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Everything posted by The Sicatoka
Robbing a mail carrier in Fargo (OK, Frontier, across 52nd) today is next level dumb. https://kfgo.com/2023/07/17/mail-carrier-robbed-at-gunpoint-south-of-fargp/
WDAY TV just said “the State and Feds” have taken over the investigation. State, sure; but Feds? What makes this Federal?
I’ve witnessed crimes in that Walmart lot. I avoid it ever since.
The body was found in Moorhead. Are you claiming something else? His foundation site says, "Tom was at NDSU for only four short weeks when he was murdered on September 20, 2014. At the time of this posting, the specifics to Tom’s death have not been released, ... " He was last seen in Fargo leaving a party (from media report).
One fewer potential. https://www.valleynewslive.com/2023/07/14/fargo-man-arrested-attempted-murder-allegedly-attacking-another-man/
Absent the chief (who yes was away), putting a police PIO at a microphone before the conveyance at 9PM from Sanford to the CC Coroner's Office would have been correct. A simple one sentence (no questions) statement, fallen officer, no name until notifications, was all that was needed. Local TV media ("kids" on a Friday night) either were speculating or had no clue. A twitter statement from FPD came about midnight.
I've posted nothing on this topic at B'ville, only here. Look for yourself. I'm not sure they are even talking about it. My questions are questions the media and the community are asking, including local radio. To my mind, the line that was crossed was naming (including photo) the officer that ended the situation. That is reckless at best.
For a chief that talked "transparency" to get the job, it was a 24 hour wait to see him at a podium. https://www.kvrr.com/2020/08/20/committee-recommends-david-zibolski-become-next-fargo-police-chief/ And when he was there, each member of the media got one turn at the microphone. If you didn't know that you got one question and were done and that's straight from the WZFG/WDAY-AM reporter at the press conference. The city wanted, no, still wants, to know what is going on. Mayor Mahoney did a better job giving answers.
As a "north division" you'd try to set it up that you play everyone in your division but only part of the other divisions to limit travel. See: NCHC pods plan. It's why conferences try to go to 12 for 6&6. In FB that's five division games and half the other for 8 conf FB games. The next year you play the other half of the other.
I think the Dakota4 as a "north division" of something makes better fiscal sense for all (the Dak4 and the host conference).
Agree. And I've been made aware that Chaves and former UM AD O'Day talk. That interview of O'Day, the content, didn't surprise Chaves.
Full story, no paywall: https://sports.yahoo.com/und-plans-spend-nearly-1-003200880.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAI33thZ9HM9aQw5sbV9dtGMPSmSK1DuDsV0HeTtTueE6oYqkxeZRMQ70HxL369JfVxfXF0UIxtQJ-5WaoVrU5bt4gqOmCA3Q6twELzUKBqTcbj4RVYGirgIhF17huMJo_WMi_q1hoGMFPDr4QW1TK-kSYJ0oAZHVGD2kIRdIulw-
@AJS ... could you put an D/F/G next to the guys? I can't keep all the far prospects straight. Gracias.
Sam Spehar's dad Dave ushered to a "seat" at the 1999 Final Five, courtesy Chad Mazurak. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSjOCmNEYZo And Sam, if you're reading this, be kind to the old man with it. He's still your father. EDIT: I just realized that's Jackson Blake's dad helping Dave Spehar find the bottom of the player's bench. SECOND EDIT: Just for @geaux_sioux ... look at all the fishbowls!
Fargo, 0600 hours, Fri Jul 14: Nine hours later ... And the public has been told next to nothing, and in one way the wrong thing. Were these two events associated or unrelated? Retaliation? Why were the FBI, the ATF, US Marshals, and ND BCI all at the shooter's apartment an hour after? Why was the entire complex evacuated for 12+ hours after law enforcement arrival? Why was Fargo Fire called in for a boom truck to look before entry? Why was a robot and a drone deployed before entry? We have a shooter's name, but no photo, 60 hours later? Yet the (weak press conference, weaker presence) chief says he was "known" to FPD? How are the civilian by-standers that were hurt in the events? How does FPD and Mayor Mahoney respond to the AM1100 The Flag Saturday afternoon question, "Is Fargo safe?", after this, and Jupiter Paulson, and a 16 year old in May. Are we going to let this be put down the "Vegas Route 91" memory hole also?
Been avoiding for some reason. https://www.wistv.com/2021/06/08/14-year-old-passes-away-after-brutal-assault/?outputType=amp This past week won’t improve the growing perception (reality?). FPD Twitter the last week is monstrous ending in horror. Fargo radio (1100) Saturday afternoon was openly asking, “Is Fargo safe.” If I do go, it’s licensed and not empty.
That’s one of our nattering nabobs of negativism being protected from learning Chaves gets important work done.
With the Amazon expansions in Fargo that retail will be killed off as well.
And you do not put out the name and image of the officer that stopped the criminal. Period.
Weakest press conference by a chief with a fallen officer I’ve yet to witness. He’s lucky I’m not mayor of Fargo.
1959 1963 1980 1982 1987 1997 2000 … but it was Lennon going to SIU … Perspective …
Beam me up, Scottie.
Rule 2: 11 + 1 = 13 To understand that in a conference mindset ... https://frankthetank.org/2009/12/27/the-big-ten-expansion-index-a-different-shade-of-orange/
... coupl'a rocket surgeons there ... (and yes, I've met John Thune, shook his hand, talked in a SD factory)