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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. < golf clap >
  2. Strangely enough, public records and all.
  3. Never took the time to look that one (and its many forms, space, no space, one cap, two caps) up.
  4. Someone may lose their ‘S’ when this is all said and done.
  5. I have no idea who ‘83 is but I know trolling when I see it. Yet you are positing that the NCAA is actively behaving in the least professional manner possible and claim this has merit. Your view of the NCAA must be lower than mine. At least my assessment is based on direct observations of actions taken and not assumed conspiratorial activities. And everyone who is anyone knows biggest troll on this board is an ongoing competition between @MafiaMan and @Blackheart and @Oxbow6 .
  6. His Iowa State page says “management major” and Twitter says he’s graduated. Seems he’s in need of UND’s MBA or MPA program.
  7. So you’ve got nothing. Or was that weak sauce trolling. (Trolling is against forum guidelines but I’d have to recuse myself and let a different moderator make the call.)
  8. Yes, UND acquired and released NODAKS (plural) in 2015. Now UND is using the singular NODAK on jerseys.
  9. Coming from the bucket of chuckles you appear to be that’s quite the retort. I’m sure ‘83 is devastated. And for the record, I don’t talk to anyone about you. Nary a second thought. YMMV.
  10. Everyone needs to throttle back on the name calling.
  11. As the MVFC representative he’s supposed to represent … the MVFC.
  12. At least AM 1130 out of Bismarck had Saturday’s football game.
  13. So Matt is a go-along-get-along guy. <— That’s not complementary. And if the NCAA is behaving as you claim, that’s the opposite of “professional conduct”.
  14. Oh no, that was last year’s criteria. This is based on … well, um, whatever crap they make up this time.
  15. MAAC: https://maacsports.com MAC: https://getsomemaction.com Not the same. And the Midcontinental Conference went by MCC.
  16. Are you saying there are some we could send down from here and yet have the average IQ of both places go up?
  17. Back in 2015, UND trademarked “NODAKS” (without the “F” word) and then released it after it lost the vote.
  18. Would the trademark owner do that?
  19. In a word: triple.
  20. The MAAC is not the MAC and you mean the MAC.
  21. See: Weber State They just bulldoze straight ahead for the most part.
  22. So who made the final 16? According to Massey it is: 28 at 11 (UNH at HC) 38 at 10 (Gard Webb at W&M) 7 at 9 (Furman at Inc Word) 25 at 2 (Delaware at SDSU) 5 at 4 (Weber at Mont St) 22 at 6 (SELA at Samford) 8 at 3 (Montana at NDSU) 17 at 1 (Richmond at Sac St) If those 16 were seeded "Massey": 38 at 1 (GW at Sac) 28 at 2 (UNH at SDSU) 25 at 3 (Delaware at NDSU) 22 at 4 (SELA at Mont St) 17 at 5 (Richmond at Weber) 11 at 6 (HC at Samford) 10 at 7 (W&M at Furman) 9 at 8 (Inc Word at Montana)
  23. Is it more what or who?
  24. The Sicatoka


    After a 38-31 loss at Weber UND is ... Up one to 14 in Massey UND at 16 in Sagarin
  25. FCS is becoming unpredictable in its operations. Seven wins minimum is the criteria ... until it's not. Better bid is the criteria ... until it's not, ... unless you have a "name and reputation". Performance is the criteria ... < wait for it, it's coming > ... Now regionalization is being questioned by some of the names of FCS (see: Montana State coach recent comments regarding having to play Weber now). Dare I say FCS is becoming ... Division II all over again. The DI reformation committee is rumored to be strongly considering elimination of the "15,000 average attendance" for FBS. That is the only present FBS requirement UND does not meet. If UND will continually face "until it's not" FCS standards, why not go FBS. There it is "six wins" to be bowl eligible. Done. One objective criterion. Outlandish? You bet. 100%. Huge challenges? Yes. I'm off the rails? Yup. Haven't been on them in a while. And I've made hundreds of arguments against FBS, and probably would here again, but I'm tossing the idea out just the same. In review, UND outbidding Weber and being sent on the road is right? UND not getting in with seven and a six getting in instead? FCS not following their own bracketing criteria (Idaho is closer to Weber and those two did not play this regular season) this year is acceptable? "Names" (see: Montana) getting home games as a "last in" or because "their QB was hurt" is sensible? It's crazy, full guano loco, but this time UND would lead. In closing and under the assumptions that (a) the "15k" rule goes away and (b) the FBS criteria do not become vastly more strenuous to meet, why not get out of FCS before it becomes more "stogies and scotch" in its operations than it already is.
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