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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. I was just going to post the same thing.
  2. Is there anyway to get 2 tickets still to all the games? I live in Grand Forks. Let me know ASAP.
  3. "Based on how your fellow Gopher fans have treated these situations with Sioux players, I'd say yes. "
  4. I know Dagies is special and all, but c'mon. Just buy the guy a beer or something.
  5. I was thinking the same. My boss walked by and was thoroughly upset.
  6. Does the winner of the poll get a prize?
  7. Here's the same article in the Herald if you don't want to register (Pioneer Press) to view it: http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/sports/11290862.htm
  8. I agree with Fedorov. "safe for work" I work on a porn site, so I don't think people will mind.
  9. BB's now in the lead thanks to me. He is beating Andrej Meszaros by one vote 121 to 122.
  10. Futball, get some culture.
  11. We know who to blame if the Sioux lose.
  12. You meant IAA right?
  13. Cratter

    Big Dogz

    Me being blue collar and all, I love the Big Dogz. They have been featured in "Newsweek" magazine (if I remember correctly). They always seem to get and talk to a few celebrities (mainly porn stars . Today they had an interview with Bridget the Midget that's been featured on Howard Stern.). Anyone else listen, any good stories? One of my favorites was when Drew Carey was in the area driving somewhere, the Big Dogz on the radio sent out a call to people driving by him to get him to call into the show.....he finally did, but said the first few idiots forgot to put the phone number on the slip they help up. I just saw an advertisement on CBS for them that said "after ten years one is leaving." Which is weird because I've never seen them advertise on the TV before. I haven't listened in awhile. kjkj.com
  14. First off I don't really care what the coaches think. I think some people know more than others, and I think some people have negative attitudes about certain things more than others. A coach doesn't know more than any other person, all they know how to do is coach a team, excluding Glas. Obviously other coaches are going to call UND a "hockey school" cause it is. BTW, it goes both ways, UND tells it's (hockey) recruits Wisconsin is a "football" school. I just find your "cold weather" statement a bit casuistical. I prefer facts. The facts of the situation is UND is a good school athletics wise and academics wise. They have some great athletes and can compete with anyone in the country. Who would have thought UND could compete at with MN & MI at hockey 60 years ago, something makes me think you would be a disbeliever. Unfortunately someone probably didn't ask "certain people" what they thought and now the program has 7 National Titles. That said, I think UND belongs in Division 2, and so do other IAA schools, besides, NDSU and certain D2 schools belong D3 (see NSIC), but alas I don't have the answers to those questions. Maviael Sampaio, the head coach of swimming & diving, must think his team can be "competitive" against division I competition, because after all he wasn't afraid to schedule meets at Air Force, Denver, Wisconsin - Green Bay, and Minnesota. Also they seem to do alright with people not from "the area," infact the majority of them aren't from ND, MN, or WI. But go ahead and rationalize the fact.
  15. Why do you say "other than"? Because those coaches have been extremely successful recruiting top notch athletes to cold, isolated North Dakota, when some of them had the chance to go to a warmer climate? I sometimes wonder how UND is able to be competitive at the Division 2 level because of where it is located.
  16. What makes people think Roger Maris didn't take steroids? Someone can correct me but around that time steroids, I don't believe, were illegal or outlawed in Baseball, or the country, and many people found it be a wonderful drug with little or no side effects.....sorta like Cigarettes at the time.
  17. Once this happens watch more D2 schools to do the same, as UND may, hence making the current Division IAA look like the current Division 2. Then also don't be surprised that some current Division IAA schools to move to Division IA. Then one must ask what's the point? There needs to be actual standards that must be met and enforced amongst the different classifications. The only things right now is that IA teams must average 15,000 per game, with many ways to get around that and even the NCAA considering getting rid of it. Divisions should be divided among enrollment, attendance, tradition, and (possibly locale)...without having the whole school classify in one classification. Example: Schools with 10,000-20,000 enrollment & 5-15,000 in football attendance play together in Division 2 or I-AA.
  18. I can understand if Paukovich felt bad or sorry for his hit, but when you watch the replay after hitting Bina into the wall, he throws his hands up in the air like he did nothing wrong. He went full-boar into a kid with his back turned and is surprised he got a penalty? And only a 2 minute penalty...You can ask a bowler or a gymnast if that hit was "intent to injure" and it's pretty clear to everyone that it was. His past may not mean much in the hockey world, but it sure shows his true character in my opinion.
  19. Throw them away the new season starts April 7th. Thanks for posting those though.
  20. Let them yap it up all they want, the Sioux will have the last laugh.
  21. Sometimes makes me wonder if he would have had one last trick up his sleeve for Sioux fans, say something, involving his personal airplanes.
  22. A couple years ago a Division 2 team won the Division I Men's volleyball national championship! Try telling them they can't compete.
  23. Bids have been placed and are being finalized.
  24. Who's picking up the 'monster' on their way to Columbus?
  25. Cue Federov except with only one "E"!!! LETS GET THE PARTY STARTED!! COLBY'S DRIVING THE BUS.....JP'S RIDING SHOTGUN. Cue "North Dakota Hockey" 7<8!!!! Columbus, Baby!!
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