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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. I don't wear yellow much less an XS. If you buy me anything at Scheel's with an "X" in it, it should be an "XDM".
  2. So they've had a logo, they're exploring a new logo, and have a nickname.
  3. Can I guess? He chose the alternating yellow and green pleated skirt. What do I win? Please don't say a picture of him wearing it.
  4. I can define the Wild's problem in three words: Too. Many. Gophers. The NHL game is played along the wall. You don't find Gophers there.
  5. ... in your opinion. Again, "wrong judge, wrong court, wrong day" and ... BOOM! ... UND is subject to the Policy. It comes down to the interpretation and implementation (actual or spirit) of the word "new". I make no bold predictions of how that would come out. Another court battle, and those costs, just to lose, is just digging the hole deeper. Heck, even if you win you've lost in the arena of public opinion (more public spending; the 60% of the survey that said be done with picking a new name in a year). There is one sure-fire way to make sure the phrase "new nickname" is met.
  6. The University of Michigan, with it's established lettermark (above), still has a nickname. And it has a (admittedly seldom used) logo or two of a wolverine. http://www.gamafoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/michigan-logo.gif http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b183/M33NTS/blockwolverine.png Found at http://vpcomm.umich.edu/brand/: “A brand is the most valuable piece of real estate in the world: a corner of someone’s mind.” - John Hegarty Michigan's brand, famous as they are, still includes the block M, a nickname, and a logo.
  7. I'm going to pick this at random ... never mind Hal Gershman's letters about "no nickname is fine" to the GF Herald. Say the phrase "Bottle Shops" was banned by the FCC from all advertising. (Wild, outlandish, yes, but let's just say.) Would "Happy Harry's Bottle Shops" go with just "Happy Harry's" in their ads, logo, and website, or would they become "Happy Harry's Wines and Liquors"?
  8. That's 300,000 square feet. For comparison, The Ralph, Alerus Center, and FargoDome range from 400,000 to 500,000 square feet.
  9. From a recent tweet from @UNDfootball
  10. Now if they raced your Laser against a Ford Probe GT we might have something ...
  11. As Chewey stated, and I do agree with his statement: That ambiguity (does "no nickname" meet the "new nickname" verbiage of the Settlement?) means that UND is "the wrong judge in the wrong court on the wrong day" away from being subject to the NCAA Policy. There is one sure-fire way to avoid that: Choose a new nickname.
  12. The fact is you're in the minority based on the survey results. From the GF Herald reporting on the results:
  13. You mean the one that said: "If UND does not adopt a new nickname and logo ... UND will be returned to the list of institutions subject to the Policy." They borrowed my car to drive back from the NCAA office with their tails between their legs.
  14. It means you're going to be stuck where you're at for a long time. And I refuse to continue to be held captive to the old name. Like I said:
  15. A lot of people said the old car sucked too. That's why it's on blocks now. If you're happy with where you're at (no car, the old one on blocks, stuck to things in walking distance, reliving the days of driving the old car) great, but you're not going anywhere far or fast. If you want to get somewhere get a car and go. Like I've said before:
  16. I'm also stuck to a world that is within walking distance. I'd like to go places. Not replacing the car is holding me back.
  17. You mean like how they only use the press box laser at REA for the (Saturday, second intermission) light show?
  18. So we've found our next Oakland Raiders quarterback.
  19. Better question: Can I get to where I want to be without a car?
  20. Approves.
  21. A (long) interesting read even though it is Slate.com: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_eye/2015/01/13/university_of_north_dakota_is_in_search_of_a_nickname_and_logo_to_replace.html EDIT: Better link. http://www.emblemetric.com/2015/01/13/what-next-north-dakota/ Some of the information is "off" or opinion, but it's worth a read if nothing else for these factoids: There is good advice in there.
  22. "Tampa Bay Tampa Bay" -- Denny Green
  23. There was conversation about here in the past about how that data was reported. I don't recall the outcome so I'll let someone else deal finding that information. Indeed. And that ambiguity means that UND is the "the wrong judge in the wrong court on the wrong day" away from being subject to the NCAA Policy. There is one sure-fire way to avoid that: Choose a new nickname*. *Absence of a nickname is not a "new" nickname. It'd be like me putting my car in storage (because it didn't meet 'NCAA emissions standards' ) and then when someone at work asks me about my new car I point to an empty parking spot in the lot and say, "There it is."
  24. Apparently you didn't read my statement the way it was intended. You don't hear those any more, but those institutions are doing just fine. Their fans and supporters are still there. The world didn't end for them. They moved on. Same for Arkansas State. They moved on. UND can and will do the same. Side note: Removing the old nickname comes under the category of "I don't like it, but I have to do it" for me. Choosing a new one is the same category. I refuse to live under the specter of the old moniker because it continues to give power to the folks who took it away. Choosing a new moniker finally kicks the soap box out from under them ... and I so look forward to that day.
  25. Passionate sports fans are passionate sports fans, see: Texas HS football, or Grand Forks Redskins fans during that transition. The comparison was about institutions with passion coming through a name change. That's what you're not seeing. And have you had your morning orange yet?
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