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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. http://forum.siouxsports.com/topic/9644-random-nickname-ideas/?p=703255
  2. Uh, in light of past events "And win" is a pretty bold prediction. Private club, their rules, and they can make them up on the fly (see: 2005). And at risk of repeating myself: At some point the NCAA will see through the "no name" ruse for what it is -- de facto continued use of the old name.
  3. The Unknown Soldiers in Washington DC haven't signed anything lately.
  4. Oh, I don't know. I've seen some reactions to the thought of a new moniker that seem like it. Anaphylactic shock symptoms include: shock, dizziness, shortness of breath or wheezing, and maybe some coronary distress. Sounds close.
  5. Could the NCHC pull in both Arizona schools?
  6. Heisenberg pulled Voltin off the UND list; Schlossman has pulled Voltin off his blog's "sidebar" list also.
  7. Oh ... like that's fair ... (I'm still at work!)
  8. That still list Luke Voltin and I believe he's decommitted to UND.
  9. Wow, you are significantly ahead of my feed.
  10. Stop it. STOP IT. STOP IT!
  11. iHeart.com 100.3 Cat Country
  12. Some things you just can't un-see ... even if it is just a mental image. < shiver >
  13. Under your assumption (no early departures): Lose (2D, 5F): Mattson, Panzarella, Gaarder, Parks, MarkMac, O'Donnell, Pattyn Bring in (2D, 5F): Chartrand, Wolanin, Rowe, Yon, Gardner, Gersich, Wilkie My (admittedly) guess is based on date of birth (oldest guys in pipeline come in). That would leave 4D, 4F in pipeline: Shaw, Peski, Evers, Kierstad, Bowen, Cakebread, Mattson, Senden
  14. Undoubtedly. Like I said before: We can keep wallowing and living in the past or get up and move on.
  15. Most stars are yellowish on a dark black/blue background. (You're too focused on an extinct NHL franchise's usage.)
  16. Imagine a scenario where a child is being told they have a peanut allergy: I want my peanut butter. No, you can't have that any more. But I want it. You can't. I want it. You can't. Nothing good will come of it. Here, try this instead. No. What? No. I'm not eating anything if I can't have my peanut butter. You have to eat something. No I don't. You need to eat something. If I can't have peanut butter I'm going to have nothing! Sound familiar?
  17. The state motto of Minnesota is "L'Étoile du Nord" -- the Star of the North. FAIL
  18. Probably not going to be popular with this, but I'm going to look at the child's mother: What the heck is she doing letting an absentee sperm donor (he isn't a father) discipline the child? Why not just let any bum off the street whip her kid?
  19. The NFL is using the NCAA decision making process as a model to follow --> arbitrary and capricious. That, or Don Adam is making the calls.
  20. Seems Youngstown State is playing for their playoff lives on Saturday.
  21. Folks it's not about the name ... it's about how/when/where we announce it and we missed the perfect time. We should've asked the NCAA for five minutes during the pre-game of a recently televised FBS game, the five minutes right after the flaming spear went into the ground in the game between the Florida State Seminoles and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. The NCAA has a policy against nicknamed based on "race, ethnicity, or national origin".
  22. On that last third down I was confused until I realized the situation. When I realized they'd lined the ball up where they wanted it between the hashes on second down and that they were out of TOs and just burning the clock down I relaxed. (It didn't hurt that Garmin was in the backfield calming guys down.) So, spike on third, win on fourth made sense. The only thing that gets me now is that they didn't take the clock down further. Oh well, more learning. When you have limited numbers of WRs and those aren't getting open, passing is not a good plan.
  23. Yup. Nailed it. Purpur applied for the UC Davis job (didn't get it). Why? Davis and Palo Alto (Stanford) are 100 miles apart (basically from the south SF Bay to the north SF Bay). That's the climate his family is looking for. If someone can pull strings to get that climate and topography to the northern Red River Valley I'm sure they'll be able to leave the San Andreas Fault behind too.
  24. Yeah, you want a lot of things. However, if the %gobc was as "well connected" as claimed you'd know getting Purpur to UND is a pipedream as his wife does has no interest in moving to the midwest.
  25. Maybe something positive came out of the botched FG against Montana: this time a freshman kicking unit executed like fifth-year seniors to win. Jer Garmin looked like a leader out there with under 20 seconds on the clock. He calmed Studsrud down. I hope Keaton had his mental notebook out. This is the game Mollberg talked about earlier this year: a game where a team that knows it's right there, so close, comes back and wins. Remember this game, the comeback, the win. This could be the first toehold on the climb up. This game reaffirmed some things I guess I knew but ... - some more linemen (O and D) would be good - the secondary needs help - the WR corps needs help - this offensive scheme needs more than one healthy, reliable back
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