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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Questions for Chaves came slow (Kennedy joked not that easy on him). First question on his background and family. Not about him but university and student-athlete. Born in New England, Red Sox, Celtics, and WHALERS fan. < play Brass Bonanza here > This is a big deal for many and he understands that. Kennedy, Chaves going to Fargo for BB game and visit with NDSU president and AD. Was at Quinnipiac, UMass, Northeastern. Mainly spent time with junior game recently (Spokane Chiefs). (compliments REA facility) Getting other sports to another level. UND not a teenager in DI yet. Kennedy acknowledges Danielle Irle going on. Kennedy give Chaves a green hockey jersey (with 16?)
  2. Chaves: < thanks band, cheer team > Heard name pronounced many ways over his 51 years, but now, Chaves rhymes with Toews ... Thank yous: Kennedy, search committee, Carr Sports Associates and Bill Carr, EWU, Cheney/Spokane, Faison and his department, Humbled, honored, exciting opportunity, To Summit, rekindling rivalries. How do I make decisions? Is it good for student athlete, the department, university, State. Asks athletes to earn degree, be a leader in action, do their best in a short time. How can we lift everything up? Likes the One UND strategic plan. Listening tour to hear constituencies. Listen, then activate. Faculty, staff, athletics platform to grow UND Community: looking forward to knowing and working with Alums: make you proud. Actually admitted and held up alumni fundraising arm sticker! Wha-the ... Choked up talking about family. Ten years at EWU, expects that here.
  3. < opening platitudes by Kennedy > Kennedy on Chaves: Knows what it takes to win FCS championship Improved BB at EWU Attract good coaches and students...
  4. The pep band and cheer team? And Peter Johnson batting lead-off? < facepalm >
  5. Idalski's notion to hire a Swedish assistant to recruit Nordic Olympian Euros seems to have badly backfired. They didn't deliver. In retrospect, it's very easy to speculate he'd have been better off mining MN Section 8, ND, and the North American prep schools for players.
  6. I learned long ago: The first line item in your job expectations is: train your replacement. The second line item is: learn your next job so you're ready when you're needed. If you haven't trained your replacement, and learned enough for the next job, you'll never move up.
  7. Dude, driving a long round trip in -20F or worse ...
  8. How many miles round trip are you driving?
  9. Not in at least two years. Gave up on the narrow-minded xenophobia.
  10. I think about posting there and tony has me locked down.
  11. Did they include ads on hockey jerseys? @MafiaMan is a huge fan of ads on hockey jerseys.
  12. It's a generational thing. The age group that grew up with "on demand programming" and streaming and monster TVs in their homes isn't as likely to attend a game in person. And those folks are starting to enter the prior generations' ticket buying ages. Throw in that the last couple home series weekends have been ugly-cold and there's what you're seeing.
  13. We'll choose to not use the same modus operandi as your home board, thank you.
  14. I admire your honestly. Streveler is better than Stick.
  15. The committee shouldn't know the president needs an AD to run his FCS athletics department that includes a top-tier hockey program?
  16. If Faison was leaving a department that was humming along like a well-oiled machine, with experienced staff in all roles (not staff that just got outside review by 300 Twamley's consultants to see if they had the right skills mix), sure MM would be good to bring in and as he said in his interview, depend on this staff. That's not where the department is right now. But, now is not the time to bring in a guy (no disrespect intended) that does not know what he does not know. Right now you need an AD that has "been there, done that", that knows what's what, and can recognize strengths and weaknesses in the department. Alternatively, Kennedy did a very smart thing: He brought to his staff what he doesn't have, namely, a ton of NCAA/Athletics administrative experience. Good leaders don't surround themselves with clones or "yes-men", they surround themselves with people that fill in their own weaknesses.
  17. They're gonna need a proctologist to get their horseshoe and rabbit's foot back.
  18. Hey, I turned off each NFC Divisional game with about 1:15 left in the game. So, who all y'all pickin' when ATL is at NO this weekend?
  19. Not even the much beloved Subway Holiday Classic?
  20. No votes. Slap-offs.
  21. This is a glaring problem.
  22. The music therapy department feels your pain.
  23. You missed my question: What are you doing (besides grousing)?
  24. So, moser, what are you doing to make something like that happen in Grand Forks County? You starting a business that'll add jobs and families and revenues? You raising funds with a vision of a place like that? Or you just grousing? You don't have to answer. The question is rhetorical.
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