is no longer forced dues, so teachers can opt out of paying but still receive benefits. Death by 1 million opt outs. I know some bleeding heart teachers that hate their union with a passion, but the cops I know are all-in on the union. That's just based on my sample size though. Edit: we can't pick and choose public unions to fund. They are all detrimental to society in my opinion, but their endorsements are too important to politicians for any to take them on. If Trump was the rogue he says he is, he'd do it.
  15. Defund the Police Union, not the Police. Much like the Teachers' Union, it protects the worst among them, giving the rest a bad name.
  16. It's been funny watching them chomp at the bit for a surge following Sturgis.
  17. Off the top of my head, the BBC interview, the topic of coastal real estate, and most recently saying moist vaginas are not normal.
  18. Ben Shapiro has made a fool of himself enough for me to not care what he thinks. I've sought out right wing opinions on the topic (Allahpundit of hotair.com is my go to). Also, reading comprehension is not your strong suit, so I'll read the flow chart for you. I state my opinion, he says it was stupid, then separately posts Ben Shapiro video, I reply mocking how he posted that and moments later shared said video, explaining that Shapiro is a chump. Not sure how you implied I watched the video.
  19. What in my response makes you think I watched the video?
  20. Well, if he was bullied and denied military that supports saying he isn't that different from school shooters. Middle school me enjoyed this song, and while it hasn't aged well, I still agree with the sentiment.
  21. Now ask me if I care what someone who describes a MAGA hat as "baller" thinks.
  22. Curious how low he will be on the prisoner hierarchy. Aryan nation will protect him from being abused by anyone but them.
  23. Posting this right before sharing a Ben Shapiro video? Haha. Just because someone talks fast and uses bigger words than you're used to doesn't make them intelligent.
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