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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. As I stated: Am I happy about how all this played out? No. Do I wish August 5, 2005 never happened? Yes. But where we are now is the reality we must live in and how this is playing out now does not shine well on UND or the State. This is not how North Dakotans do business. We follow through on agreements and contracts.
  2. The point is the passion for the institution remains no matter the nickname, if the passion was for the institution and not just the nickname and picture. It matters not the institution that carries the passion for the comparison to be valid (HS, college, or even pro ... see: Washington Bullets Wizards fans, if there are any). You may continue with your fruit now.
  3. The 0:41 second mark ...
  4. Sundogs was first put out there by BRIDGES, the group behind the old moniker being removed. They like it because a sundog looks like a diversity rainbow. < unicorn puke here > Goon just picked up the water bucket for them.
  5. I love it because it exposes the hypocrisy of the NCAA, but were the NCAA to actually read their own policy they'd nail us again. Why? Their Policy prohibits nicknames relating to "race, ethnicity, or national origin" ... but they only selectively enforce it.
  6. The only "cutesy" name I could live with is "SCOUNDRELS". --> Go Rogue! But I suspect they'd pick a relative of "Ranger Rick" for the mascot.
  7. One last thing: If you don't believe Arkansas State fans were passionate for their Indians you don't believe what you typed above. But now the Arkansas State Red Wolves carry that same passion. Common factor? Arkansas State University.
  8. The UND Procrastinators.
  9. I think Hak should pull in the bottom nine forwards and let them know this weekend decides who plays and who watches for the rest of the year.
  10. The eastern voters don't know MSU-Mankow from UM-Dull? You second sentence is the key.
  11. Ohio State has merged the size and power approach of the BIG with the speed of the SEC. That's scary.
  12. Yes, it is about passion. It's about passion for the University of North Dakota. The University of North Dakota always came, and will always come, before Fighting Sioux or any other nickname. My passion is for first things first -- the University of North Dakota. My point that you completely missed, is that people will always have passion for the familiar and will resist change, especially so for North Dakotans, and especially change foisted upon them by outsiders (see: Devils Lake HS, Wahpeton HS, GF Central HS, UND, Arkansas State). I intentionally picked three ND HS to show this. But, more importantly, the unfamiliar becomes familiar and times change. But the passion, if truly in the right place, will not. Ask Luke Johnson and he's a Knight and a ... well, he's "to be determined"; ask his dad Steve Johnson and he's a Redskin and a Sioux. I guarantee you the passion is as strong in each ... for Grand Forks Central and the University of North Dakota. So, yababy, are you passionate for your University ... or for a word and a picture.
  13. ... in your opinion. And I'd say it's been more than three years. The handwriting was on the wall in August 2005 when this policy first saw light of day. As far as the majority being angry, the only majority I can point to with empirical evidence is the majority of voters who voted to retire the name. The main reason to choose a new nickname is to comply with the settlement agreement which states, "If UND does not adopt a new nickname and logo ... UND will be returned to the list of institutions subject to the Policy." Before you say it, "UND" is not a nickname it's an abbreviation of "the University of North Dakota" and it's not new (see the wording quoted from the Settlement Agreement); additionally, the lack of a nickname is not a nickname so the new criteria is not met there either. If I (a non-lawyer ) can realize that we're one peevish NCAA attorney away from being stuck in court ... again ... or worse. Here's where I'm at: We lost. Yeah, the game was probably rigged against us, but we lost just the same. I refuse to continue to act as a petulant child for a decade, especially in light of other schools who lost the same game the same way who've already moved on and moved forward.
  14. And that starts with the little things: winning draws; winning battles along the boards; winning races to pucks. I didn't see a whole lot of those three Friday night.
  15. Yes, but at the time the Herald board sat idly by and watched the bully run roughshod over UND because it fit their (politically correct) paradigm. To me that makes them something between useful idiots and willing accomplices. Saying it less subtly, the Herald sat back and watched a potential First Amendment issue play out and didn't realize they exist only by the grace of the same First Amendment.
  16. "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." -- Albert Einstein
  17. That's her.
  18. tjamz: You do realize you are making the case that things can change ... and quickly.
  19. Here we agree. Wrong climate. Wrong facility. (This is where I normally go on a diversion about how lacrosse makes much more sense for UND: we have facilities in Alerus and the ITF; we could recruit Canada where the sport is huge, and the Twin Cities where the sport is growing; we'd probably get more (Canadian visitor) fans out for one game than we get for a season for baseball.)
  20. I don't disagree that women's hockey is pure "red ink", but, given Title IX compliance was a hidden driver behind womens hockey, what's your solution to keep UND in compliance with the Federal law called Title IX?
  21. OPEC raises production, price drops, we take the sucker play of cheap oil today and they control us. The US stops drilling, stops building pipelines and infrastructure, and then OPEC cuts production, prices rise, and OPEC controls us. Sounds like win-win for OPEC (down and up) ... unless the US controls what's its to control.
  22. Please, do tell. Also, do know that I'm ready with a simple retort of "Arkansas State".
  23. If anything is going to drive more changes in the NCAA in Division I, this is it. http://www.argusleader.com/story/sports/2015/01/11/chance-changes-ncaa-convention/21615837/
  24. Wins. Fans will come after that.
  25. I've noticed that. The solution? Teach everyone the "QB slide" when they're approaching that.
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